Search Results - "Llerena, Luís R"
Accuracy of the 64 multislice computed tomography in the diagnosis of coronary stent restenosis
Published in Archivos de cardiología de México (01-01-2011)“…To determine the accuracy of coronary angiography through 64-slice computed tomography in detecting in-stent restenosis. Fifty-two patients with 76 coronary…”
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FACTORES DE RIESGO CARDIOVASCULAR Y CALIDAD DE VIDA EN MUJERES REVASCULARIZADAS CON STENT CORONARIOS / Cardiovascular risk factors and quality of life in women who under-went revascularization with coronary stenting
Published in CorSalud (01-10-2013)“…Resumen Introducción: Los factores de riesgo cardiovascular son responsables directos de la elevada mortalidad por enfermedad coronaria aterosclerótica en la…”
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Volume of coronary calcified plaques by computed tomography and presence of significant stenosis by coronary angiography
Published in Archivos de cardiología de México (01-07-2010)“…Coronary artery calcium is almost pathognomonic of atherosclerosis. In 1990, Agatston designed a method to measure the coronary calcium score by computed…”
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Asociación de la hipertrofía ventricular izquierda con eventos cardiacos posteriores a intervencionismo coronario percutáneo. Association of left ventricular hypertrophy with cardiac events after percutaneous coronary intervention
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2011)“…Introduction: Left ventricular hypertrophy is not included in the prognostic models of cardiacevents after percutaneous coronary intervention.Objective To…”
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Validity of the coronary calcium volume in the diagnosis of the significant coronary stenosis
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2011)“…The presence of calcium in coronary arteries confirms the presence of atherosclerosis.To determine the validity of coronary calcium(Ca) total volume by the…”
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Nuestra experiencia en el diagnóstico de la disección aórtica por tomografía multicortes. Our experience in the diagnosis of aortic dissection by multislice computed tomography
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2011)“…Introduction Aortic dissection (AD) is the most frequent and life-threatening acute aorticsyndrome. Currently the more used method for the aortic study is…”
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Valor de la tomografía de 64 cortes en el diagnóstico de la permeabilidad de los injertos aortocoronarios. Diagnostic value of 64 multislice computed tomography in the assessment of the coronary graft patency
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2011)“…Introduction Symptoms recurrence after surgical coronary artery revascularization requiresthe assessment of graft patency. At the moment, promissory results…”
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Colateral coronary circulation and left ventricular aneurism evaluated by multislice tomography
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2011)Get full text
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Aortic coartation posterior to the emergence of left subclavian artery
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2011)Get full text
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Utilidad del score de calcio en el diagnóstico de enfermedad coronaria obstructiva Usefulness of the calcium score in the diagnosis of obstructive coronary disease
Published in Revista cubana de investigaciones biomédicas (01-12-2010)“…Introducción: La presencia de calcio en las coronarias es prácticamente patognomónica de aterosclerosis. En el año 1990, Agatston diseño un método para…”
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Stent en arteria descendente anterior inmediatamente despues de anastomosis con puente mamario estudiado por tomografía multicortes. Multislice computed tomography assessment of left anterior descending coronary artery stent immediately after mammary artery graft
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2011)Get full text
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Disección aórtica tipo III de Bakey o B de Stanford diagnósticada por ecocardiografía transesofágica y tomografía de doble fuente. De Bakey type III or Stanford type B aortic dissection diagnosed by transesophageal echocardiography and double-source computed tomography
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2011)Get full text
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Meandering pulmonary vein, hypoplastic lung and pulmonary sequestration
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2011)Get full text
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Tromboembolismo pulmonar. Diagnóstico por angiografía torácica computarizada de múltiples cortes. Evolución satisfactoria con tratamiento médico. Pulmonary thromboembolism: Diagnosis by multislice computed thoracic angiography: Satisfactory course with medical treatment
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-2010)Get full text
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Diagnóstico clínico y angiográfico de la arteritis de Takayasu. Clinical and angiographic diagnosis of Takayasu's arteritis
Published in Revista cubana de cardiologia y cirugia cardiovascular (01-01-1996)“…Se estudiaron tres enfermas aquejadas de arteritis de Takayasu diagnosticadas en el Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular en 1995. El diagnóstico…”
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