Search Results - "Ledingham, Patrick"
Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Effects in the Operation of Microscopic Heat Engines
Published in Physical review letters (22-03-2019)“…The ability of the internal states of a working fluid to be in a coherent superposition is one of the basic properties of a quantum heat engine. It was…”
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Solid State Spin-Wave Quantum Memory for Time-Bin Qubits
Published in Physical review letters (12-06-2015)“…We demonstrate the first solid-state spin-wave optical quantum memory with on-demand read-out. Using the full atomic frequency comb scheme in a Pr(3+):Y2SiO5…”
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Quantum Correlations between Single Telecom Photons and a Multimode On-Demand Solid-State Quantum Memory
Published in Physical review. X (24-05-2017)“…Quantum correlations between long-lived quantum memories and telecom photons that can propagate with low loss in optical fibers are an essential resource for…”
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Quantum storage of a photonic polarization qubit in a solid
Published in Physical review letters (11-05-2012)“…We report on the quantum storage and retrieval of photonic polarization quantum bits onto and out of a solid state storage device. The qubits are implemented…”
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Quantum storage of heralded single photons in a praseodymium-doped crystal
Published in Physical review letters (31-01-2014)“…We report on experiments demonstrating the reversible mapping of heralded single photons to long-lived collective optical atomic excitations stored in a…”
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Storage of up-converted telecom photons in a doped crystal
Published in New journal of physics (11-11-2014)“…We report on an experiment that demonstrates the frequency up-conversion of telecommunication wavelength single-photon-level pulses to be resonant with a :…”
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Experimental realization of light with time-separated correlations by rephasing amplified spontaneous emission
Published in Physical review letters (31-08-2012)“…Amplified spontaneous emission is a common noise source in active optical systems, it is generally seen as being an incoherent process. Here we excite an…”
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Deterministic storage and retrieval of telecom light from a quantum dot single-photon source interfaced with an atomic quantum memory
Published in Science advances (12-04-2024)“…A hybrid interface of solid-state single-photon sources and atomic quantum memories is a long sought-after goal in photonic quantum technologies. Here, we…”
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Atomic Frequency Comb Memory in Warm Rubidium Vapour
Published in 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (26-06-2023)“…Quantum memories are used as a means of scaling quantum networks. Protocols based on warm atomic ensembles allow for a large number of atoms with technical…”
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Bending the Rules: Quantum Effects in the Operation of a Microscopic Heat Engine in Diamond
Published in 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (01-06-2019)“…A classical heat engine that extracts work from thermal sources and which does not include coherence amongst its microscopic degrees of freedom is a…”
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Hybrid optical and electronic laser locking using slow light due to spectral holes
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (17-06-2013)Get full text
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Quantum correlations using strong optical pulses in rare earth ion doped crystals
Published in CLEO: 2011 - Laser Science to Photonic Applications (01-05-2011)“…We use photon echo based protocols with cryogenic rare earth ion dopants to create photon streams with time separated correlations. Theoretically, these…”
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Nonclassical photon streams using rephased amplified spontaneous emission
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-01-2010)“…We present a fully quantum mechanical treatment of optically rephased photon echoes. These echoes exhibit noise due to amplified spontaneous emission; however,…”
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Topical White Paper: A Case for Quantum Memories in Space
Published 18-11-2021“…It has recently been theoretically shown that Quantum Memories (QM) could enable truly global quantum networking when deployed in space thereby surpassing the…”
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Quantum correlations between single telecom photons and a multimode on-demand solid state quantum memory
Published 22-08-2017“…Phys. Rev. X 7, 021028 (2017) Quantum correlations between long lived quantum memories and telecom photons that can propagate with low loss in optical fibers…”
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Raman Quantum Memory with Built-In Suppression of Four-wave Mixing Noise
Published 30-04-2019“…Phys. Rev. A 100, 033801 (2019) Quantum memories are essential for large-scale quantum information networks. Along with high efficiency, storage lifetime and…”
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Experimental demonstration of quantum effects in the operation of microscopic heat engines
Published 05-01-2018“…Physical Review Letters 112, 110601 (2019) The heat engine, a machine that extracts useful work from thermal sources, is one of the basic theoretical…”
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Ultrahigh and persistent optical depths of alkali vapours for quantum memories in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers
Published in 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (01-06-2016)“…We show the highest (>10 5 ) and longest-lived (>3 hours) optical depths of alkali vapours in hollow-core photonic crystal fibres, which we will use to…”
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Single-photon-level interface for linking Sr+ transition at 422nm with the telecommunications C-band
Published in 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (01-05-2018)“…We present a single-stage bi-directional interface capable of linking Sr + trapped ion qubits emitting single photons at 422 nm with the telecoms C-band. We…”
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A solid state spin-wave quantum memory for time-bin qubits
Published 15-06-2015“…Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 230501 (2015) We demonstrate the first solid-state spin-wave optical quantum memory with on-demand read-out. Using the full atomic…”
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