Search Results - "Little, John D. C."
A Logit Model of Brand Choice Calibrated on Scanner Data
Published in Marketing science (Providence, R.I.) (01-01-2008)“…A multinomial logit model of brand choice, calibrated on 32 weeks of purchases of regular ground coffee by 100 households, shows high statistical significance…”
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Models and Managers: The Concept of a Decision Calculus
Published in Management science (01-12-2004)“…( This article originally appeared in Management Science, April 1970, Volume 16, Number 8, pp. B-466B-485, published by The Institute of Management Sciences…”
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Little's Law as Viewed on Its 50th Anniversary
Published in Operations research (01-05-2011)“…Fifty years ago, the author published a paper in Operations Research with the title, ``A proof for the queuing formula: L = λW" [Little, J. D. C. 1961. A proof…”
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Commentary--A Logit Model of Brand Choice Calibrated on Scanner Data: A 25th Anniversary Perspective
Published in Marketing science (Providence, R.I.) (01-01-2008)“…Guadagni and Little (1983) had a surprising (to the authors) number of citations, presumably because it was the first paper to build a useful model with UPC…”
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Philip M. Morse and the Beginnings
Published in Operations research (01-01-2002)“…Morse was the many-sided founding father of operations research in the United States. Following his pioneering wartime effort, he vigorously promoted the…”
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A Theory of Forward Buying, Merchandising, and Trade Deals
Published in Marketing science (Providence, R.I.) (01-01-1996)“…Manufacturer-supported trade deals remain one of the major competitive tools in today's marketplace. This is true despite the fact that such trade deals are…”
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The History of the Marketing College Is a Work in Progress
Published in Marketing science (Providence, R.I.) (01-10-2001)“…The relations between the College on Marketing and its parent societies - TIMS, ORSA and INFORMS - are examined…”
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An empirical analysis of latitude of price acceptance in consumer package goods
Published in The Journal of consumer research (01-12-1994)“…Scanner panel data analyses for sweetened and unsweetened drink categories (with four brands in each) support the presence of a region of price insensitivity…”
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OR FORUM-Little's Law as Viewed on Its 50th Anniversary
Published in Operations research (01-06-2011)“…Fifty years ago, the author published a paper in Operations Research with the title, "A proof for the queuing formula: L = λW " [Little, J. D. C. 1961. A proof…”
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Operations Research in Industry: New Opportunities in a Changing World
Published in Operations research (01-07-1991)“…During the birth of operations research in World War II, some of the greatest OR successes occurred when events were happening so fast that people did not have…”
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Obituary John F. Nash Jr
Published in International transactions in operational research (01-11-2015)Get full text
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Comments on "Models and Managers: The Concept of a Decision Calculus"
Published in Management science (01-12-2004)“…Managerial models for practice have undergone remarkable growth in the past 50 years. My paper on decision calculus, published in 1970, was both a progress…”
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An Experiment in Approval Voting
Published in Management science (01-05-1988)“…The first major experimental comparison of approval voting with regular plurality voting occurred in the 1985 annual election of The Institute of Management…”
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Research Opportunities in the Decision and Management Sciences
Published in Management science (01-01-1986)“…The National Science Foundation established the Decision and Management Sciences Program (DMS) in 1982. Healthy and growing, DMS is likely to affect OR/MS…”
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Can Advertising Copy Make FSI Coupons More Effective?
Published in Journal of marketing research (01-11-1997)“…Packaged goods manufacturers distribute cents-off coupons in free-standing inserts (FSIs) in newspapers. Free-standing insert coupons are typically composed of…”
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A Logit Model of Brand Choice Calibrated on Scanner Data: A 25th Anniversary Perspective
Published in Marketing science (Providence, R.I.) (01-01-2008)“…Guadagni and Little (1983) had a surprising (to the authors) number of citations, presumably because it was the first paper to build a useful model with UPC…”
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Estimating Nonlinear Parameters in the Multinomial Logit Model
Published in Marketing science (Providence, R.I.) (01-10-1992)“…Multinomial logit models, especially those calibrated on scanner data, often use explanatory variables that are nonlinear functions of the parameters to be…”
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Choice and the Internet: From Clickstream to Research Stream
Published in Marketing letters (01-08-2002)“…The authors discuss research progress and future opportunities for modeling consumer choice on the Internet using clickstream data (the electronic records of…”
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The Synchronization of Traffic Signals by Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
Published in Operations research (01-07-1966)“…Traffic signals can be synchronized so that a car, starting at one end of a main artery and traveling at preassigned speeds, can go to the other end without…”
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BRANDAID: A Marketing-Mix Model, Part 2: Implementation, Calibration, and Case Study
Published in Operations research (01-07-1975)“…Model implementation starts with introductory steps that include orienting management, forming a team, selecting and formulating a problem, calibrating the…”
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