Search Results - "Leshabari, M.T"
Flashblood: blood sharing among female injecting drug users in Tanzania
Published in Addiction (Abingdon, England) (01-06-2010)“…ABSTRACT Aims This study examined the association between the blood‐sharing practice of ‘flashblood’ use and demographic factors, human immunodeficiency virus…”
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HIV/AIDS and injection drug use in the neighborhoods of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Published in Drug and alcohol dependence (01-04-2006)“…This study examines the intersection between needle-sharing practices and HIV recovered from used syringes collected from 73 heroin injection drug users (IDUs)…”
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Understanding women's experiences of distress during pregnancy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Published in Tanzania journal of health research (05-04-2011)“…Several studies show depression is common during pregnancy. However, there is limited information in Tanzania on the magnitude of perceived distress during…”
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Socio-economic and partner relationship factors associated with antenatal depressive morbidity among pregnant women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Published in Tanzania journal of health research (05-04-2011)“…Depression during pregnancy may negatively influence social functioning, birth outcomes and postnatal mental health. A cross-sectional analysis of the baseline…”
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Patient Satisfaction At The Muhimbili National Hospital In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Published in East African journal of public health (01-08-2008)“…Objectives: Patients are the primary beneficiaries of the services and care that hospitals provide. The Patient Satisfaction study examined the extent to which…”
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Management And Organization Reforms At The Muhimbili National Hospital: Challenges And Prospects
Published in East African journal of public health (01-08-2008)“…Objective: To establish the state of organization structures and management situation existing at the Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) and Muhimbili…”
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Bridging the information gap: sexual maturity and reproductive health problems among youth in Tanzania
Published in Health transition review : the cultural, social, and behavioural determinants of health (01-01-1997)“…The paper presents a brief review of the available literature on exposure to premarital sexual intercourse in the youth population, then discusses youth's…”
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