Search Results - "Luconi, Stefano"
Black dagoes? Italian immigrants' racial status in the United States: an ecological view
Published in Journal of transatlantic studies (02-04-2016)“…This article examines the racial perception of the Italian immigrants who arrived in the United States in the decades of mass influxes from Europe, focusing on…”
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Italian Immigrants’ Political Adjustment in the Americas: The Case of the United States and Argentina
Published in IdeAs (Vanves, France) (18-12-2015)“…This article offers a comparative analysis of Italian immigrants’ political adjustment in the United States and Argentina before World War II, focusing in…”
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“Our Life Was Divided in Many Facets”:Anna Foa Yona, an Anti-Fascist Jewish Refugee in Wartime United States
Published in Transatlantica (10-09-2014)“…This article reconstructs the plight of Anna Foa Yona, a Jewish expatriate who escaped from Italy, along with her family, in the wake of the Fascist 1938…”
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Italian-American Workers and the Shortcomings of Transculturalism before World War II
Published in Diasporas (Toulouse) (01-01-2011)“…Solidarity among workers, regardless of national origin, is supposed to shape the struggle of the class-conscious proletariat. Yet Italian-American laborers in…”
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The Italian Americans’ pro-fascist lobby in the United States: Continuities and discontinuities with the liberal regime
Published in Forum italicum (01-11-2023)“…Studies have highlighted the role of fascism in shaping Italian immigrants in the United States and their progeny into a pressure group that influenced…”
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Italian Americans and the New Deal Coalition
Published in Transatlantica (05-04-2006)“…With an estimated eligible electorate of nearly four million potential voters nationwide in the prewar decade, Italian Americans were a key component of the…”
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The Fascist racial turn: the view from the Italian-American community in the United States
Published in Journal of modern Italian studies (01-01-2019)“…This article examines Italian-Americans' reaction to the Fascist embrace of anti-Semitism in 1938, primarily by means of a perusal of the Italian-language…”
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Fabio Montella, Se avessi qui Mussolini … Antifascisti, fascisti e spie del regime tra Ginevra e Alta Savoia
Published in Forum italicum (01-11-2019)Get full text
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To vote or not to vote in the homeland elections? Insights into voting abstention in Italy's constituency abroad
Published in Modern Italy : journal of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy (01-02-2024)“…Since its introduction in the early 2000s, legislation relating to the voting rights of Italians abroad has enabled millions of residents of voting age outside…”
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The Troubled Presence of the United States in Italy’s Political Culture: An Overview
Published in Review of International American studies (2017)“…This brief article examines the impact of US values on Italy’s political system since the end of World War II. It argues that, during the Cold War, the…”
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Elisa Bordin e Anna Scacchi (a cura di), Transatlantic Memories of Slavery: Reimagining the Past, Changing the Future
Published in Iperstoria (01-06-2016)“…Review of Elisa Bordin e Anna Scacchi (a cura di), Transatlantic Memories of Slavery: Reimagining the Past, Changing the Future…”
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Opera as a Nationalistic Weapon: The Erection of the Monument to Giuseppe Verdi in New York City
Published in Italian Americana (01-01-2016)Get full text
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The Italian-Language Press, Italian American Voters, and Political Intermediation in Pennsylvania in the Interwar Years
Published in The International migration review (01-12-1999)“…Scholars have long acknowledged that the foreign language press could make a significant contribution to the shaping of the political experience of nationality…”
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Ennio Caretto, Quando l’America si innamorò di Mussolini
Published in Forum italicum (01-05-2015)Get full text
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Se avessi qui Mussolini... Antifascisti
Published in Forum italicum (01-11-2019)Get full text
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Fascism and Italian-American Identity Politics
Published in Italian Americana (01-01-2015)Get full text
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Silvia Cassamagnaghi, Operazione Spose di guerra. Storie d’amore e di emigrazione
Published in Forum italicum (01-11-2014)Get full text
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“Our Life Was Divided in Many Facets”1:Anna Foa Yona, an Anti-Fascist Jewish Refugee in Wartime United States
Published in Transatlantica (09-07-2014)Get full text
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