Search Results - "Lovenheim, Michael F"
The Effect of Liquid Housing Wealth on College Enrollment
Published in Journal of labor economics (01-10-2011)“…This article uses short-run housing wealth changes to identify the effect of housing wealth on college attendance. I find that households used their housing…”
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Published in The review of economics and statistics (01-05-2013)“…This paper uses wealth changes driven by housing market variation to estimate the effect of family resources on fertility decisions. Using data from the Panel…”
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Why have college completion rates declined?: An analysis of changing student preparation and collegiate resources
Published in American economic journal. Applied economics (01-07-2010)“…Rising college enrollment over the last quarter century has not been met with a proportional increase in college completion. Comparing the high school classes…”
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The effect of teachers' unions on education production: evidence from union election certifications in three Midwestern states
Published in Journal of labor economics (01-10-2009)“…Using a unique data set on teachers’ union election certifications from Iowa, Indiana, and Minnesota, I estimate the effect of teachers’ unions on school…”
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The effect of child health insurance access on schooling: Evidence from public insurance expansions
Published in The Journal of human resources (01-08-2016)“…Although a sizable literature analyzes the effects of public health insurance programs on short-run health outcomes, little prior work has examined their…”
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Student debt and default: The role of for-profit colleges
Published in Journal of financial economics (01-04-2022)“…For-profit providers have become an important fixture of US higher education markets. Students who attend for-profit institutions take on more educational debt…”
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The Long-Run Effects of Teacher Collective Bargaining
Published in American economic journal. Economic policy (01-08-2019)“…We analyze how exposure to teacher collective bargaining affects long-run outcomes for students, exploiting the timing of state duty-to-bargain law passage in…”
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Does the market value value-added? Evidence from housing prices after a public release of school and teacher value-added
Published in Journal of urban economics (01-01-2016)“…Value-added data have become an increasingly common evaluation tool for schools and teachers. Many school districts have begun to adopt these methods and have…”
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Increasing Time to Baccalaureate Degree in the United States
Published in Education finance and policy (01-10-2012)“…Time to completion of the baccalaureate degree has increased markedly in the United States over the past three decades. Using data from the National…”
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The Heterogeneous Geographic and Socioeconomic Incidence of Cigarette Taxes: Evidence from Nielsen Homescan Data
Published in American economic journal. Economic policy (01-11-2012)“…We use Nielsen Homescan data to examine who bears the economic burden of cigarette taxes. We find cigarette taxes are less than fully passed through to…”
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Recruiting and supporting low-income, high-achieving students at flagship universities
Published in Economics of education review (01-02-2020)“…We study an intervention designed to overcome multiple hurdles faced by low-income, high-ability college students to determine if and how it affects students’…”
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Within-family obesity associations: evaluation of parent, child, and sibling relationships
Published in American journal of preventive medicine (01-10-2014)“…How parent and sibling obesity status comparatively shape a child's obesity is unknown. To investigate how the obesity status of different children within the…”
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How Far to the Border?: The Extent and Impact of Cross-Border Casual Cigarette Smuggling
Published in National tax journal (01-03-2008)“…This paper uses data on cigarette consumption in the Current Population Survey Tobacco Supplements to estimate cigarette demand models that incorporate the…”
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Published in The review of economics and statistics (01-05-2015)“…We estimate the impact of incentive strength on achievement under a group-based teacher incentive pay program. The system provides variation in the share of…”
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Does choice increase information? Evidence from online school search behavior
Published in Economics of education review (01-02-2018)“…•Link 100 million searches on to NCLB open enrollment prevalence, state school choice policies, and charter school penetration.•Higher…”
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Quantile treatment effects of college quality on earnings
Published in The Journal of human resources (2016)“…We use administrative data from Texas to estimate how graduating from a state flagship or a community college relative to a nonflagship university affects the…”
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Heterogeneous paths through college: Detailed patterns and relationships with graduation and earnings
Published in Economics of education review (01-10-2014)“…•We show detailed ways in which students pass through the postsecondary system using unique administrative data from Texas.•We show that transferring is highly…”
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The Effect of Housing Wealth on College Choice: Evidence from the Housing Boom
Published in The Journal of human resources (01-01-2013)“…We use NLSY97 data to examine how home price variation affects the quality of postsecondary schools students attend. We find a $10,000 increase in housing…”
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Achievement effects of individual performance incentives in a teacher merit pay tournament
Published in Labour economics (01-01-2017)“…This paper examines the role of worker performance feedback and measurement precision in the design of incentive pay systems, specifically in the context of an…”
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The fatal toll of driving to drink: The effect of minimum legal drinking age evasion on traffic fatalities
Published in Journal of health economics (2010)“…There is a sizeable literature on the effect of minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) restrictions on teenage drunk driving. This paper adds to the literature by…”
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