Search Results - "Longini, IM"
Containing Pandemic Influenza with Antiviral Agents
Published in American journal of epidemiology (01-04-2004)“…For the first wave of pandemic influenza or a bioterrorist influenza attack, antiviral agents would be one of the few options to contain the epidemic in the…”
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Containing Bioterrorist Smallpox
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (15-11-2002)“…The need for a planned response to a deliberate introduction of smallpox has recently become urgent. We constructed a stochastic simulator of the spread of…”
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A 4-Year Study of the Epidemiology of Vibrio cholerae in Four Rural Areas of Bangladesh
Published in The Journal of infectious diseases (01-01-2003)“…How Vibrio cholerae spreads around the world and what determines its seasonal peaks in endemic areas are not known. These features of cholera have been…”
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Epidemic and Endemic Cholera Trends over a 33-Year Period in Bangladesh
Published in The Journal of infectious diseases (15-07-2002)“…Despite nearly 200 years of study, the mechanisms contributing to the maintenance of endemic cholera and the causes of periodic epidemics remain poorly…”
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The critical vaccination fraction for heterogeneous epidemic models
Published in Mathematical biosciences (2003)“…Given a population with m heterogeneous subgroups, a method is developed for determining minimal vaccine allocations to prevent an epidemic by setting the…”
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Subtype-specific Transmission Probabilities for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 among Injecting Drug Users in Bangkok, Thailand
Published in American journal of epidemiology (15-01-2002)“…The Bangkok (Thailand) Metropolitan Administration cohort of injecting drug users (IDUs) consisted of 1,209 IDUs initially seronegative for human…”
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Estimation of the efficacy of live, attenuated influenza vaccine from a two-year, multi-center vaccine trial: implications for influenza epidemic control
Published in Vaccine (17-03-2000)“…The authors provide an analysis of data from a two-year (1996–1998), multicenter (ten US cities), double-blinded, placebo-controlled influenza vaccine trial in…”
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Direct and indirect effects in vaccine efficacy and effectiveness
Published in American journal of epidemiology (15-02-1991)“…In 1915, Greenwood and Yule noted that for valid vaccine efficacy studies, exposure to infection in the vaccinated and the unvaccinated must be equal (Proc R…”
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COVID-19 vaccine trials should seek worthwhile efficacy
Published in The Lancet (British edition) (12-09-2020)“…[...]the initial trials comparing COVID-19 vaccines versus placebo should seek reliable evidence not only of some efficacy but of worthwhile efficacy…”
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Estimation of Vaccine Efficacy in the Presence of Waning: Application to Cholera Vaccines
Published in American journal of epidemiology (15-05-1998)“…The authors present a nonparametric method for estimating vaccine efficacy as a smooth function of time from vaccine trials. Use of the method requires a…”
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Mitigation Strategies for Pandemic Influenza in the United States
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (11-04-2006)“…Recent human deaths due to infection by highly pathogenic (H5N1) avian influenza A virus have raised the specter of a devastating pandemic like that of…”
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Augmented HIV vaccine trial design for estimating reduction in infectiousness and protective efficacy
Published in Statistics in medicine (30-01-1998)“…It is important to design HIV vaccine trials to estimate the efficacy of a vaccine in reducing infectiousness in addition to the protective efficacy. Currently…”
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Containing Pandemic Influenza at the Source
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (12-08-2005)“…Highly pathogenic avian influenza A (subtype H5N1) is threatening to cause a human pandemic of potentially devastating proportions. We used a stochastic…”
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Determinants and predictors of dengue infection in Mexico
Published in American journal of epidemiology (01-06-1991)“…A national serosurvey was conducted in Mexico from March to October 1986 to identify predictors of dengue transmission and target areas at high risk of severe…”
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A Markov model for measuring vaccine efficacy for both susceptibility to infection and reduction in infectiousness for prophylactic HIV vaccines
Published in Statistics in medicine (15-01-1999)“…We use a discrete‐time non‐homogeneous Markov chain to model data from augmented human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine trials. For this design, the study…”
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No HIV stage is dominant in driving the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa
Published in AIDS (London) (31-05-2008)“…To estimate the role of each of the HIV progression stages in fueling HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa by using the recent measurements of HIV…”
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Effect of routine use of therapy in slowing the clinical course of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in a population-based cohort
Published in American journal of epidemiology (01-06-1993)“…Clinical trials have shown that the prophylactic use of zidovudine and aerosolized pentamidine (or other antibiotics used as prophylaxis against Pneumocystis…”
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Statistical inference for infectious diseases. Risk-specific household and community transmission parameters
Published in American journal of epidemiology (01-10-1988)“…A statistical model is presented for the analysis of infectious disease data from family studies in the community. The model partitions the sources of…”
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Strategy for Distribution of Influenza Vaccine to High-Risk Groups and Children
Published in American journal of epidemiology (15-02-2005)“…Despite evidence that vaccinating schoolchildren against influenza is effective in limiting community-level transmission, the United States has had a…”
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Modelling the female-to-male per-act HIV transmission probability in an emerging epidemic in Asia
Published in Statistics in medicine (15-10-1994)“…The per-sexual-act probability of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) from an infected person to a susceptible sex partner can be…”
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