Search Results - "Luciana Kusumota"
Resilience in Older People: A Concept Analysis
Published in Healthcare (Basel) (01-09-2023)“…(1) Background: Resilience has been presented as a potential protective factor to be promoted in difficult experiences in older people. However, further…”
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Spiritual well-being and quality of life of older adults in hemodialysis
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-07-2017)“…To analyze the relationship between spiritual well-being, sociodemographic, economic, religious, and health variables and the quality of life of older adults…”
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Resilience, quality of life and symptoms of depression among elderlies receiving outpatient care
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2019)“…Objective: to analyze the relation between resilience and demographic variables, quality of life and symptoms of depression in elderlies attended at a…”
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Factors associated to chronic kidney disease in people living with HIV/AIDS
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (2020)“…Objective: to analyze the factors associated to chronic kidney disease in people living with HIV (PLHIV). Method: a paired case-control study (4 controls for…”
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Contribution of an instructional module for lymph node evaluation: An experiment
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…to evaluate the contribution of an instructional module identifying the number and characteristics of lymph nodes by undergraduate nursing students. an…”
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Frailty in younger-old and oldest-old adults in a context of high social vulnerability
Published in Geriatrics, Gerontology and Aging (Online) (01-09-2022)“…Objective: To analyze the factors associated with physical frailty in community-dwelling younger-old (60 to 74 years) and oldest-old (75 years or older) adults…”
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Sexuality and assessment of physical and psychological symptoms of older adults in outpatient care
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2021)“…ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the relationship between affective and sexual experiences and the intensity of physical and psychological symptoms of older…”
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Neuropsychiatric symptoms of the elderly with Alzheimer's disease and the family caregivers' distress
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2016)“…to analyze the relationship between the distress of the family caregiver and the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in elderly patients with Alzheimer's…”
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Nursing diagnosis in older adults with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-07-2017)“…To identify the main nursing diagnoses (NSs) in older adult patients under hemodialysis treatment. Exploratory research using case studies in data collection…”
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Cognitive impairment of patients with chronic renal disease on hemodialysis and its relationship with sociodemographic and clinical characteristics
Published in Dementia & neuropsychologia (01-07-2017)“…Cognitive impairment and dementia commonly occur in individuals with chronic kidney disease, especially in advanced stages, but are still poorly diagnosed. To…”
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Clinical trial for the control of water intake of patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (29-11-2018)“…to analyze the impact of an educational and motivational intervention for patients with a chronic kidney disease, undergoing hemodialysis treatment, on the…”
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Quality of life of elderly people with chronic kidney disease in conservative treatment
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-07-2017)“…To describe the quality of life (QOL) of elderly people with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in conservative treatment, correlating it with sociodemographic and…”
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Case study: using participatory photographic methods for the prevention of medication errors
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-09-2018)“…To describe the experience of using participatory photographic research methods to engage nurses and researchers in a collaborative study to improve medication…”
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Construction and validation of a virtual learning object for the teaching of peripheral venous vascular semiology
Published in Escola Anna Nery revista de enfermagem (23-08-2018)“…Abstract Objective: To construct and evaluate the SEMIOVAPE - a Virtual Learning Object for teaching of peripheral venous vascular semiology - based on…”
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Cateterismo urinário e as técnicas para prevenção de hematúria: revisão integrativa
Published in Acta paulista de enfermagem (01-03-2024)“…Resumo Objetivo Analisar e sintetizar as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre o cateterismo urinário e as técnicas utilizadas para prevenir a hematúria no…”
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Impacto de mídias sociais digitais na percepção de solidão e no isolamento social em idosos
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (2022)“…Resumo Objetivo: sintetizar o conhecimento disponível sobre o impacto de mídias sociais na percepção de solidão e/ou no isolamento social em idosos. Método:…”
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Peritonitis and catheter exit-site infection in patients on peritoneal dialysis at home
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-09-2015)“…to analyze the complications related to peritonitis and catheter exit-site infections, in patients on peritoneal dialysis at home. quantitative and…”
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Health-related quality of life as a predictor of mortality in patients on peritoneal dialysis
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (2016)“…to characterize deaths that occurred, and the association between socio-demographic, clinical, laboratory variables and health-related quality of life and the…”
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Frailty in elderly patients with chronic kidney disease under conservative treatment
Published in Rev. RENE (29-06-2016)“…Objective: to assess the frail level of the elderly with chronic kidney disease under conservative treatment. Methods: this is a cross-sectional and…”
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Atuação de movimentos sociais e entidades na pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil: O cuidado à pessoa idosa em Instituições de Longa Permanência
Published in Revista brasileira de geriatria e gerontologia (2021)“…Resumo Objetivo analisar o conteúdo de documentos propostos por movimentos sociais e entidades de classe para orientar o cuidado em Instituições de Longa…”
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