Search Results - "Lisette Sandrea"

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  1. 1

    Association between Helicobacter pylori and intestinal parasites in an Añu indigenous community of Venezuela by Fuenmayor-Boscán, Alisbeth D., Hernández, Ileana M., Valero, Kutchynskaya J., Paz, América M., Sandrea, Lisette B., Rivero, Zulbey

    Published in Indian journal of gastroenterology (01-03-2016)
    “…Background Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) and enteroparasite infections are highly prevalent in populations with poor living conditions, like the Amerindian…”
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  2. 2

    Fluconazole as a therapeutic alternative in infections associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Lisette Sandrea, Cesar Ramirez, Zolay Romay

    Published in Kasmera (01-06-2018)
    “…Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) is a microorganism whose importance as an infectious agent has remained over the years but which has become a…”
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  3. 3

    Detection of the Legionella Species in Water used in Dental Units. Maracaibo, Venezuela by Lisette Sandrea Toledo, América Paz Montes, Eyilde Piña Reyes, María Sandrea Fereira, Javiera Navarro, María Paula Chacín

    Published in Kasmera (01-06-2009)
    “…The presence of any microorganism in the water used in dental units constitutes a serious danger for both the patient and the personnel that work there. The…”
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  4. 4

    Salmonella and Shigella in faecal specimen in the Santa Rosa population, Maracaibo-Venezuela by Lisette Sandrea Toledo, Yeiny Avila Roo, América Paz Montes, Carmen Corpas Guerrero, Kalina Petit Capriles, Newlsa Ocando Vilchez

    Published in Kasmera (01-12-2007)
    “…The gastrointestinal infections, there represent worldwide some of the major reasons of morbidmortality, principally in the underdeveloped countries, being…”
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  5. 5

    Microbiological quality of raw salads that are sold at roadside food stalls quick Maracaibo-Venezuela by Albanys Delgado Gómez, Lisette Sandrea Toledo, Giovanna Bonfini Quintero, Yadira Higuera Donado, Yeiny Avila Roo, Kutchynskaya Valero Leal

    Published in Kasmera (01-12-2018)
    “…Raw salads play an important role in foodborne, especially during processing is not necessary meet to prevent its contamination hygienic conditions. The…”
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  6. 6

    Riesgo microbiológico asociado al uso de teléfonos móviles en laboratorios clínicos hospitalarios de Maracaibo-Venezuela by Paz-Montes América, Fuenmayor-Boscán Alisbeth, Sandrea Lisette, Colmenares Joelymar, Marín Milagros, Rodríguez Egleé

    Published in Kasmera (01-12-2015)
    “…The use of mobile phones is widespread in health institutions, including areas with defined microbiological risk as clinical laboratories. In this study, the…”
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  7. 7

    Salmonella spp. among Food Handlers in the Dining Room at a Venezuelan University by Lisette Beatriz Sandrea Toledo, Eyilde Josefina Piña Reyes, América Paz Montes, Jennireth Ramírez, María Robertis, Daleine Romero, Yulisbeth Soto

    Published in Kasmera (01-07-2011)
    “…The relationship between inadequate food handling and the production of gastrointestinal infections has been amply demonstrated, and a variety of  organisms,…”
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  8. 8

    Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in HIV/AIDS Positive Children at the Innocens Foundation. Resistance to Methicillin and Erythromycin by Lisette Sandrea, Eyilde Piña, América Paz, Alisbeth Fuenmayor, Oly Torrealba, María Sandrea

    Published in Kasmera (01-09-2015)
    “…Staphylococcus aureus is part of the normal flora of the skin and mucous membranes, with the nostrils the primary reservoir. Patients with HIV/AIDS, carriers…”
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  9. 9

    Incidence of Microorganisms in Blood Cultures Processed at a Hospital in the State of Zulia and Resistance to Antimicrobial Agents by América Paz, Alisbeth Fuenmayor, Lisette Sandrea, Eyilde Piña, María López, Paula Navarro

    Published in Kasmera (01-09-2015)
    “…Bloodstream infections cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. To determine incidence of the main microorganisms isolated from blood cultures and…”
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  10. 10

    Microbiological hazard associated with using of mobile phones in hospital clinical laboratories from Maracaibo-Venezuela by América Paz-Montes, Alisbeth Fuenmayor-Boscán, Lisette Sandrea, Joelymar Colmenares, Milagros Marín, Egleé Rodríguez

    Published in Kasmera (01-08-2015)
    “…The use of mobile phones is widespread in health institutions, including areas with defined microbiological risk as clinical laboratories. In this study, the…”
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  11. 11

    Legionella spp. as causal agent of pneumonia by Lisette Sandrea-Toledo, América Paz-Montes, Alisbeth Fuenmayor-Boscán, Eyilde Piña-Reyes, Yeiny ívila-Roo, Morella Nava-Díaz

    Published in Kasmera (01-08-2015)
    “…Legionella species are recognized worldwide as important etiologic agents of pneumonia. In Venezuela the incidence is unknown. The purpose of this study was to…”
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  12. 12

    Enterotoxin and Biofilm Production in Clinical Isolates of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus by Yeiny Ávila R., Messaria Ginestre P., Kutchynskaya Valero L., Maribel Castellano G., Sonia Romero A., Alfredo López, Gresleida Rincón V., Lisette Sandrea T.

    Published in Kasmera (01-08-2014)
    “…S. aureus has become a public health problem, due to the difficulty of treating infections caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). The purpose of…”
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  13. 13

    Calidad microbiológica de ensaladas crudas que se expenden en puestos ambulantes de comida rápida de la ciudad de Maracaibo-Venezuela by Delgado Gómez Albanys, Sandrea Toledo Lisette, Bonfini Quintero Giovanna, Higuera Donado Yadira, Ávila Roo Yeiny, Valero Leal Kutchynskaya

    Published in Kasmera (01-12-2018)
    “…Raw salads play an important role in foodborne, especially during processing is not necessary meet to prevent its contamination hygienic conditions. The…”
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  14. 14

    Extended-Spectrum -Lactamase Producers Isolated from Hemocultures at the University Hospital in Venezuela by Lisette Sandrea Toledo, América Paz Montes, Eyilde Piña Reyes, Armindo Perozo Mena

    Published in Kasmera (01-06-2007)
    “…The extended-spectrum -Lactamase (ESBL) is an important mechanism of resistance to the antimicrobial agents in members of the Enterobacteriaceae family. The…”
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  15. 15

    Evaluación bacteriológica y contenido de histamina en pescado desmenuzado precocido en Venezuela by Pedro Izquierdo, Lisette Sandrea, María Allara, Peggy González, Aiza García, Yalitza Valecillos

    “…Se determinó la calidad bacteriológica y el contenido de histamina en tres marcas comerciales (A, B, C) de pescado desmenuzado precocido (mojito) disponible en…”
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  16. 16

    Legionella spp. como agente etiológico de neumonía by Sandrea-Toledo Lisette, Paz-Montes América, Fuenmayor-Boscán Alisbeth, Piña-Reyes Eyilde, Ávila-Roo Yeiny, Nava-Díaz Morella

    Published in Kasmera (01-12-2015)
    “…Legionella species are recognized worldwide as important etiologic agents of pneumonia. In Venezuela the incidence is unknown. The purpose of this study was to…”
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  17. 17

    Portación nasal de Staphylococcus aureus en niños seropositivos para HIV/SIDA de la Fundación INNOCENS. Resistencia a meticilina y eritromicina by Sandrea Toledo Lisette Beatriz, Piña Reyes Eyilde, Paz Montes América, Fuenmayor Boscán Alisbeth, Torrealba Oly, Sandrea Fereira María C

    Published in Kasmera (01-06-2015)
    “…Staphylococcus aureus is part of the normal flora of the skin and mucous membranes, with the nostrils the primary reservoir. Patients with VIH/AIDS, carriers…”
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  18. 18

    Incidencia de microorganismos en hemocultivos procesados en un hospital del estado Zulia y su resistencia a los agentes antimicrobianos by Paz-Montes América, Fuenmayor-Boscán Alisbeth, Sandrea-Toledo Lisette, Piña-Reyes Eyilde, López-Dávila María, Navarro-López Paula

    Published in Kasmera (01-06-2015)
    “…Bloodstream infections cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. To determine in- cidence of the main microorganisms isolated from blood cultures…”
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    Producción de Enterotoxina y Biofilm en Aislamientos Clínicos de Staphylococcus aureus Resistente a Meticilina by Ávila R Yeiny, Ginestre P Messaria, Valero L Kutchynskaya, Castellano G Maribel, Romero A Sonia, López Alfredo, Rincón V Gresleida, Sandrea T Lisette

    Published in Kasmera (01-12-2014)
    “…S. aureus has become a public health problem, due to the difficulty of treating infections caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). The purpose of…”
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