Search Results - "Lucas Capeletti"

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  1. 1

    Guided Access Cavity Preparation Using a New Simplified Digital Workflow by Chaves, Gustavo S., Silva, Julio A., Capeletti, Lucas R., Silva, Emmanuel J.N.L., Estrela, Carlos, Decurcio, Daniel A.

    Published in Journal of endodontics (01-01-2023)
    “…This study evaluated the precision of a simplified workflow using only preoperative cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) scans to gain guided access to…”
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    Guided Endodontics: Volume of Dental Tissue Removed by Guided Access Cavity Preparation—An Ex Vivo Study by Loureiro, Marco Antônio Z., Elias, Marcela R.A., Capeletti, Lucas R., Silva, Julio A., Siqueira, Patrícia C., Chaves, Gustavo S., Decurcio, Daniel A.

    Published in Journal of endodontics (01-12-2020)
    “…Guided endodontics emerged as an alternative method capable of providing greater precision and accuracy to endodontic treatments. The aim of the present study…”
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    A Novel Simplified Workflow for Guided Endodontic Surgery in Mandibular Molars With a Thick Buccal Bone Plate: A Case Report by Chaves, Gustavo S., Capeletti, Lucas R., Miguel, Juliano G., Loureiro, Marco Antônio Z., Silva, Emmanuel J.N.L., Decurcio, Daniel A.

    Published in Journal of endodontics (01-07-2022)
    “…One of the challenges in apical surgery in mandibular molars is the thick buccal cortical bone plate, which might lead to access errors, damage to neighboring…”
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    Guided endodontics: The impact of new technologies on complex case solution by Loureiro, Marco Antônio Z., Silva, Julio A., Chaves, Gustavo S., Capeletti, Lucas R., Estrela, Carlos, Decurcio, Daniel A.

    Published in Australian endodontic journal (01-12-2021)
    “…Discuss the impact of new diagnostic and planning technologies on the resolution of a clinical case of an upper central incisor with lateral perforation, root…”
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    Technical note: Intra-alveolar morphology assessed in empty dental sockets of teeth missing post-mortem by Capeletti, Lucas Raineri, Franco, Ademir, Reges, Rogério Vieira, Silva, Rhonan Ferreira

    Published in Forensic science international (01-08-2017)
    “…Highlights • Teeth missing post-mortem (PM) hampers the forensic practice routinely. • Morphological dental traits contribute significantly to human…”
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    Perfil de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos de bactérias isoladas no ambiente hospitalar by Krummenauer, Eliane Carlosso, Machado, Janete Aparecida Alves, Oliveira, Caio, Losekann, Roberta Baierle, Capeletti, Lucas, Foergens, Rafael, Souza, Roberto Ritter de, Carneiro, Marcelo

    “…A comissão de controle de infecção e Epidemiologia Hospitalar do Hospital Santa Cruz prioriza atitudes educacionais contínuas focadas no perfil de…”
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    Antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria isolated in hospital environment by Eliane Carlosso Krummenauer, Janete Aparecida Alves Machado, Caio Oliveira, Roberta Baierle Losekann, Lucas Capeletti, Rafael Foergens, Roberto Ritter de Souza, Marcelo Carneiro

    “…A comissão de controle de infecção e Epidemiologia Hospitalar do Hospital Santa Cruz prioriza atitudes educacionais contínuas focadas no perfil de…”
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