Search Results - "Lottin, J.P."

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  1. 1

    MADMAX Cryogenic Stability: Preliminary Design of the Macumba Demo-Coil for Physics by Lorin, C., Abdel Maksoud, W., Berriaud, C., Calvelli, V., Dilasser, G., Lottin, J.-P., Nunio, F., Pontarollo, T., Stacchi, F.

    “…The objective of the MADMAX project, led by the Max Planck Institute, is to detect axion dark matter with a mass of ∼100 µeV. To amplify the detection signal…”
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  2. 2

    Study of a CICC Copper Jacket Junction for MADMAX by Berriaud, C., Werle, V., Stacchi, F., Abdel Maksoud, Walid, Calvelli, V., Juster, F.-P., Lorin, C., Lottin, J.-P., Nunio, F., Pontarollo, T.

    “…For the Magnetized Disc and Mirror Axion eXperiment (MADMAX) project (Caldwell et al. 2017), we need some junctions between the coil double pancakes and with…”
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  3. 3

    Final design of the CMS solenoid cold mass by Kircher, F., Bredy, P., Calvo, A., Cure, B., Campi, D., Desirelli, A., Fabbricatore, P., Farinon, S., Herve, A., Horvath, I., Klioukhine, V., Levesy, B., Losasso, M., Lottin, J.P., Musenich, R., Pabot, Y., Payn, A., Pes, C., Priano, C., Rondeaux, F., Sgobba, S.

    “…The 4 T, 12.5 m long, 6 m bore diameter superconducting solenoid for the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiment at LHC will be the largest and the most…”
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  4. 4

    A purity monitoring system for the H1 liquid argon calorimeter by Barrelet, E., Andrieu, B., Babaev, A., Banas, E., Bederede, D., Biddulph, P., Borras, K., Brasse, F., Brisson, V., Burmeister, P., Buschhorn, G., Canton, B., Cornett, U., Cozzika, G., Cvach, J., Cyz, A., Darvill, D., David, M., Descamps, F., Drescher, A., Dretzler, U., Ernst, G., Falley, G., Felst, R., Feltesse, J., Ferencei, J., Flauger, W., Fleischer, M., Formánek, J., Gadow, K., Gayler, J., Gažo, E., Genat, J.-F., Godlewski, J., Grégory, Ch, Grewe, M., Grindhammer, G., Hajduk, L., Hensel, M., Herynek, I., Hladký, J., Imbault, D., İşsever, Ç., Karstensen, S., Kiesling, C., Kolander, M., Koll, J., Korbel, V., Krivan, F., Küster, H., Lemrani, R., Loch, P., Lottin, J.-P., Marks, J., Martin, F., Martyniak, J., Mikocki, S., Moreau, F., Naumann, J., Niebuhr, C., Nowak, G., Oberlack, H., Pailler, P., Rauschnabel, K., Reimer, P., Rossel, F., Schacht, P., Schaffran, J., Schmücker, H., Schwatchkin, V., Sirois, Y., Spalek, J., Spiekermann, J., Steiner, H., Straumann, U., Sueur, M., Thiele, K., Tobien, N., Tribanek, W., Valkár, S., Vallée, C., Villet, G., Wegener, D., Yiou, T.P., Žáček, J.

    “…The ionization probes used for monitoring the liquid argon purity in the H1 calorimeter are described and results of their operation in tests at CERN and…”
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  5. 5

    Performance of a large scale prototype of the ATLAS accordion electromagnetic calorimeter by Gingrich, D.M., Kitching, P., Olsen, B., Pinfold, J.L., Boos, E., Zhautykov, B.O., Aubert, B., Bazan, A., Beaugiraud, B., Boniface, J., Colas, J., Jezequel, S., Maire, M., Rival, F., Thion, J., VanDenPlas, D., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zitoun, R., Zolnierowski, Y.P., Chmeissani, M., Fernandez, E., Martinez, M., Padilla, C., Gordon, H.A., Radeka, V., Rahm, D., Stephani, D., Berset, J.C., Marin, C.P., Nessi, M., Poggioli, L., Richter, W., Baze, J.M., Gosset, L., Lavocat, P., Mansoulié, B., Meyer, J.P., Renardy, J.F., Schwindling, J., Collot, J., de Saintignon, P., Dzahini, D., Hostachy, J.Y., Laborie, G., Mahout, G., Merchez, E., Pouxe, J., Hervas, L., Chekhtman, A., Cousinou, M.C., Dargent, P., Dinkespiller, B., Etienne, F., Fassnacht, P., Fouchez, D., Martin, L., Miotto, A., Monnier, E., Nagy, E., Olivetto, C., Tisserant, S., Camin, D.V., Costa, G., Cozzi, L., Fedyakin, N., Ferrari, A., Mandelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Perini, L., Sala, P., Azuelos, G., Beaudoin, G., Depommier, P., León-Florián, E., Leroy, C., Roy, P., Seman, M., Augé, E., Chase, R., Fayard, L., Fournier, D., Hrisoho, A., Merkel, B., Noppe, J.M., Parrour, G., Pétroff, P., Schaffer, A., Serin, L., Tisserand, V., Vichou, I., Canton, B., Genat, J.F., Imbault, D., Le Dortz, O., Savoy-Navarro, A., Schwemling, P., Eek, L.O., Lund-Jensen, B., Söderqvist, J., Lefebvre, M.

    “…A 2 m long prototype of a lead-liquid argon electromagnetic caloriemeter with accordion-shaped electrodes, conceived as a sector of the barrel calorimeter of…”
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  6. 6

    Performance of an endcap prototype of the ATLAS accordion electromagnetic calorimeter by Gingrich, D.M., Kitching, P., Olsen, B., Pinfold, J.L., Boos, E., Zhautykov, B.O., Aubert, B., Bazan, A., Beaugiraud, B., Boniface, J., Colas, J., Jezequel, S., Maire, M., Rival, F., Thion, J., Van Den Plas, D., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zitoun, R., Zolnierowski, Y.P., Chmeissani, M., Fernandez, E., Martinez, M., Padilla, C., Gordon, H.A., Radeka, V., Rahm, D., Stephani, D., Berset, J.C., Marin, C.P., Nessi, M., Poggioli, L., Richter, W., Baze, J.M., Gosset, L., Lavocat, P., Mansoulié, B., Meyer, J.P., Renardy, J.F., Schwindling, J., Collot, J., de Saintignon, P., Dzahini, D., Hostachy, J.Y., Laborie, G., Mahout, G., Merchez, E., Pouxe, J., Hervas, L., Scheel, C.V., Chekhtman, A., Dargent, P., Dinkespiller, B., Etienne, F., Fassnacht, P., Fouchez, D., Martin, L., Martin, O., Miotto, A., Monnier, E., Nagy, E., Olivetto, C., Tisserant, S., Battistoni, G., Cavalli, D., Costa, G., Cozzi, L., Cravero, A., Fedyakin, N., Mandelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Perini, L., Sala, P., Azuelos, G., Depommier, P., León-Florián, E., Leroy, C., Roy, P., Auge, E., Chase, R., Chollet, J.C., de La Taille, C., Fournier, D., Hrisoho, A., Merkel, B., Noppe, J.M., Parrour, G., Seguin-Moreau, N., Serin, L., Tisserand, V., Vichou, I., Canton, B., David, J., Genat, J.F., Imbault, D., Le Dortz, O., Savoy-Navarro, A., Eek, L.O., Söderqvist, J., Robertson, S., White, J.

    “…The design and construction of a lead-liquid-argon endcap calorimeter prototype using an accordion geometry and conceived as a sector of the inner wheel of the…”
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  7. 7

    Test beam results of a stereo preshower integrated in the liquid argon accordion calorimeter by Augé, E., Barreiro, F., Battistoni, G., Bazan, A., Baze, J.M., Beaudoin, G., Berset, J.C., Boniface, J., Boos, E., Camin, D.V., Canton, B., Cavalli, D., Chase, R., Chevalley, J.L., Colas, J., Collot, J., Costa, G., Cozzi, L., Davis, R.A., Delagnes, E., Del Peso, J., Depommier, P., Dinkespiller, B., Etienne, F., Eynard, G., Fassnacht, P., Fayard, L., Fedyakin, N., Fernandez, E., Ferrari, A., Fouchez, D., Fournier, D., Garcia, J., Garrido, Ll, Genat, J.F., Gianotti, F., Gildemeister, O., Gonzales, J., Gordon, H.A., Gosset, L., Hostachy, J.Y., Hrisoho, A., Imbault, D., Jacquier, Y., Jézéquel, S., Keeler, R., Labarga, L., Lavocat, P., Le Dortz, O., Lefebvre, M., Leroy, C., Linossier, O., Lund-Jensen, B., Ma, H., Mahout, G., Makowiecki, D., Mandelli, L., Mansoulié, B., Martin, L., Meyer, J.P., Miotto, A., Monnier, E., Nagy, E., Nessi, M., Nicoleau, S., Noppe, J.M., Olivetto, C., Olsen, B., Padilla, C., Pinfold, J.L., Poggioli, L., Puzo, P., Radeka, V., Rahm, D.C., Renardy, J.F., Rescia, S., Resconi, S., Richer, J.P., Robertson, S., Romero, P., Schaffer, A., Scheel, C., Schwemling, P., Schwindling, J., Seguin-Moreau, N., Serin, L., Söderqvist, J., Taguet, J.P., Teiger, J., Thion, J., Tisserand, V., Tisserant, S., VanDenPlas, D., Veillet, J.J., Vuillemin, V., Walter, C., White, J., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zitoun, R., Zolnierowski, Y.P.

    “…This paper describes the construction of an integrated preshower within the RD3 liquid argon accordion calorimeter. It has a stereo view which enables the…”
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  8. 8

    Construction and test of a fine-grained liquid argon preshower prototype by Davis, R.A., Gingrich, D.M., Pinfold, J.L., Rodning, N.L., Boos, E., Zhautykov, B.O., Aubert, B., Bazan, A., Beaugiraud, B., Boniface, J., Colas, J., Eynard, G., Leflour, T., Linossier, O., Nicoleau, S., Rival, F., Thion, J., VanDenPlas, D., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zitoun, R., Zolnierowski, Y.P., Chmeissani, M., Fernandez, E., Martinez, M., Padilla, C., Gordon, H.A., Radeka, V., Rahm, D., Stephani, D., Berset, J.C., Marin, C.P., Nessi, M., Poggioli, L., Richter, W., Vuillemin, V., Baze, J.M., Gosset, L., Lavocat, P., Lottin, J.P., Mansoulié, B., Meyer, J.P., Renardy, J.F., Schwindling, J., Teiger, J., Collot, J., Dzahini, D., Hostachy, J.Y., Hoummada, A., Laborie, G., Hervas, L., Chekhtman, A., Cousinou, M.C., Dargent, P., Etienne, F., Fassnacht, P., Martin, L., Miotto, A., Monnier, E., Nagy, E., Olivetto, C., Tisserant, S., Battistoni, G., Camin, D.V., Cozzi, L., Fedyakin, N., Ferrari, A., Mandelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Perini, L., Resconi, S., Sala, P., Beaudoin, G., Depommier, P., León-Florián, E., Leroy, C., Roy, P., Augé, E., Chase, R., Chollet, J.C., de La Taille, C., Fayard, L., Fournier, D., Merkel, B., Noppe, J.M., Parrour, G., Schaffer, A., Seguin-Moreau, N., Tisserand, V., Canton, B., David, J., Genat, J.F., Imbault, D., Le Dortz, O., Savoy-Navarro, A., Schwemling, P., Eek, L.O., Lund-Jensen, B., Söderqvist, J., Lefebvre, M., Robertson, S.

    “…A separate liquid argon preshower detector consisting of two layers featuring a fine granularity of 2.5 × 10 −3 was studied by the RD3 collaboration. A…”
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  9. 9

    Performance of a liquid argon accordion hadronic calorimeter prototype by Gingrich, D.M., Greeniaus, G., Kitching, P., Olsen, B., Pinfold, J.L., Rodning, N.L., Schaoutnikov, B.O., Aubert, B., Bazan, A., Beaugiraud, B., Boniface, J., Colas, J., Jezequel, S., Leflour, T., Maire, M., Rival, F., Stipčevic, M., Thion, J., VanDenPlas, D., Wingerter-Seez, I., Zolnierowski, Y.P., Chmeissani, M., Fernandez, E., Garrido, Ll, Martinez, M., Padilla, C., Gordon, H.A., Radeka, V., Rahm, D., Stephani, D., Chevalley, J.L., Gianotti, F., Nessi, M., Poggioli, L., Vuillemin, V., Gosset, L., Lavocat, P., Mansoulié, B., Meyer, J.P., Renardy, J.F., Schwindling, J., Teiger, J., Collot, J., de Saintignon, P., Dzahini, D., Hostachy, J.Y., Laborie, G., Merchez, E., Pouxe, J., Hervas, L., Chekhtman, A., Cousinou, M.C., Dinkespiler, B., Fassnacht, P., Fouchez, D., Martin, L., Miotto, A., Monnier, E., Nagy, E., Olivetto, C., Tisserant, S., Battistoni, G., Camin, D.V., Cavalli, D., Cozzi, L., Cravero, A., Fedyakin, N., Ferrari, A., Mandelli, L., Mazzanti, M., Perini, L., Sala, P., Beaudoin, G., Depommier, P., Leroy, C., Roy, J., Augé, E., Chase, R., Chollet, J.C., de La Taille, C., Fayard, L., Fournier, D., Hirosoho, A., Merkel, B., Noppe, J.M., Parrour, G., Pétroff, P., Schaffer, A., Seguin, N., Serin, L., Vichou, I., Le Dortz, O., Savoy-Navarro, A., Schwemling, P., Eek, L.O., Lund-Jensen, B., Soderqvist, J., Lefebvre, M., Robertson, S., White, J.

    “…A liquid argon hadronic calorimeter using the “accordion” geometry and the electrostatic transformer readout scheme has been tested at CERN, together with a…”
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  10. 10

    Design, construction and test of the large superconducting solenoid ALEPH by Baze, J.M., Desportes, H., Duthil, R., Garin, J.M., Pabot, Y., Heitzmann, J., Jacquemet, M., Jacquemin, J.P., Kircher, F., Languillat, J.C., LeBars, J., Le Coroller, A., Lesmond, C., Lottin, J.C., Lottin, J.P., Mathis, C., Meuris, C., Sellier, J.C., Walter, C.

    Published in IEEE transactions on magnetics (01-03-1988)
    “…A large superconducting solenoid (5-m bore, 7-m length) has been designed and constructed at the CEN/Saclay for the ALEPH detector, to be installed on the LEP…”
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