Search Results - "Lozano, José Eugenio"
Incidence and prevalence of headache in influenza: A 2010–2021 surveillance‐based study
Published in European journal of neurology (01-08-2024)“…Background and purpose Influenza is a common cause of acute respiratory infection, with headache being one of the symptoms included in the European Commission…”
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Influenza surveillance: determining the epidemic threshold for influenza by using the Moving Epidemic Method (MEM), Montenegro, 2010/11 to 2017/18 influenza seasons
Published in Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles (21-03-2019)“…In 2009, an improved influenza surveillance system was implemented and weekly reporting to the World Health Organization on influenza-like illness (ILI) began…”
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Factors associated to the presence of headache in patients with influenza infection and its consequences: a 2010–2020 surveillance-based study
Published in Journal of headache and pain (08-02-2024)“…Headache is a common symptom of influenza infection; however, its causes and consequences remain uncertain. In this manuscript, we analyzed which demographic…”
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Stroke in Spain: Epidemiologic Incidence and Patterns; A Health Sentinel Network Study
Published in Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases (2009)“…Introduction Cerebrovascular disease is among the 4 main causes of mortality in Spain. The objective of this study was to estimate the incidence of stroke and…”
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Influenza surveillance in Europe: establishing epidemic thresholds by the Moving Epidemic Method
Published in Influenza and other respiratory viruses (01-07-2013)“…Please cite this paper as: Vega et al. (2012) Influenza surveillance in Europe: establishing epidemic thresholds by the moving epidemic method. Influenza and…”
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Viral Etiology of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations during the A/H1N1pdm09 Pandemic and Postpandemic Period
Published in Advances in virology (01-01-2015)“…Viral infections are one of the main causes of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AE-COPD). Emergence of A/H1N1pdm influenza virus…”
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Complete mitochondrial DNA profile in stroke: A geographical matched case-control study in Spanish population
Published in Mitochondrion (01-11-2023)“…•The complete mtDNA profile of stroke patients from Castilla y León, studied by Next Generation Sequencing, is reported.•The analysed samples with stroke…”
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Involvement of mitochondrial haplogroups in myocardial infarction and stroke: A case-control study in Castile and Leon (Spain) population
Published in Mitochondrion (01-01-2019)“…There are strong evidences that common mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups may influence the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). In this matched…”
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Eating disorders : Prevalence and risk profile among secondary school students
Published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (01-12-2005)“…Eating disorders (EDs) are an important public health problem in developed countries. Despite the amount of epidemiological studies and causal theories, there…”
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Epidemiological characteristics and types of domestic and leisure accidents: sentinel health network of Castilla y León (2009)
Published in Atención primaria (01-05-2012)“…To study incidence, epidemiological characteristics and types of domestic and leisure accidents in Castilla y León during 2009. A descriptive study using a…”
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Dyslipidemia and cardiovascular risk in the adult population of Castile-Leon (Spain)
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-07-2010)“…Hypercholesterolemia is one of the cardiovascular risk factors more sensitive to preventive and control interventions. This study aims to determine the…”
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Guía de principios y métodos de las redes centinelas sanitarias en España
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (2006)“…Las redes centinelas sanitarias son cada vez más utilizadas en el estudio de problemas relacionados con la salud. Este documento tiene como objetivo la…”
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Redes centinela sanitarias en España. Consenso para una guía de principios y métodos
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-11-2006)“…Las redes centinela sanitarias han estado activas en nuestro país desde la década de los años ochenta, con variados objetivos, metodología y diferente grado de…”
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Geographical spread of influenza incidence in Spain during the 2009 A(H1N1) pandemic wave and the two succeeding influenza seasons
Published in Epidemiology and infection (01-12-2014)“…The aim of this study was to monitor the spatio-temporal spread of influenza incidence in Spain during the 2009 pandemic and the following two influenza…”
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Dislipidemias y riesgo cardiovascular en la población adulta de Castilla y León Dyslipidemia and cardiovascular risk in the adult population of Castile-Leon (Spain)
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-08-2010)“…Objetivo: La hipercolesterolemia es uno de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular más sensible a las medidas de prevención y control. Este estudio pretende…”
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Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331288 participants
Published in The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology (2015)“…Background Diabetes has been defined on the basis of different biomarkers, including fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 2-h plasma glucose in an oral glucose…”
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Comprehensive surveillance of acute respiratory infections during the COVID-19 pandemic: a methodological approach using sentinel networks, Castilla y León, Spain, January 2020 to May 2022
Published in Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles (25-05-2023)“…BackgroundSince 1996, epidemiological surveillance of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in Spain has been limited to seasonal influenza, respiratory syncytial…”
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Diseño de un estudio poblacional del riesgo cardiovascular en Castilla y León a través de los equipos de atención primaria Design of a population-based study of cardiovascular risk in Castile and Leon (Spain) through primary care teams
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-02-2007)“…Se describe el diseño y los indicadores de respuesta de un estudio transversal para estimar diferentes parámetros del riesgo cardiovascular en la población de…”
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Redes centinela sanitarias en España: Consenso para una guía de principios y métodos Health sentinel networks in Spain: Consensus for a guide of principles and methods
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-12-2006)“…Las redes centinela sanitarias han estado activas en nuestro país desde la década de los años ochenta, con variados objetivos, metodología y diferente grado de…”
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