Search Results - "Luna Maldonado, A"
The cholesterol levels in median nerve and post-mortem interval evaluation
Published in Forensic science international (01-08-2016)“…Highlights • The post-mortem cholesterol levels (CHOL) in the median nerves were studied. • The samples were collected at increasing post-mortem intervals…”
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Sociodemographic factors affecting the comprehension of clinical information by inpatients undergoing trauma surgery
Published in Revista española de cirugía ortopédica y traumatología (01-09-2019)“…The clinical information process is the basis of the doctor–patient relationship. It starts with the information provided before signing informed consent and…”
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Determinantes sociodemográficos de la comprensión de la información clínica en pacientes hospitalizados intervenidos de cirugía traumatológica
Published in Revista española de cirugía ortopédica y traumatología (01-09-2019)“…ResumenIntroducciónEl proceso de la información clínica es el pilar de la relación médico-paciente; comienza con la información proporcionada antes de la firma…”
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Development and validation of a gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method for opiates and cocaine in human bone
Published in Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (05-02-2019)“…•A GC–MS procedure for determination of opiates and cocaine in human bone is described.•It was validated and successfully applied to real bone samples from…”
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Is bioethical training useful in preparing doctors to take decisions in the emergency room?
Published in Medicine and law (2004)“…We study the decisions taken in five real cases by 178 doctors working in hospital emergency services and compare their decisions with those proposed a…”
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Calidad del registro de la información acerca del consumo de antiinflamatorios y analgésicos en la Historia clínica del Centro de Salud
Published in Semergen, medicina de familia (01-01-2012)“…ResumenIntroducciónAnalizar en las historias clínicas de un centro de salud la existencia o no de datos acerca del proceso de información sobre los efectos…”
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Análisis de los intentos de autolisis en un área de salud. 2008-2010
Published in Semergen, medicina de familia (01-10-2012)“…Resumen Objetivo Se trata de estudiar el porcentaje de pacientes con intentos de autolisis valorados en un área de salud sin psiquiatra de guardia y analizar…”
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La especialidad de Medicina Legal y Forense en la encrucijada: La crisis como oportunidad
Published in Cuadernos de medicina forense (01-09-2011)Get full text
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Agresiones físicas en prisión, la enfermedad mental como factor de riesgo asociado
Published in Revista española de sanidad penitenciaria (01-02-2014)Get full text
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Physical attacks in prison, mental illness as an associated risk factor
Published in Revista espanola de sanidad penitenciaria (2014)“…To analyze physical victimization in the prison population, taking into account the existence of some kind of mental illness, in the prison of Albolote…”
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La especialidad de Medicina Legal y Forense en la encrucijada: La crisis como oportunidad
Published in Cuadernos de medicina forense (01-09-2011)Get full text
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Study of sociodemographic and psychopathological risk factors in suicide attempts. 2008-2010
Published in Semergen, medicina de familia (01-10-2012)“…The aim of this study is to determine the sociodemographic and psychopathological features and risk factors associated with suicide attempts. A descriptive…”
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Quality recording of information in the health centre medical records on the use of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs
Published in Semergen, medicina de familia (01-01-2012)“…To examine medical records within a health centre to determine whether there are data in the information process on the secondary effects and interactions of…”
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Agresiones físicas en prisión, la enfermedad mental como factor de riesgo asociado
Published in Revista española de sanidad penitenciaria (01-02-2014)“…Objetivos: Analizar la victimización física en la población penitenciaria teniendo en cuenta la existencia de algún tipo de enfermedad mental en el Centro…”
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Estudio del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y conflictividad familiar en sujetos condenados por delitos de violencia de género
Published in Cuadernos de medicina forense (01-09-2014)“…La violencia de género es actualmente un importante problema de salud pública debido a su magnitud y repercusiones sociosanitarias en la víctima. El objetivo…”
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The patient's right to information: influence of socio-professional factors in primary care
Published in Atención primaria (15-02-2006)“…To describe the information provided by primary care doctors to their patients in different phases of the care provision process and to analyse any…”
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La data de la muerte, un desafío no resuelto
Published in Revista española de medicina legal (2010)Get full text
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Aminopeptidase and cathepsin A activity in vitreous humour in relation to causes of death
Published in Acta medicinae legalis et socialis (1984)Get more information
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Study of free fatty acids pericardial fluid behaviour in relation to different causes of death
Published in Acta medicinae legalis et socialis (1984)Get more information
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