Search Results - "Lodhi, M. A. K."
Use of waste heat of TIEC as the power source for AMTEC
Published in Journal of power sources (14-07-2006)“…In this investigation, the heat rejected by one heat conversion device has been utilized as the source of power input for another device. A mathematical model…”
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Optimization of power of alkali metal thermo electric convertor
Published in Journal of power sources (01-02-2015)“…Alkali Metal Thermo Electric Convertor (AMTEC) uses infrared radiation to knock out electrons from some alkali metal acting as the working material. In the…”
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Assessment of Urban Sprawl of Islamabad Metropolitan Area Using Multi-Sensor and Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
Published in Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2012)“…The present research relates to the exploitation of remote sensing and geographic data to study the metropolitan expansion, land use patterns and land cover…”
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Temperature effect on lifetimes of AMTEC electrodes
Published in Journal of power sources (01-06-2007)“…The alkali metal thermal to electric converter (AMTEC) is perhaps one of the most desirable devices for directly converting heat into electrical energy,…”
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An overview of advanced space/terrestrial power generation device: AMTEC
Published in Journal of power sources (30-12-2001)“…Alkali metal thermal electric converter (AMTEC) technology offers several advantages over conventional forms of electric generation. Some of these advantages…”
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Optimization of the TIEC/AMTEC cascade cell for high efficiency
Published in Journal of power sources (01-06-2006)“…A mathematical modeling of a system consisting of a cascade of a thermionic energy conversion (TIEC) device and an alkali metal thermal to electric converter…”
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The Grain Size Effect on Thermo-chemical Properties of AMTEC electrodes
Published in International journal of electrochemical science (01-06-2007)“…The lifetime of alkali metal thermal to electric converter (AMTEC) is desired to last for a long time, 15 years or more, which depends primarily on…”
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Effect of geometrical variations on AMTEC cell heat losses
Published in Journal of power sources (01-12-2000)“…Alkali metal thermal to electric converter (AMTEC) cells are built with readily available materials. Improvement of the performance of an AMTEC cell requires…”
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Temperature-dependent grain growth model for AMTEC electrodes
Published in Journal of power sources (03-09-2004)“…Electrode materials for AMTEC play a significant role in its power output and efficiency. TiN, RhW and Rh 2W alloys have been studied to determine the best…”
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Time-dependent BASE performance and power degradation in AMTEC
Published in Journal of power sources (01-02-2001)“…During extended testing at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Air Force Research Laboratory, it has been found that maximum power output of the PX-3A AMTEC…”
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Characteristics of electrodes materials and their lifetime modeling for AMTEC
Published in Journal of power sources (30-12-2001)“…One major problem in the power output of alkali metal thermal to electric converter (AMTEC) is its decay with time. From the 18,000 h of laboratory testing on…”
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Simulation and analysis of time-dependent degradation behavior of AMTEC
Published in Journal of power sources (15-06-2001)“…Alkali metal thermal-to-electric converter (AMTEC) technology is ideally suited for a wide range of applications from space, aerospace and military to domestic…”
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The role of electrodes in power degradation of AMTEC: analysis and simulation
Published in Journal of power sources (15-06-2001)“…During the testing of the alkali metal thermal to electric converter (AMTEC) in laboratory, maximum power output of the AMTEC was found to be decreasing from…”
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Design and material variation for an improved power output of AMTEC cells
Published in Journal of power sources (01-02-2001)“…A number of design changes for improving the alkali metal thermo-electric converter (AMTEC) cell performance are investigated. In this study, both the material…”
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Performance parameters of material studies for AMTEC cell
Published in Journal of power sources (2000)“…In the recent past, a number of programs have focused on developing AMTEC technology associated with its fabrication and design. The performance level,…”
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Effect of radiation shield on pressure losses and power output of AMTEC cell
Published in Journal of power sources (01-02-2001)“…Pressure loss in a PX-3A alkali metal thermo-electric converter (AMTEC) cell was investigated by varying the heat radiation between the beta alumina solid…”
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B_{c} absorption cross sections by nucleons
Published 16-09-2013“…The cross sections of $B_{c}$\ absorption by nucleons are calculated in meson-baryon exchange model using hadronic Lagrangian based on SU(4)/SU(5) flavor…”
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Design modification in rotor blade of turbo molecular pump
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21-06-2012)“…Performance of a Turbo Molecular Pump (TMP) is strongly related to the frequency of the rotor. As rpm increases deflection in the rotor blades starts to occur…”
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Electrostatic focusing of directly heated linear filament gun using EGUN
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11-06-2011)“…This paper presents the optimization of a line source rectangular electron gun using electrostatic focusing. We optimized the gun by shaping the configuration…”
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Allelopathy in agroecosystems: wheat phytotoxicity and its possible roles in crop rotation
Published in Journal of chemical ecology (01-08-1987)“…The germination rates of cotton and wheat seeds were significantly affected by various extracts of wheat mulch and soils collected from the wheat field. This…”
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