Search Results - "Lemberg, K V"

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  1. 1

    Study of an Electromagnetic Wave Transmission Line Based on Coupled Dielectric Resonators by Belyaev, B. A., Lemberg, K. V., Shabanov, V. F.

    “…An analog of an optical waveguide in the form of a chain of metallic nanoparticles has been investigated using modified cylindrical dielectric resonators in…”
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  2. 2

    Effect of Treatment Conditions of Capacitor Structures Based on Porous Silicon and Ferroelectric on Their Dielectric Losses in the HF and Microwave Ranges by Semenova, O. V., Patrusheva, T. N., Yuzova, V. A., Lemberg, K. V., Railko, M. Yu, Podorozhnyak, S. A., Khol’kin, A. I.

    “…Capacitors based on silicon materials and technologies have become widely used in high-frequency applications in the current decade. To reduce the dielectric…”
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  3. 3

    Investigation of a liquid crystal tunable phase shifter by Serzhantov, A M, Lemberg, K V

    “…An electrically controlled phase shifter is investigated, which is based on a resonant microstrip structure with a nematic liquid crystal substrate. It is…”
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    An X-band magnetically tunable bandpass filter based on novel waveguide cavity resonator by Belayev, B. A., Lemberg, K. V., Serzhantov, A. M.

    “…This paper presents a ferrite tunable waveguide filter showing high Q u and high tunability in X-band. A new type of waveguide cavity resonator with an H 102…”
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  6. 6

    Antenna Measurement Equipment for Radio Engineering Education by Litinskaya, Ye. A., Lemberg, K. V., Ivanov, A. S., Alexandrin, A. M., Polenga, S. V., Salomatov, Yu. P.

    “…The article presents results of development of automated measuring complexes for measuring radiation characteristics of microwave antennas by the methods of…”
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  7. 7

    Implementation of antenna near-field scanning without using probe position sensors by Ivanov, A. S., Lemberg, K. V., Polenga, S. V., Krylov, R. M., Salomatov, Y. P.

    “…In this paper the design of a near-field scanner for antenna measurements is presented. A distinctive feature of the scanner is the absence of probe position…”
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  8. 8

    High gain substrate integrated waveguide slot antenna array by Lemberg, K. V., Nazarov, O. A., Panko, V. S., Salomatov, Y. P.

    “…Linear and planar substrate integrated waveguide slot antenna arrays at 14.5 GHz are described. Simulated and measured characteristic of fabricated 32 × 16…”
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  9. 9

    A wide-angle mechanoelectrical steering antenna system based on multilayer dielectric wedge structure by Stankovsky, A. V., Polenga, S. V., Nemshon, A. D., Litinskaya, Ye A., Alexandrin, A. M., Lemberg, K. V., Salomatov, Yu P.

    “…The work presents the study of multilayer structure based on flat dielectric wedges which provides linear phase shift for wide-angle beam steering antennas…”
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  10. 10

    GNSS antenna characteristics using bi-orthogonal far-field measurement by Lemberg, K. V., Salomatov, Y. P., Gafarov, E. R.

    “…This paper describes a technique for characterization of GNSS antennas, using bi-orthogonal (two orthogonal linear polarizations) far-field measurements. The…”
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  11. 11

    Wide-angle mechanoelectrical beam steering antenna system by Stankovsky, A. V., Nemshon, A. D., Polenga, S. V., Lemberg, K. V., Salomatov, Y. P.

    “…The paper presents the modeling results of the phase front control structures based on perforated dielectric. One of the structures is a lens antenna with two…”
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  12. 12

    Formulation of the Hansen-Chu-McLean relations for the non-harmonic signals by Odintsov, A. Y., Salomatov, Y. P., Sugak, M. I., Lemberg, K. V.

    “…In the paper estimation of the fundamental performance limit for short antennas operating in the ultra-short pulses and ultra-wideband signals radiation mode…”
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  13. 13

    Phased array antenna with combined electronical and mechanical beam steering for satellite networks by Litinskaya, Y. A., Alexandrin, A. M., Lemberg, K. V., Polenga, S. V., Salomatov, Y. P.

    “…Phased array antenna with combined electronical and mechanical beam steering in elevation plane is considered. The analytical calculating results are…”
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  14. 14

    X-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) slot antenna array by Lemberg, K. V., Nazarov, O. A., Panko, V. S., Salomatov, Y. P.

    “…2×4 element waveguide-slot antenna array at 8 GHz is described. Antenna is built using substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. Simulated and measured…”
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  15. 15

    Tunable resonant microstrip phase shifter with the magneto dielectric substrate by Lemberg, K. V., Serzhantov, A. M.

    “…The new design of a tunable microstrip phase shifter is proposed. It is based on the resonant microstrip structure in which a magnetodielectric is used as a…”
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    Characteristics of a monolayer culture of bone marrow cells in rats with plutonium 239-induced osteosarcomas by Bukhtoiarova, Z M, Lemberg, V K

    Published in Voprosy onkologij (1984)
    “…The report is concerned with a monolayer culture of bone marrow cells of rats in which optimal blastogenic dose (92.5 kBq/kg) induced osteosarcoma. The cell…”
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  18. 18

    Carcinogenic effect of long-term fractionated gamma-irradiation by Kisel'gof, E I, Lemberg, V K

    Published in Radiobiologiia (01-07-1987)
    “…The incidence of malignant tumors increased and the average life decreased at remote times following long-term fractionated gamma-irradiation. Life shortening…”
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    Morphological changes in the intrapulmonary bronchi of rats a long time after 239PuO2 inhalation by Aristov, V P, Koshurnikova, N A, Lemberg, V K

    Published in Radiobiologiia (01-09-1984)
    “…Destructive, inflammatory, sclerotic, compensatory and adaptive, pretumoral and tumoral changes in the respiratory tracts of rats were revealed 180-540 days…”
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