Search Results - "Lobas, L. G."
Generalized Mathematical Model of an Inverted Multilink Pendulum with Follower Force
Published in International applied mechanics (01-05-2005)“…A problem formulation and differential equations are given to describe the plane-parallel motion of an inverted multilink pendulum with an asymmetric follower…”
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Dynamic Behavior of Multilink Pendulums under Follower Forces
Published in International applied mechanics (01-06-2005)“…The results from studies of the dynamic behavior of a double pendulum under the action of a follower force are analyzed. It is pointed out that bifurcations…”
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The dynamics of finite-dimensional systems under nonconservative position forces
Published in International applied mechanics (2001)“…General theorems on the stability of stationary states of mechanical systems subjected to nonconservative position forces are presented. Specific mechanical…”
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On rolling systems
Published in International applied mechanics (01-05-2000)Get full text
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Influence of the Nonlinearity of the Elastic Elements on the Stability of a Double Pendulum with Follower Force in the Critical Case
Published in International applied mechanics (01-04-2005)“…A generalized mathematical theory of a double mathematical pendulum with follower force is used to analyze the stability of the vertical equilibrium position…”
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The equations of an inverted pendulum with an arbitrary number of links and an asymmetric follower force
Published in International applied mechanics (01-05-2007)“…This paper formulates a problem for and gives the differential equations of plane-parallel motion of an inverted n-link pendulum subject to an asymmetric…”
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Limit cycles of a double pendulum with nonlinear springs
Published in International applied mechanics (01-12-2010)“…The limit cycles of a double pendulum with hard, soft, or linear springs subject to a follower force are drawn using computer simulation…”
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Limit cycles of a double pendulum subject to a follower force
Published in International applied mechanics (01-06-2009)“…It is shown that there is a magnitude of the follower force at which two limit cycles, stable and unstable, are born in the phase space of a double simple…”
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Equilibrium of an inverted mathematical double-link pendulum with a follower force
Published in International applied mechanics (01-03-2002)Get full text
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Stability domains of the vertical equilibrium state of a triple simple pendulum
Published in International applied mechanics (01-10-2008)“…The stability boundaries for the vertical equilibrium position of a triple simple pendulum subject to asymmetric follower force are analyzed. The effect of the…”
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Bifurcations of the steady motion of three-axle pneumowheel vehicles
Published in International applied mechanics (01-12-2000)Get full text
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Theory of inverted pendulum with follower force revisited
Published in International applied mechanics (01-06-2007)“…The effect of the type of springs on the equilibrium states of an inverted pendulum is examined. The angular and linear eccentricities of the follower force…”
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Invariant manifolds and the behavior of dynamic systems with symmetry near the boundary of the region of stability
Published in International applied mechanics (01-05-1996)Get full text
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Influence of material and geometrical nonlinearities on the bifurcations of equilibrium states of a two-link pendulum
Published in International applied mechanics (01-08-2007)“…The equilibrium states of an inverted two-link simple pendulum with an asymmetric follower force are classified depending on the characteristics of the springs…”
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Equilibrium states of a pendulum with an asymmetric follower force
Published in International applied mechanics (01-04-2007)“…The effect of the linear eccentricity of the follower force on the equilibrium states of an inverted pendulum is examined. Bifurcation points and catastrophes…”
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Evolution of the equilibrium states of an inverted pendulum
Published in International applied mechanics (01-03-2007)“…The influence of the pendulum parameters and the follower force on the evolution of equilibrium states is analyzed using a generalized mathematical model of…”
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Influence of concurrent use of springs with characteristics of different types on the equilibrium of an inverted pendulum
Published in International applied mechanics (01-07-2007)“…The effect of the concurrent use of springs with characteristics of different types (hard, soft, or linear) on the equilibrium of an inverted simple pendulum…”
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On divergent bifurcations in dynamic systems with rolling
Published in International applied mechanics (01-12-1994)Get full text
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Existence and ability to realize stationary states in pneumatic-tire vehicles
Published in International applied mechanics (01-07-1993)Get full text
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Influence of the choice of variables on a mathematical model of torque-link systems capable of rolling motion
Published in International applied mechanics (01-06-1993)Get full text
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