Search Results - "Louvier, N"

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    Hypersensitivity reactions to Patent Blue V in breast cancer surgery: a prospective multicentre study by BRENET, O., LALOURCEY, L., QUEINNEC, M., DUPOIRON, D., JAYR, C., ROSAY, H., MAVOUNGOU, P., MONNIN, D., ANCEL, B., MAGET, B., LOUVIER, N., MALINOVSKY, J.-M.

    Published in Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (01-01-2013)
    “…Background An increasing number of immediate hypersensitivity reactions (HSR) have been reported after the use of Patent Blue V (PBV) for breast cancer…”
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    Immediate patent blue-induced hypersensitivity during sentinel node detection: The value of cutaneous tests by Jeudy, G, Louvier, N, Rapennes, T, Goujon, E, Fraisse, J, Dalac-Rat, S, Collet, E

    “…Patent blue is a blue dye commonly used for sentinel node detection in the management of melanoma and breast cancer. Immediate hypersensitivity reactions to…”
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    Anaphylaxis during anesthesia in France: An 8-year national survey by Mertes, Paul Michel, MD, PhD, Alla, François, MD, PhD, Tréchot, Philippe, PharmD, Auroy, Yves, MD, PhD, Jougla, Eric, PhD

    Published in Journal of allergy and clinical immunology (01-08-2011)
    “…Background More attention should be paid to rare serious adverse events such as anaphylaxis to increase the safety of anesthesia. Objective To report the…”
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    Hypersensibilité immédiate après injection de bleu patenté lors du repérage du ganglion sentinelle : intérêt des tests cutanés by Jeudy, G., Louvier, N., Rapennes, T., Goujon, E., Fraisse, J., Dalac-Rat, S., Collet, E.

    “…Le bleu patenté est un colorant fréquemment utilisé pour identifier le ganglion sentinelle au cours des chirurgies de cancer du sein ou de mélanome. Les…”
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    Bilan allergologique après un choc anaphylactique à un curare non dépolarisant : conduite à tenir pour une anesthésie ultérieure by Louvier, N, Chomel, A, Collet, E, Juniot, A, Pillet, M

    “…Nous rapportons les observations de deux patients ayant présenté un choc anaphylactique de grade II et IV au rocuronium. Les deux patients ont bénéficié d’un…”
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    Absorption du gaz carbonique by Juniot, A., Seltzer, S., Louvier, N., Milesi-Defrance, N., Cros-Terraux, N.

    “…Étudier les différents procédés d'absorption de CO 2 en anesthésie, les absorbants disponibles et leurs modalités d'utilisation. Recherche dans les bases de…”
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    Allergie au latex: pièges diagnostiques by Chomel-Cosimo, A, Seltzer, S., Collet, E., Letourneau, B., Noirot, M.T., Cros-Terraux, N., Louvier, N.

    “…Une martiniquaise de 44 ans, aux antécédents d'allergies multiples et d'asthme grave, a eu un collapsus d'origine indéterminée lors d'une intervention…”
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    Validity of cerebral angiography via venous route in the diagnosis of brain death by Wilkening, M, Louvier, N, D'Athis, P, Freysz, M

    “…The success of transplantations relies on uninjured organs i.e., harvested before circulatory failure. At present, french law concerning cerebral death…”
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    Allergy investigations after two cases of adverse reactions to a neuromuscular blocking agent and management for subsequent general anaesthesia by Louvier, N, Chomel, A, Collet, E, Juniot, A, Pillet, M

    “…We report two cases of severe anaphylactic reactions to rocuronium. Diagnosis was confirmed by skin tests and specific IgE assay. Cross-reactivity to all…”
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    Do halogenated anesthetics protect from ischemic and reperfusion myocardial injuries? by Louvier, N, Lançon, J P

    “…Ischaemia and reperfusion of the myocardium are associated with cellular injuries leading to a decrease of contractile function and the occurrence of…”
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    Adsorption of carbon dioxide gas by Juniot, A, Seltzer, S, Louvier, N, Milesi-Defrance, N, Cros-Terraux, N

    “…To analyse the various methods for carbon dioxide absorption in anaesthesia, the available absorbents and their modes of use. We searched the Medline and…”
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