Search Results - "League, Cedar"
A cross-hazard analysis of terse message retransmission on Twitter
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (01-12-2015)“…For decades, public warning messages have been relayed via broadcast information channels, including radio and television; more recently, risk communication…”
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What it Takes to Get Passed On: Message Content, Style, and Structure as Predictors of Retransmission in the Boston Marathon Bombing Response
Published in PloS one (21-08-2015)“…Message retransmission is a central aspect of information diffusion. In a disaster context, the passing on of official warning messages by members of the…”
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Terse Messaging and Public Health in the Midst of Natural Disasters: The Case of the Boulder Floods
Published in Health communication (01-02-2015)“…Social media are quickly becoming the channel of choice for disseminating emergency warning messages. However, relatively little data-driven research exists to…”
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A method for investigating real-time distributed weather forecaster-emergency manager interaction
Published in 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (01-10-2011)“…Researchers have conducted few studies of the joint decision-making processes of forecasters and emergency managers during severe weather events. Emergency…”
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Conference Proceeding