Search Results - "Lown, J A"
HPA-1, 3, 5 genotyping to establish a typed platelet donor panel
Published in Pathology (01-05-2000)“…Platelet antigen typing of blood donors is not routinely performed. Usually, ABO-matched platelets are transfused. In situations where the recipient has a…”
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Monocyte Activation in Platelet Concentrates
Published in Vox sanguinis (01-10-1998)“…Background and Objectives: Cytokines in platelet concentrates contribute to febrile transfusion reactions. Activated monocytes are a major source of…”
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Prolonged profound abciximab associated immune thrombocytopenia complicated by transient multispecific platelet antibodies
Published in Heart (British Cardiac Society) (01-09-2004)“…Patients receiving abciximab occasionally develop transient severe thrombocytopenia within a few hours of receiving the drug. Thrombocytopenia has been…”
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A fatal case of necrotizing enterocolitis in a neonate with polyagglutination of red blood cells
Published in Journal of paediatrics and child health (01-02-1993)“…An infant of 30 weeks gestation developed necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) 8 days after birth and died 2 days later after a fulminating course. During her…”
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In pursuit of enigmatic platelet antibodies--anti-HPA-2b and anti-HPA-3a
Published in Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England) (01-09-1996)Get more information
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White cells in fresh-frozen plasma: evaluation of a new white cell-reduction filter
Published in Transfusion (Philadelphia, Pa.) (01-07-1998)“…BACKGROUND:Fresh‐frozen plasma (FFP) has generally been regarded as an acellular component. Recently, viable lymphocytes have been detected in this component…”
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Use of unrefrigerated fresh whole blood in massive transfusion
Published in Medical journal of Australia (01-07-1996)“…To establish the efficacy of transfusion of fresh unrefrigerated whole blood in surgical patients with ongoing massive bleeding despite adequate…”
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Evaluation of a solid phase red cell adherence technique for platelet antibody screening
Published in Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England) (01-09-1991)“…Solid-phase red-cell adherence (SPRCA) techniques in platelet serology are used mainly for crossmatching. A SPRCA method for general diagnostic application was…”
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Immobilization of Platelets with a Cell Fixation Buffer
Published in Vox sanguinis (01-01-1998)Get full text
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A serum factor which inhibits serologic reactions with enzyme-treated red blood cells
Published in Transfusion (Philadelphia, Pa.) (01-03-1982)“…Two patients' sera inhibited agglutination of enzyme-treated red blood cells by antibodies. This blocking effect was detected by using a mixture of antibodies…”
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Immune thrombocytopenia induced by cephalosporins specific for thiomethyltetrazole side chain
Published in Journal of clinical pathology (01-06-1987)Get full text
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Polybrene technique for red cell antibody screening using microplates
Published in Journal of clinical pathology (01-05-1988)“…The manual polybrene technique was adapted as a microplate test for antibody screening to determine its sensitivity and specificity and compared with…”
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Eighteen months' experience with a manual polybrene crossmatch in a large hospital transfusion laboratory
Published in Vox sanguinis (01-11-1988)“…For 18 months in this laboratory the manual polybrene technique (MP) has been used as the only crossmatching procedure preceded or accompanied by an antibody…”
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Evaluation of an enzyme-linked antiglobulin test for the detection of red cell antibodies
Published in Vox sanguinis (01-01-1984)“…An enzyme-linked antiglobulin test (ELAT) using low ionic strength saline for the initial red cell sensitisation phase, and alkaline phosphatase conjugated…”
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Inhibition of serological reactions with enzyme-treated red cells by complement binding alloantibodies
Published in Vox sanguinis (01-01-1984)“…Complement-binding antibodies (2 examples of anti-Jka and 2 anti-kell) which inhibit agglutination of enzyme-treated cells have been investigated in the sera…”
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Feto-maternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia associated with anti-HPA-5a--the first Australian case
Published in Pathology (1994)“…Maternal alloantibodies to platelet specific antigens are a rare but important cause of severe thrombocytopenia in the fetus and neonate. Feto-Maternal…”
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An unusual thimerosal-associated antibody reacting only by the Polybrene technique
Published in Transfusion (Philadelphia, Pa.) (01-09-1990)Get more information
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Cross-matched platelets in bone marrow transplantation
Published in Pathology (01-07-1994)“…Antibodies to HLA-antigens remain a problem in multiply-transfused patients. Over a 2 yr period 44 bone marrow transplant recipients were screened at weekly…”
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Use of low ionic strength saline for crossmatching and antibody screening
Published in Journal of clinical pathology (01-10-1979)“…A totally revised crossmatching and antibody screening procedure has been designed using low ionic strength saline as the suspending medium for red cells in…”
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A reappraisal of pre-transfusion testing procedures in a hospital blood bank
Published in Pathology (01-01-1985)“…In recent years, experience with screening protocols for the detection of red cell antibodies has led to a reappraisal of pre-transfusion testing procedures…”
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