Search Results - "Luis Quintanar Robles"

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  1. 1

    Gravity evidence for shaping of the crustal structure of the Ameca graben (Jalisco block northern limit). Western Mexico by Alatorre-Zamora, Miguel Angel, Campos-Enríquez, José Oscar, Fregoso-Becerra, Emilia, Quintanar-Robles, Luis, Toscano-Fletes, Roberto, Rosas-Elguera, José

    Published in Journal of South American earth sciences (01-03-2018)
    “…The Ameca tectonic depression (ATD) is located at the NE of the Jalisco Block along the southwestern fringe of the NW-SE trending Tepic-Zacoalco Rift, in the…”
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    Attenuation of Coda Waves in the Central Region of the Gulf of California, México by Rodríguez-Lozoya, Héctor E., Domínguez R., Tonatiuh, Quintanar Robles, Luis, Aguilar Meléndez, Armando, Rodríguez-Leyva, Héctor E., Plata Rocha, Wenseslao, García Páez, Fernando

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-06-2017)
    “…Coda waves were analyzed from events recorded by NARS seismic network deployed along both margins of the Gulf of California, Mexico, to estimate coda…”
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    Active segment of the 12 November 2003 Mw 5.6 earthquake at Salsipuedes oceanic basin, Gulf of California. Mexico by López-Pineda, Leobardo, Quintanar Robles, Luis, Huerta López, Carlos Isidro, Roríguez Lozoya, Héctor Enrique

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-01-2014)
    “…Analizamos el registro de ocho estaciones autónomas con sismógrafos de banda ancha de la red conjunta entre la Universidad de Utrecht, Instituto Tecnológico de…”
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    Seismic activity and stress tensor inversion at Las Tres Vírgenes Volcanic and Geothermal Field (México) by Antayhua-Vera, Yanet, Lermo-Samaniego, Javier, Quintanar-Robles, Luis, Campos-Enríquez, Oscar

    “…We analyze local earthquakes occurring between 2003 and 2012 at the Las Tres Vírgenes Volcanic and Geothermal Field (TVVGF) to establish their temporal and…”
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    Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in La Paz-Los Cabos, Mexico: The importance of active Quaternary fault segments by Ortega, Roberto, Carciumaru, Dana, Gutierrez, Edahí, Huesca–Pérez, Eduardo, Quintanar, Luis

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-04-2019)
    “…A study of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) in the southern part of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico is presented. In this study, the…”
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    Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in La Paz-Los Cabos, Mexico: The importance of active Quaternary fault segments by Roberto Ortega, Dana Carciumaru, Edahí Gutierrez, Eduardo Huesca–Pérez, Luis Quintanar Robles

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-04-2019)
    “…Se presenta un estudio de Análisis Probabilístico de Riesgo Sísmico (PSHA) en el sur de la Península de Baja California, México. En este estudio se analizó la…”
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    Source parameters, focal mechanisms and stress tensor inversion from moderate earthquakes and its relationship with subduction Zone by Tonatiuh Domínguez R., Héctor E. Rodríguez Lozoya, Gabriel Reyes D., Luis Quintanar Robles, Armando Aguilar Meléndez, Héctor E. Rodríguez Leyva, Jesús Martín Leal Graciano

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-04-2019)
    “…En este trabajo se relocalizaron 9 sismos ocurridos entre 2005 y 2009, con magnitudes entre 4.9 y 5.5, en la zona que corresponde a la triple unión de las…”
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    Attenuation of Coda Waves in the Central Region of the Gulf of California, México by Héctor E. Rodríguez-Lozoya, Tonatiuh Domínguez R., Luis Quintanar Robles, Armando Aguilar Meléndez, Héctor E. Rodríguez-Leyva, Wenseslao Plata Rocha, Fernando García Páez

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-04-2017)
    “…Se analizan las ondas de coda de eventos registrados por la red sísmica de NARS que cuenta con instrumentos instalados a lo largo de ambas márgenes del Golfo…”
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    Active segment of the 12 November 2003 Mw 5.6 earthquake at Salsipuedes oceanic basin, Gulf of California. Mexico by Leobardo López-Pineda, Luis Quintanar Robles, Carlos Isidro Huerta López, Héctor Enrique Rodríguez Lozoya

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-01-2014)
    “…Analizamos el registro de ocho estaciones autónomas con sismógrafos de banda ancha de la red conjunta entre la Universidad de Utrecht, Instituto Tecnológico de…”
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    A source study of the October, 2007 earthquake sequence of Morelia, Mexico and ground-motion estimation from larger earthquakes in the region by Shri Krishna Singh, Arturo Iglesias-Mendoza, Luis Quintanar Robles, Victor H. Garduño, Mario Ordaz

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-01-2012)
    “…En este artículo se analiza una secuencia de siete sismos (2.5<Mw<3.0) ocurridos en la Ciudad de Morelia, México. Esta serie de temblores ocurrieron en un…”
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    Source parameters of the July 30, 2006 (Mw 5.5) Gulf of California earthquake and a comparison with other moderate earthquakes in the region by H. E. Rodríguez-Lozoya, Luis Quintanar Robles, C. I. Huerta López, E. Bojórquez Mora, I. León Monzón

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-07-2010)
    “…Un sismo de magnitud MW 5.5 ocurrió en julio 30 de 2006 a las 01:20:52.28 (TCU) en la parte central del golfo de California (GdeC), a 226 km de Topolobampo y…”
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    Seismic velocity structure of the Guerrero gap, Mexico by Jaime Domínguez, Gerardo Suárez Reynoso, Diana Comte, Luis Quintanar Robles

    Published in Geofísica internacional (01-04-2006)
    “…Se obtiene la estructura bidimensional de velocidades sísmicas de la brecha de Guerrero aplicando el método de mínimos cuadrados amortiguados a los datos de la…”
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