Search Results - "Leclère, B."
Mind–body and art therapies impact on emotional regulation in patients with chronic diseases: a pragmatic mixed-methods randomized controlled trial
Published in BMC complementary and alternative medicine (28-09-2023)“…Background Effective emotional regulation is recognized as essential to a good mental health of people with chronic diseases, and Mind-body and Art Therapies…”
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Evaluation of a web-based tool for labelling potential hospital outbreaks: a mixed methods study
Published in The Journal of hospital infection (01-10-2019)“…Labelling outbreaks in surveillance data is necessary to train advanced analytical methods for outbreak detection, but there is a lack of software tools…”
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Inpatient satisfaction with medical information received from caregivers: an observational study on the effect of social deprivation
Published in BMC health services research (23-11-2017)“…The main objective of this study was to explore the relationships between inpatients' social differentiation and satisfaction with the medical information…”
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Impact of two-level filtering on emergency medical communication center triage during the COVID-19 pandemic: an uncontrolled before-after study
Published in Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine (14-08-2020)“…Rapid access to emergency medical communication centers (EMCCs) is pivotal to address potentially life-threatening conditions. Maintaining public access to…”
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Prognostic performance of early absence of pupillary light reaction after recovery of out of hospital cardiac arrest
Published in Resuscitation (01-06-2018)“…Loss of pupillary light reactivity (PLR) three days after a cardiorespiratory arrest is a prognostic factor. Its predictive value upon hospital admission…”
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Socioeconomic status and injury mortality: individual and neighbourhood determinants
Published in Journal of epidemiology and community health (1979) (01-07-2000)“…STUDY OBJECTIVE This study examined both individual and neighbourhood correlates of injury mortality to better understand the contribution of socioeconomic…”
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Aggregation and the measurement of income inequality: effects on morbidity
Published in Social science & medicine (1982) (01-03-1999)“…This is a cross-sectional study using records from the National Health Interview Survey linked to Census geography. The sample is restricted to white males…”
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Socioeconomic status and the occurrence of fatal and nonfatal injury in the United States
Published in American journal of public health (1971) (01-01-2000)“…This study examined the contribution of socioeconomic status (SES) to the risk of injury mortality and morbidity among working-age adults. The sample consisted…”
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Using aggregate geographic data to proxy individual socioeconomic status: does size matter?
Published in American journal of public health (1971) (01-04-2001)“…This study assessed whether aggregate-level measures of socioeconomic status (SES) are less biased as proxies for individual-level measures if the unit of…”
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Neighborhood Social Context and Racial Differences in Women's Heart Disease Mortality
Published in Journal of health and social behavior (01-06-1998)“…Compared to white women, black women experience similar rates of heart disease morbidity, but higher rates of heart disease mortality. This puzzling…”
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Ethnicity and Mortality in the United States: Individual and Community Correlates
Published in Social forces (01-09-1997)“…Ethnic gaps in mortality persist in the United States but the specific causes remain elusive. We propose a broader mortality framework that includes…”
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Health Care Utilization, Family Context, and Adaptation Among Immigrants to the United States
Published in Journal of health and social behavior (01-12-1994)“…We use the 1990 National Health Interview Survey supplement on Family Resources to examine the health care utilization patterns of immigrant and native-born…”
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Race/Ethnicity, Nativity, and U.S. Adult Mortality
Published in Social science quarterly (01-03-1999)“…Objective. This paper investigates how race/ethnicity is associated with the mortality risks of U.S. adults, while considering the influence of nativity…”
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Epidemiology and prevention of surgical site infections after cardiac surgery
Published in Médecine et maladies infectieuses (01-10-2013)“…Deep sternal wound infection is the major infectious complication in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, associated with a high morbidity and mortality rate,…”
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The effect of income inequality on the health of selected US demographic groups
Published in American journal of public health (1971) (01-12-2000)“…This study assessed whether documented effects of income inequality on health are consistent across demographic subgroups of the US population. Data from the…”
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Small Area Inference for Binary Variables in the National Health Interview Survey
Published in Journal of the American Statistical Association (01-09-1997)“…The National Health Interview Survey is designed to produce precise estimates of finite population parameters for the entire United States but not for small…”
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Local Marriage Markets and the Marital Behavior of Black and White Women
Published in The American journal of sociology (01-01-1991)“…Previous research has typically ignored the spatial dimension of marriage markets, focusing instead on highly aggregated data or on individual models of entry…”
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The intersection of gender and race/ethnicity in smoking behaviors among menthol and non-menthol smokers in the United States
Published in Addiction (Abingdon, England) (01-12-2010)“…ABSTRACT Aims To determine whether menthol is related to initiation, quantity or quitting, we examined differences in smoking behaviors among menthol and…”
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Family Migration and Changes in Women's Earnings: A Decomposition Analysis
Published in Population research and policy review (01-08-1997)“…Married women who migrate with their families experience relative earnings losses after migration. In this study, we use data from the 1987 Wave of the Panel…”
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Selection, Context, or Both? The English Fluency of Mexican Immigrants in the American Midwest and Southwest
Published in Population research and policy review (01-06-2002)“…This project identified significant variations in the individual destination characteristics of Mexican immigrants to the Midwestern and Southwestern US using…”
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