Search Results - "Lima Ferreira, João Paulo"
Determination of constant and variable thermal diffusivity of cashew pulp during heating: Experimentation, optimizations and simulations
Published in Case studies in thermal engineering (01-11-2022)“…Cashew nut is used by the industry in the production of roasted kernels, whose flavor is appreciated in various parts of the world. However, the production of…”
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Solar drying of residue from Brazil nut processing
Published in Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (2021)“…A castanha-do-Brasil é frequentemente utilizada para consumo direto ou utilizada no processamento de extrato hidrossolúvel. Após obtençao do extrato…”
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Cinética de secagem e propriedades termodinâmicas da polpa de patauá (Oenocarpus bataua Mart.)
Published in Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (2019)“…O patauá é uma fruta amazónica que, devido as suas propriedades sensoriais e nutricionais atrativas, tem despertado o interesse da comunidade científica…”
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Probiotic coating applied to papaya slices for high quality snack production by convective drying
Published in Journal of food processing and preservation (01-01-2022)“…Incorporation of probiotic bacteria in food is a challenge for the industry, given the sensitivity of probiotic cultures to process conditions. The objective…”
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Optimization of Extraction Method of Anthocyanins from Red Cabbage
Published in Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) (18-04-2023)“…Among the vegetables that stand out for their high concentration of anthocyanins, red cabbage appears as one of the most-used sources of these pigments in food…”
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Modelagem matemática da cinética de secagem da casca do abacaxi
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (01-10-2017)“…O Brasil é o segundo maior produtor de abacaxi do mundo. A polpa é a parte do fruto que é normalmente consumida, enquanto a porção mais consistente do eixo…”
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A New Empirical Model for Predicting Intermittent and Continuous Drying of “Neve” Melon (Cucumis melo sp.) Seeds
Published in Agriculture (Basel) (01-03-2022)“…The objective of this work was to intermittently and continuously dry “Neve” melon seeds and study their behavior. The seeds were dried in a fixed-bed dryer at…”
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Modelagem e propriedades termodinâmicas da secagem de fatias de acuri
Published in Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (2019)“…O acuri é uma fruta pouco explorada industrialmente, mas com grandes perspectivas e possibilidades de uso. Para tanto, torna-se necessário reduzir o seu teor…”
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Utilization of Cumbeba ( Tacinga inamoena ) Residue: Drying Kinetics and Effect of Process Conditions on Antioxidant Bioactive Compounds
Published in Foods (06-04-2021)“…The residue generated from the processing of (cumbeba) fruit pulp represents a large amount of material that is discarded without proper application. Despite…”
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The Temperature Influence on Drying Kinetics and Physico-Chemical Properties of Pomegranate Peels and Seeds
Published in Foods (07-01-2023)“…Pomegranate is a fruit desirable for its nutritional and medicinal properties which has a great industrial potential that is yet under-explored. Notable for…”
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Influence of Dehydration Temperature on Obtaining Chia and Okra Powder Mucilage
Published in Foods (28-01-2023)“…Gum and mucilage from seeds and fruits are objects of study because they have characteristics of high viscosity at low concentrations and gelling properties,…”
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Use of Inverse Method to Determine Thermophysical Properties of Minimally Processed Carrots during Chilling under Natural Convection
Published in Foods (22-05-2023)“…The aim of this study was to determine the thermophysical properties and process parameters of cylindrical carrot pieces during their chilling. For this, the…”
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Mathematical Models to Describe the Foam Mat Drying Process of Cumbeba Pulp (Tacinga inamoena) and Product Quality
Published in Foods (14-06-2022)“…The present study investigated the mathematical modeling foam-mat drying kinetics of cumbeba pulp and the effect of drying conditions on the color and contents…”
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Impact of ultrasound pretreatment on banana chip production by convective drying using hot air: Consideration of shrinkage and variable effective mass diffusivity in the process description
Published in Journal of food process engineering (01-03-2024)“…In this study, we used experimental analysis and numerical simulation to describe and compare the convective drying (CD) of banana slices, without and with…”
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Thermophysical properties of cassava during its cooling: Experiment, determination by inverse method, and simulation
Published in Journal of food process engineering (01-03-2023)“…Minimal processing consists in eliminating inedible parts of agricultural products, through cutting, reducing them to smaller portions, ready for immediate…”
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Published in Holos (Natal, RN) (10-06-2022)“…A polpa de tucumã possui potencial para utilização industrial. Entretanto, o elevado conteúdo de umidade limita o seu uso. Assim, objetivou-se secar…”
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Effects of foam‐mat drying temperature on thermodynamic properties, microstructural properties, and X‐ray diffraction of Biribá (Rollinia mucosa [Jacq.] Baill) pulp
Published in Journal of food process engineering (01-01-2023)“…This study aimed to dry the pulp of “Biribá” (Rollinia mucosa [Jacq.] Baill) using the foam‐mat drying method at the temperatures of 30°C, 40°C, 50°C, and…”
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Magazine Article