Search Results - "Loukopoulos, T"
Acute intestinal obstruction in pregnancy after previous gastric bypass: A case report
Published in Case reports in women's health (01-10-2022)“…Intestinal obstruction is an extremely rare condition among pregnant women, but it can be life-threatening for both mother and fetus. A woman in her late…”
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Emergency Obstetric Hysterectomy after Conservative Management of Placenta Accreta
Published in Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology (27-02-2023)“…Background. Obstetric hemorrhage is a frequent and life-threatening complication of either vaginal or cesarean delivery. It can be due to many causes, one of…”
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Multidose methotrexate treatment of cornual pregnancy after in vitro fertilization: Two case reports
Published in Case reports in women's health (01-01-2022)“…An ectopic pregnancy, when the gestational sac is implanted outside of the uterine cavity, can be life-threatening. A cornual pregnancy is the most dangerous…”
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Optimizing download time of embedded multimedia objects for Web browsing
Published in IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems (01-10-2004)“…Notoriously high delays in accessing Web pages loaded with massive multimedia objects are highly undesirable. Inspired by the requirements of news agencies and…”
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An overview of data replication on the Internet
Published in Proceedings International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks. I-SPAN'02 (2002)“…The proliferation of the Internet is leading to high expectation of the fast turnaround time. Clients abandoning their connections due to excessive downloading…”
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Static and adaptive distributed data replication using genetic algorithms
Published in Journal of parallel and distributed computing (01-11-2004)“…Fast dissemination and access of information in large distributed systems, such as the Internet, has become a norm of our daily life. However, undesired long…”
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Active caching of on-line-analytical-processing queries in WWW proxies
Published in International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2001 (2001)“…The Internet is offering more than just regular Web pages to the users. Decision makers can now issue analytical, as opposed to transactional, queries that…”
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Combining replica placement and caching techniques in content distribution networks
Published in Computer communications (02-06-2005)“…Caching and replication have emerged as the two primary techniques for reducing the delay experienced by end-users when downloading web pages. Even though…”
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Policies for Caching OLAP Queries in Internet Proxies
Published in IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems (01-10-2006)“…The Internet now offers more than just simple information to the users. Decision makers can now issue analytical, as opposed to transactional, queries that…”
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Introducing Agent Evictions to Improve Application Placement in Wireless Distributed Systems
Published in 2012 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing (01-09-2012)“…With the development of mobile code frameworks for embedded systems, an application can be structured as a set of cooperating components (agents) that are…”
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Adaptive schemes for distributed web caching
Published in Journal of parallel and distributed computing (01-12-2005)“…In distributed web caching architectures, institutional proxies take advantage of their neighbors’ contents in order to reduce the number of requests forwarded…”
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Acute intestinal obstruction in pregnancy after previous gastric bypass: A case report
Published in Case reports in women's health (01-10-2022)“…BackgroundIntestinal obstruction is an extremely rare condition among pregnant women, but it can be life-threatening for both mother and fetus. Case…”
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Emergency Obstetric Hysterectomy after Conservative Management of Placenta Accreta
Published in Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology (01-01-2023)“…BackgroundObstetric hemorrhage is a frequent and life-threatening complication of either vaginal or cesarean delivery. It can be due to many causes, one of…”
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Multidose methotrexate treatment of cornual pregnancy after in vitro fertilization: Two case reports
Published in Case reports in women's health (01-01-2022)“…BACKGROUNDAn ectopic pregnancy, when the gestational sac is implanted outside of the uterine cavity, can be life-threatening. A cornual pregnancy is the most…”
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Static and adaptive data replication algorithms for fast information access in large distributed systems
Published in Proceedings 20th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (2000)“…Creating replicas of frequently accessed objects across a read-intensive network can result in large bandwidth savings which, in turn, can lead to reduction in…”
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Conference Proceeding -
GRAL: A Grouping Algorithm to Optimize Application Placement in Wireless Embedded Systems
Published in 2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (01-05-2011)“…Recent embedded middleware initiatives enable the structuring of an application as a set of collaborating agents deployed in the various sensing/actuating…”
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Improved Genetic Algorithms and List Scheduling Techniques for Independent Task Scheduling in Distributed Systems
Published in Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2007) (01-12-2007)“…Given a set of tasks with certain characteristics, e.g., data size, estimated execution time and a set of processing nodes with their own parameters, the goal…”
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Replicating the contents of a WWW multimedia repository to minimize download time
Published in Proceedings 14th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. IPDPS 2000 (2000)“…Dynamic replication algorithms aim at allocating, migrating and deleting copies of an object over various Internet hosts, according to the access patterns…”
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Implementing Replica Placements: Feasibility and Cost Minimization
Published in 2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (01-03-2007)“…Given two replication schemes X old and X new , the replica transfer scheduling problem (RTSP) aims at reaching X new , starting from X old , with minimal…”
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Increasing the performance of CDNs using replication and caching: a hybrid approach
Published in 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (2005)“…Caching and replication have emerged as the two primary techniques for reducing the delay experienced by end users when downloading Web pages. Even though…”
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