Search Results - "Levy, Andrea"
Metal3D: a general deep learning framework for accurate metal ion location prediction in proteins
Published in Nature communications (11-05-2023)“…Metal ions are essential cofactors for many proteins and play a crucial role in many applications such as enzyme design or design of protein-protein…”
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Impact of prior COVID-19 infection on perceptions about the benefit and safety of COVID-19 vaccines
Published in American journal of infection control (01-01-2024)“…In this online survey of 1,733 US adults in December 2021, respondents believed COVID-19 vaccines are less beneficial and less safe for someone who had already…”
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The transition from breast cancer 'patient' to 'survivor'
Published in Psycho-oncology (Chichester, England) (01-01-2009)“…Background: While much is now known about breast cancer survivors' long‐term health, quality of life, and psychological state, relatively little is known about…”
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Fatalistic Beliefs about Cancer Prevention and Three Prevention Behaviors
Published in Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention (01-05-2007)“…Background: A substantial proportion of US adults hold fatalistic beliefs about cancer prevention. Although evidence suggests that fatalistic beliefs…”
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A Randomized Controlled Trial of Financial Incentives for Smoking Cessation
Published in Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention (01-01-2006)“…Background: Although 435,000 Americans die each year of tobacco-related illness, only ∼3% of smokers quit each year. Financial incentives have been shown to be…”
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Disseminating a smoking cessation intervention to childhood and young adult cancer survivors: baseline characteristics and study design of the partnership for health-2 study
Published in BMC cancer (11-05-2011)“…Partnership for Health-2 (PFH-2) is a web-based version of Partnership for Health, an evidence-based smoking cessation intervention for childhood cancer…”
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Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Patient Nondisclosure of Medically Relevant Information to Clinicians
Published in JAMA network open (02-11-2018)“…Patient failure to disclose medically relevant information to clinicians can undermine patient care or even lead to patient harm. To examine the frequency of…”
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Measuring Perceptions of Breast Cancer Risk
Published in Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention (01-10-2006)“…Background: Accurate measurement of people's risk perceptions is important for numerous bodies of research and in clinical practice, but there is no consensus…”
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Eating behavior as a prognostic factor for weight loss after gastric bypass
Published in Obesity surgery (01-04-2007)“…Binge-eating disorder (BED) may be associated with unsatisfactory weight loss in obese patients submitted to bariatric procedures. This study aims to…”
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Cardiovascular disease prevention in Ghana: feasibility of a faith-based organizational approach
Published in Bulletin of the World Health Organization (01-09-2011)“…To examine the feasibility of using community health workers (CHWs) to implement cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention programmes within faith-based…”
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Misrepresentation and Nonadherence Regarding COVID-19 Public Health Measures
Published in JAMA network open (03-10-2022)“…Importance The effectiveness of public health measures implemented to mitigate the spread and impact of SARS-CoV-2 relies heavily on honesty and adherence from…”
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Why Do People With an Anxiety Disorder Utilize More Nonmental Health Care Than Those Without?
Published in Health psychology (01-09-2007)“…Objective: It is unclear why nonmental healthcare utilization is greater among those with psychological problems. The authors examined healthcare utilization…”
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Making Sense of Cancer Risk Calculators on the Web
Published in Journal of general internal medicine : JGIM (01-03-2008)“…Objective Cancer risk calculators on the internet have the potential to provide users with valuable information about their individual cancer risk. However,…”
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Parental Nonadherence to Health Policy Recommendations for Prevention of COVID-19 Transmission Among Children
Published in JAMA network open (01-03-2023)“…This survey study assesses whether parents had ever engaged in specific misrepresentation and nonadherence behaviors regarding public health measures for…”
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Value for the Future and Breast Cancer–Preventive Health Behavior
Published in Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention (01-05-2006)“…Background: Time preference, or the extent to which people discount future benefits in favor of immediate benefits, might represent an important determinant of…”
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Distorting the probability of treatment success to justify treatment decisions
Published in Organizational behavior and human decision processes (01-09-2006)“…This research examines the value-induced bias: do people justify medical decisions by distorting their perception of relevant probabilities? Subjects were…”
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How bad is a 10% chance of losing a toe? judgments of probabilistic conditions by doctors and laypeople
Published in Memory & cognition (01-12-2005)“…We presented a Web questionnaire to 139 physicians and medical researchers and 109 laypeople. The subjects made judgments of badness and importance of…”
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Assessment of Patient Nondisclosures to Clinicians of Experiencing Imminent Threats
Published in JAMA network open (02-08-2019)“…Patient disclosure to their clinician about experiencing an imminent threat is a critical step toward receiving support or assistance. To examine the frequency…”
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Changing Perspectives and Impacting Lives Through Scientific Knowledge
Published in Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) (01-11-2023)Get full text
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