Search Results - "Losada Prado, Sergio"
Bats and their vital ecosystem services: a global review
Published in Integrative zoology (01-01-2022)“…Bats play crucial ecosystem services as seed dispersers, pollinators, controllers of insects, and nutrient recyclers. However, there has not been a thorough…”
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Foraging strategies, craniodental traits, and interaction in the bite force of Neotropical frugivorous bats (Phyllostomidae: Stenodermatinae)
Published in Ecology and evolution (01-10-2021)“…Bats in the family Phyllostomidae exhibit great diversity in skull size and morphology that reflects the degree of resource division and ecological overlap in…”
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Variación espacio-temporal de la avifauna en el embalse de Prado (Tolima)
Published in Intropica (01-12-2019)“…El departamento de Tolima presenta ecosistemas lénticos de gran importancia entre ellos el embalse de Prado, del cual no se posee información clara de su…”
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Skull Morphology, Bite Force, and Diet in Insectivorous Bats from Tropical Dry Forests in Colombia
Published in Biology (Basel, Switzerland) (09-10-2021)“…In Neotropical bats, studies on bite force have focused mainly on differences in trophic ecology, and little is known about whether factors other than body…”
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Análisis espacial y conectividad estructural en paisajes con palma de cera (Ceroxylon quindiuense) y su relación con aves, mariposas y mamíferos en el departamento del Tolima, Colombia
Published in Caldasia (15-10-2023)“…Los bosques con palma de cera (Ceroxylon quindiuense H.Wendl. ex H.Karst) son ecosistemas constantemente amenazados por procesos agrícolas y ganaderos. Las…”
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Duration and intensity of primary molt in two neotropical grasslands Passerines
Published in Caldasia (01-01-2018)“…Description of patterns and mechanics of bird molt have permitted understanding and have clarified temporal and spatial dynamics in the life cycles of several…”
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Variación del canto de Myiothlypis fulvicauda (Parulidae) en ambientes naturales de Ibagué (Tolima, Colombia)
Published in Mutis- Revista de arte y ciencia de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (01-07-2021)“…El canto de las aves es fundamental para la comunicación y el desarrollo de diferentes actividades. Por otra parte, el ruido que proviene de diversas fuentes…”
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Caracterización espacio-temporal de la avifauna del cañón de Las Hermosas, Chaparral, Tolima, Colombia
Published in Revista de la Academia colombiana de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales (13-12-2021)“…El Cañón de las Hermosas constituye una de las regiones menos exploradas del suroccidente del Tolima. Pese a albergar una gran diversidad de fauna, la…”
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Análisis de la condición corporal de aves Passeriformes en zonas secas del norte del Alto Valle del Magdalena, Colombia
Published in Caldasia (01-01-2018)“…La condición corporal (CC) es la medida del estado nutricional de un animal representada principalmente por el tamaño de sus reservas energéticas. En aves esta…”
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Wing morphology is related to niche specialization and interaction networks in stenodermatine bats (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)
Published in Journal of mammalogy (05-04-2023)“…Plant–animal interactions constitute some of the most important ecological processes for the maintenance of tropical forests. Bats are the only group of…”
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Modeling the potential distribution of Corapipo leucorrhoa (Pipridae) in the upper Magdalena Valley, Tolima, Colombia
Published in Biota Colombiana (01-01-2020)“…In recent years, the white-bibbed manakin (Corapipo leucorrhoa) has been reported outside its usual distribution north of the upper Magdalena valley (Tolima,…”
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Body Condition in Birds in Two Landscapes of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia/Condicion corporal en aves en dos paisajes del alto valle del Magdalena, Colombia
Published in Revista de ciencias (01-06-2019)“…The body condition (BC) is the sum of factors such as the state of energy reserves, the degree of health and the physiological wear of an individual. Despite…”
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Replacement sequence for the flight feathers of the Blue-black Grassquit (Volatinia jacarina) and the Gray Seedeater (Sporophila intermedia)
Published in El Hornero (01-12-2018)“…Knowing the order and way in which the flight feather replacement process takes place is fundamental to elucidate the specific strategies adopted by different…”
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Análisis multi-temporal de la biodiversidad aviar en el Centro Universitario Regional del Norte (Tolima, Colombia)
Published in Revista de biología tropical (01-12-2024)“…Introducción: Cada vez son más los estudios que incluyen la diversidad funcional para comprender los patrones de la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, en el…”
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Analisis espacial y conectividad estructural en paisajes con palma de cera and its relationship with birds, butterflies, and mammals in Tolima, Colombia
Published in Caldasia (01-09-2023)“…Los bosques con palma de cera (Ceroxylon quindiuense H.Wendl. ex H.Karst) son ecosistemas constantemente amenazados por procesos agricolas y ganaderos. Las…”
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Duration and intensity of primary molt in two neotropical grasslands Passerines / Duración e intensidad de la muda de plumas primarias en dos Passeriformes neotropicales de pastizales
Published in Caldasia (01-01-2018)“…Description of patterns and mechanics of bird molt have permitted understanding and have clarified temporal and spatial dynamics in the life cycles of several…”
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Características de la avifauna en un fragmento de bosque húmedo premontano afectado por ruido vehicular (Features of the avifauna in a fragment of premontane moist forest affected by vehicular noise)
Published in Mutis- Revista de arte y ciencia de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (01-09-2016)“…La contaminación acústica producida por las carreteras representa uno de los factores que afecta en mayor medida la presencia, densidad y diversidad de la…”
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Birds of the Chilí-Barragán páramo complex (Tolima, Colombia
Published in Biota Colombiana (01-08-2016)“…The Chili-Barragan complex is one of the páramo regions of lesser extent in Central cordillera of Colombia, located mainly on Tolima department. Although some…”
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Avifauna del complejo de páramos Chilí-Barragán (Tolima, Colombia)
Published in Biota Colombiana (15-06-2016)Get full text
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Body Condition in Birds in Two Landscapes of the Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia
Published in Revista de ciencias (13-11-2019)“…The body condition (BC) is the sum of factors such as the state of energy reserves, the degree of health and the physiological wear of an individual. Despite…”
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