Search Results - "Lofgreen, Ashton M."
Evaluating patterns and predictors of symptom change during a three-week intensive outpatient treatment for veterans with PTSD
Published in BMC psychiatry (27-07-2018)“…Intensive delivery of evidence-based treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is becoming increasingly popular for overcoming barriers to treatment…”
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The association between social support and posttraumatic stress symptoms among survivors of betrayal trauma: a meta-analysis
Published in European journal of psychotraumatology (01-01-2021)“…Background: Betrayal traumas have a particularly deleterious effect on mental health. Although social support is a robust predictor of posttraumatic stress…”
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Does No Mean No? Situational and Dispositional Factors Influence Emerging Adult Men's Intentions to Use Assault Tactics in Response to Women's Sexual Refusal During Hookups
Published in Sexual abuse (14-08-2024)“…Hookups can result in sexual assault when men do not listen to requests from women to stop. It is thus important to identify factors that influence men's…”
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Situational and Dispositional Determinants of College Men’s Perception of Women’s Sexual Desire and Consent to Sex: A Factorial Vignette Analysis
Published in Journal of interpersonal violence (01-01-2021)“…Sexual victimization of women by men on college campuses is a growing societal concern, with research identifying a host of situational and characterological…”
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Improving outcomes for a 3-week intensive treatment program for posttraumatic stress disorder in survivors of military sexual trauma
Published in Journal of affective disorders (15-05-2020)“…•Military sexual trauma (MST) often leads to adverse outcomes such as PTSD.•MST survivors have higher rates of interpersonal trauma than combat…”
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Negative posttraumatic cognitions among military sexual trauma survivors
Published in Journal of affective disorders (01-10-2018)“…•Military sexual trauma predicts specific negative cognitions in veterans with PTSD.•Specific cognitions were focused on self-blame.•Findings held after…”
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Dyadic alcohol use, alcohol-specific conflict, and relationship dissatisfaction in treatment-seeking men and their female partners
Published in Journal of social and personal relationships (01-12-2017)“…Intimate partners consuming different amounts of alcohol tend to have lower relationship satisfaction, whereas those drinking at similar levels often report…”
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The Role of Illicit Substance Use in a Conceptual Model of Intimate Partner Violence in Men Undergoing Treatment for Alcoholism
Published in Psychology of addictive behaviors (01-06-2012)“…Illicit substance use (ISU) predicts intimate partner violence (IPV) above and beyond alcohol use and other known IPV correlates. Stuart and colleagues (2008)…”
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An Overview of Sexual Trauma in the U.S. Military
Published in Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing) (01-10-2017)“…This article discusses the scope and impact of military sexual trauma (MST) in the U.S. Armed Forces. The authors explore aspects of the military setting that…”
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Situational and Dispositional Determinants of College Men’s Perception of Women’s Sexual Wantedness and Sexual Consent: A Factorial Vignette Analysis
Published 01-01-2014“…The presence of sexual consent is pivotal to the determination of the legality and morality of a given sexual interaction. As such, the conceptualization of…”
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Dissertation -
Discrepant Dyadic Alcohol Use in the Development of Relationship Dissatisfaction: the Mediating Role of Alcohol-Specific Conflict
Published 01-01-2012“…Extant research demonstrates a link between intimate partners’ discrepant alcohol consumption and declines in relationship satisfaction, as well as higher…”
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