Search Results - "Lazarim, Fernanda Lorenzi"
Mountain Ultramarathon Induces Early Increases of Muscle Damage, Inflammation, and Risk for Acute Renal Injury
Published in Frontiers in physiology (08-10-2018)“…This study aimed to investigate changes in muscle damage during the course of a 217-km mountain ultramarathon (MUM). In an integrative perspective,…”
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Is lactate production related to muscular fatigue? A pedagogical proposition using empirical facts
Published in Advances in physiology education (01-12-2009)“…Exercise Biochemistry Laboratory, Biochemistry Department, Biology Institute, State University of Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Address for reprint…”
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Hipertrofia muscular esquelética humana induzida pelo exercício físico/Exercise-induced human skeletal muscle hypertrophy
Published in Revista Ciências em Saúde (14-07-2011)“…A resposta adaptativa ao treinamento físico é determinada pelo tipo, volume e frequência de aplicação dos estímulos, que ativam vias de sinalização distintas,…”
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Understanding the glycemic index and glycemic load and their practical applications
Published in Biochemistry and molecular biology education (01-09-2009)“…We have introduced the study of synthesis pathways using two experiments: 1—the determination of the glycemic index (GI) of some foods and the effects of fiber…”
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Treinamento de força versus treinamento de endurance. Existe compatibilidade?
Published in Revista brasileira de prescrição e fisiologia do exercício (01-01-2012)Get full text
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Training of force versus training of endurance. Exists compatibility?/Treinamento de forca versus treinamento de endurance. Existe compatibilidade?
Published in Revista brasileira de prescrição e fisiologia do exercício (01-05-2010)“…The concurrent training phenomenon was first described in 1980 by Robert C. Hickson. At the molecular level, there seems to be an explanation for the…”
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Treinamento de força versus treinamento de endurance: Existe compatibilidade?
Published in Revista brasileira de prescrição e fisiologia do exercício (2010)Get full text
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