Search Results - "Litke, K. E."
Measurement of Fukushima aerosol debris in Sequim and Richland, WA and Ketchikan, AK
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-05-2013)“…Aerosol collections were initiated at several locations by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) shortly after the Great East Japan earthquake of May…”
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Journal Article -
Cleaning and passivation of copper surfaces to remove surface radioactivity and prevent oxide formation
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21-08-2007)“…High-purity copper is an attractive material for constructing ultra-low-background radiation measurement devices. Many low-background experiments using…”
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Journal Article -
Enhanced beta-gamma coincidence counting gas cell
Published in IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004 (2004)“…The automated radioxenon sampler/analyzer (ARSA) uses a highly compact, high efficiency beta-gamma coincidence detector to detect /sup 133/Xe, /sup 131m/Xe,…”
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Conference Proceeding