Search Results - "Lirios Cruz García"
Construct Validity of a Scale to Measure the Job Satisfaction of Professors at Public Universities in Central Mexico during COVID-19
Published in Trilogía, ciencia, tecnología y sociedad (01-07-2021)“…Until May 2021, six and a half million deaths had been directly and indirectly associated with COVID-19. This pandemic has impacted the traditional classroom…”
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Exploratory dimensions of the attitude toward occupational health
Published in Dimensión empresarial (01-06-2019)“…In the context of health policies, the psychological processes of identity and stigma are a team that tries to explain assessment processes lifestyles related…”
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Inteligencias y sabidurías organizacionales: Redes de conocimiento en torno al aprendizaje de la complejidad
Published in Revista psicogente (01-01-2019)“…Objetivo: Explicar el desempeño de una red de conocimiento, entendida desde la psicología de la inclusión como un sistema de gestión, producción y…”
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Exploratory factorial structure climate and labor flexibility
Published in Virajes (01-07-2018)“…Objective. Gross mode, the work climate has been studied as an area inherent in leadership. In the case of the one that is distinguished by its communication…”
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Exploratory factorial model of leadership dimensions in knowledge management in the COVID-19 era
Published in Cuadernos Latinoamericanos de Administraciâon (En linea) (12-12-2022)“…Knowledge management is a phenomenon observed in the pandemic, although focused on the translation ofexperiences, knowledge and skills. The objective of the…”
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Academic tourism before COVID-19
Published in Interconectando saberes (18-07-2022)“…The academic tourism understood as a planned and satisfactory recognition was the objective of this work. A cross-sectional, correlational, and exploratory…”
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Human, Social, and Intellectual Capital in the COVID-19 Era: Establishing the Agenda. Framing, Plausibility, and Verifiability in the Repositories
Published in Conexión (Lima, Peru) (11-12-2021)“…The health and economic crisis caused by the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease has accelerated the emergence of an informational economy focused…”
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Social representations, human capital and knowledge production in the Covid-19 era
Published in Malikussaleh journal of mathematics learning (30-10-2021)“…Studies of propaganda, security, warn youth and old age; 1) the systematic dissemination of crimes Attributed to political corruption; 2) state advertising as…”
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Modeling Work Commitment in the Covid-19 Era
Published in Indonesian Journal of Innovation and Applied Sciences (26-10-2021)“…In this regard, the objective of this study was modeling work commitment in the health sector. For this purpose, we used a sample of 100 social work students…”
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Structural equation modeling of commitment in the COVID-19 era
Published in Revista nacional de administración (30-06-2023)“…Work commitment is an observable process in times of crisis or job stability. Given that the structure of work commitment is influenced by various dimensions…”
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Polarization networks around the SDGs in the press from 2020 to 2023
Published in Heritage and Sustainable Development (01-02-2024)“…Polarization in the media is a phenomenon classified as ambivalent and volatile because radical positions change to moderate and neutral. The objective of the…”
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Dimensions of entrepreneurship around the reactivation of the economy based on tourism in central Mexico
Published in ARA: Revista de Investigación en Turismo (23-05-2022)“…The pandemic caused by SARS CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease have linked tourism with local entrepreneurship. It is a phenomenon in which political actors,…”
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Corporate reputation in a public university that trains social workers in public health
Published in Revista geon (31-01-2022)“…Problematic: in a context of risk, the reputation of an organization is affected by the expectations of its members. Consequently, the prestige of the…”
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Review of entrepreneurship in the Covid-19 era
Published in Revista Ingenio (01-01-2022)“…Background. Social Work studies about entrepreneurship warn a process of deliberate, planned and systematic rational choice which promote quality of life and…”
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Modelando la gestión e incubación del talento
Published in Interconectando saberes (01-02-2022)“…El objetivo del presente trabajo es modelar los ejes y temas centrales de la agenda para evidenciar la gestión e incubación del talento. Se realizó un estudio…”
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Redes tutoriales en la elaboración del protocolo de investigación
Published in Comunicación, cultura y política (Bogotá, Colombia) (03-12-2021)“…El objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer la relación entre el uso de la biblioteca digital tutoría 4.0 y la elaboración del protocolo de investigación,…”
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Ecocentric governance: Sustainability between the availability of resources and needs
Published in International Journal of Educational Innovation and Research (24-04-2022)“…The objective of this study was to corroborate the dimensions of ecocentric governance: conflict between authorities and users, negotiation and agreement…”
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Modelamiento del compromiso laboral ante la COVID-19 en un hospital público del centro de México
Published in Gaceta médica boliviana (07-07-2021)“…Objetivos: modelar los indicadores del compromiso laboral considerando la exposición al contagio debido a la transmisión comunitaria de la pandemia en una…”
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Validity of a habitus model of coffee entrepreneurship
Published in Summa (12-01-2021)“…The entrepreneurial coffee grower habitus, emerging in a context of cultural interrelation, supposes the advent of a local development process focused on the…”
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Bioseguridad y ciberseguridad percibidas ante la COVID-19 en México
Published in Estudios enseguridad y defensa (30-06-2021)“…La adaptación civil a un régimen de seguridad supone un cálculo de costos y beneficios que, al estar asociados a la adaptación a la crisis sanitaria y…”
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