Search Results - "Márcia Wulff Schuch"
Grape-based residue as a substrate in Oncidium baueri Lindl. acclimatization
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (01-04-2022)“…Abstract The use of agricultural residues as a substrate is a promising option for orchid acclimatization, which is a critical stage of micropropagation. Thus,…”
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Concentrations of cytokinin and the use of agricultural residues in the in vitro propagation media of highbush blueberry
Published in Ciência rural (01-01-2020)“…The objective of the research was to evaluate cytokinin concentrations and agricultural residues as physical structuring agents of the culture medium in the in…”
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Quality of light and indolbutyric acid in vitro rooting of lavender
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (01-03-2020)“…Abstract Lavender, an aromatic and medicinal plant, used in the extraction of essential oil, as an ornamental and meliferous plant, can be successfully…”
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Does propagation method affect the field performance of peach trees?
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-01-2017)“…Worldwide, peach propagation has been performed mainly by grafting scions of desirable cultivars on rootstocks obtained from seeds. There are, however, other…”
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Carvão ativado no estabelecimento in vitro de cultivares de framboeseira
Published in Revista de ciências agroveterinárias (01-01-2018)“…A propagação da framboeseira (Rubus idaeus L.) é comumente realizada a partir da estacas de raízes. Embora, os frutos possuam sementes viáveis, a reprodução…”
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Advances in the spread of vegetative blueberry
Published in Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (01-01-2019)“…Abstract The lack of an efficient method of propagation in some cultivars makes it difficult to expand the blueberry culture. In Brazil, we still do not…”
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Produção e qualidade de frutos de mirtileiros sob diferentes intensidades de poda
Published in Ciência rural (01-12-2014)“…O sistema de poda do mirtileiro (Vaccinium ashei Read) utilizado no país se fundamenta em estudos realizados em locais com condições edafoclimáticas distintas…”
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Avaliação da fidelidade genotípica por marcadores RAPDs de brotações de pereira (Pyrus communis L.) cv. Carrick, regeneradas in vitro
Published in Ciência rural (2003)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fidelidade genotípica de brotações de pereira (Pyrus communis L.) cultivar Carrick, regeneradas in vitro, utilizando…”
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Collection positions in the branch, humic substances and indolebutyric acid in ‘Arbequina’ olive minicuttings
Published in Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (01-01-2021)“…Abstract Obtaining quality plantlets is essential for the expansion of olive growing in Brazil. Olive tree plantlets are produced by cuttings and the great…”
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Desempenho de mudas de mirtilo obtidas por micropropagação ou estaquia
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-08-2011)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento vegetativo e o início do período produtivo de mirtilos (Vaccinium virgatum) propagados por estaquia e…”
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Enraizamento in vitro de mirtilo em condições fotoautotróficas
Published in Ciência rural (2009)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do enraizamento fotoautotrófico de mirtilo (Vaccinium ashei Reade), cultivar 'Delite', comparando o efeito…”
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Advances in vegetative propagation of Olive tree
Published in Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (01-01-2019)“…Abstract In Brazil, there is a growing interest in the crop of the olive tree, especially in those regions considered suitable for cultivation, where low…”
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Aluminium-induced effects on growth, morphogenesis and oxidative stress reactions in in vitro cultures of quince
Published in Scientia horticulturae (03-06-2010)“…The effects of Al 3+ [supplied as Al 2(SO 4) 3·18H 2O] addition to culture media (pH 4.0) on growth, morphogenesis (in leaf explants), and oxidative stress…”
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Chemical and sensory analysis of juices and cuts of ‘Bordô’ and ‘Niágara Rosada’ grapes
Published in Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (2019)“…Abstract the aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical characteristics and sensory acceptance of juices and cuts of ‘Bordô’ and ‘Niágara Rosada’ grapes…”
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Rooting of herbaceous minicuttings of peach rootstock under effect of indolebutyric acid (IBA)
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-02-2015)“…The use of rootstocks resulting from sexual propagation is a major problem that peach crop has in Brazil, reflecting the lack of plant homogeneity, which…”
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Meio de cultura, concentração de AIB e tempo de cultivo no enraizamento in vitro de amoreira-preta e framboeseira
Published in Revista Brasileira de fruticultura (01-06-2009)“…A propagação da amoreira-preta e da framboeseira dá-se principalmente por meio de estacas de raiz e mesmo de hastes novas, contudo, já é crescente o interesse…”
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Diferentes substratos e ambientes no enraizamento in vitro de mirtilo
Published in Ciência rural (2009)“…O objetivo neste trabalho foi comparar a capacidade de enraizamento in vitro de mirtilo (Vaccinium ashei Reade cv. 'Delite' e V. corymbosum L. cv…”
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Multiplicação e alongamento in vitro do porta-enxerto de Prunus
Published in Bioscience journal (01-02-2009)“…Este trabalho foi realizado na UFPel/RS em 2005, e objetivou verificar o efeito do BAP e GA3 nas fases de multiplicação e alongamento dos explantes do…”
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Development of ‘Maciel’ peach trees on different propagation systems
Published in Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (01-01-2018)“…Abstract The development of new technologies for seedling production is essential in fruit growing. In this context, the objective was to compare vegetative…”
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Multiplicação fotoautotrófica in vitro de pereiras 'Abate Fetel'
Published in Ciência rural (2010)“…Novas cultivares de pereira têm sido introduzidas no Brasil, como a 'Abate Fetel'. A produção de mudas de qualidade dessa cultivar é necessária, sendo possível…”
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