Search Results - "Lisette Sandrea"
Association between Helicobacter pylori and intestinal parasites in an Añu indigenous community of Venezuela
Published in Indian journal of gastroenterology (01-03-2016)“…Background Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) and enteroparasite infections are highly prevalent in populations with poor living conditions, like the Amerindian…”
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Fluconazole as a therapeutic alternative in infections associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Published in Kasmera (01-06-2018)“…Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) is a microorganism whose importance as an infectious agent has remained over the years but which has become a…”
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Detection of the Legionella Species in Water used in Dental Units. Maracaibo, Venezuela
Published in Kasmera (01-06-2009)“…The presence of any microorganism in the water used in dental units constitutes a serious danger for both the patient and the personnel that work there. The…”
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Salmonella and Shigella in faecal specimen in the Santa Rosa population, Maracaibo-Venezuela
Published in Kasmera (01-12-2007)“…The gastrointestinal infections, there represent worldwide some of the major reasons of morbidmortality, principally in the underdeveloped countries, being…”
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Microbiological quality of raw salads that are sold at roadside food stalls quick Maracaibo-Venezuela
Published in Kasmera (01-12-2018)“…Raw salads play an important role in foodborne, especially during processing is not necessary meet to prevent its contamination hygienic conditions. The…”
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Riesgo microbiológico asociado al uso de teléfonos móviles en laboratorios clínicos hospitalarios de Maracaibo-Venezuela
Published in Kasmera (01-12-2015)“…The use of mobile phones is widespread in health institutions, including areas with defined microbiological risk as clinical laboratories. In this study, the…”
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Salmonella spp. among Food Handlers in the Dining Room at a Venezuelan University
Published in Kasmera (01-07-2011)“…The relationship between inadequate food handling and the production of gastrointestinal infections has been amply demonstrated, and a variety of organisms,…”
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Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in HIV/AIDS Positive Children at the Innocens Foundation. Resistance to Methicillin and Erythromycin
Published in Kasmera (01-09-2015)“…Staphylococcus aureus is part of the normal flora of the skin and mucous membranes, with the nostrils the primary reservoir. Patients with HIV/AIDS, carriers…”
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Incidence of Microorganisms in Blood Cultures Processed at a Hospital in the State of Zulia and Resistance to Antimicrobial Agents
Published in Kasmera (01-09-2015)“…Bloodstream infections cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. To determine incidence of the main microorganisms isolated from blood cultures and…”
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Microbiological hazard associated with using of mobile phones in hospital clinical laboratories from Maracaibo-Venezuela
Published in Kasmera (01-08-2015)“…The use of mobile phones is widespread in health institutions, including areas with defined microbiological risk as clinical laboratories. In this study, the…”
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Legionella spp. as causal agent of pneumonia
Published in Kasmera (01-08-2015)“…Legionella species are recognized worldwide as important etiologic agents of pneumonia. In Venezuela the incidence is unknown. The purpose of this study was to…”
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Enterotoxin and Biofilm Production in Clinical Isolates of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Published in Kasmera (01-08-2014)“…S. aureus has become a public health problem, due to the difficulty of treating infections caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). The purpose of…”
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Calidad microbiológica de ensaladas crudas que se expenden en puestos ambulantes de comida rápida de la ciudad de Maracaibo-Venezuela
Published in Kasmera (01-12-2018)“…Raw salads play an important role in foodborne, especially during processing is not necessary meet to prevent its contamination hygienic conditions. The…”
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Extended-Spectrum -Lactamase Producers Isolated from Hemocultures at the University Hospital in Venezuela
Published in Kasmera (01-06-2007)“…The extended-spectrum -Lactamase (ESBL) is an important mechanism of resistance to the antimicrobial agents in members of the Enterobacteriaceae family. The…”
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Evaluación bacteriológica y contenido de histamina en pescado desmenuzado precocido en Venezuela
Published in Revista científica (Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. División de Investigación) (01-06-2010)“…Se determinó la calidad bacteriológica y el contenido de histamina en tres marcas comerciales (A, B, C) de pescado desmenuzado precocido (mojito) disponible en…”
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Legionella spp. como agente etiológico de neumonía
Published in Kasmera (01-12-2015)“…Legionella species are recognized worldwide as important etiologic agents of pneumonia. In Venezuela the incidence is unknown. The purpose of this study was to…”
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Portación nasal de Staphylococcus aureus en niños seropositivos para HIV/SIDA de la Fundación INNOCENS. Resistencia a meticilina y eritromicina
Published in Kasmera (01-06-2015)“…Staphylococcus aureus is part of the normal flora of the skin and mucous membranes, with the nostrils the primary reservoir. Patients with VIH/AIDS, carriers…”
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Incidencia de microorganismos en hemocultivos procesados en un hospital del estado Zulia y su resistencia a los agentes antimicrobianos
Published in Kasmera (01-06-2015)“…Bloodstream infections cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. To determine in- cidence of the main microorganisms isolated from blood cultures…”
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Comparación de la Calidad Microbiológica de Hamburguesa de Pollo Elaborada en Forma Artesanal e Industrial
Published in Revista científica (Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. División de Investigación) (01-07-2009)“…Se evaluó la calidad microbiológica de hamburguesa de pollo (HP) elaborada en forma artesanal e industrial mediante la determinación de sus recuentos de…”
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Producción de Enterotoxina y Biofilm en Aislamientos Clínicos de Staphylococcus aureus Resistente a Meticilina
Published in Kasmera (01-12-2014)“…S. aureus has become a public health problem, due to the difficulty of treating infections caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). The purpose of…”
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