Search Results - "Larsen, Kjeld S"
Coordination dynamics of biological zinc “clusters” in metallothioneins and in the DNA-binding domain of the transcription factor Gal4
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (18-03-1997)“…The almost universal appreciation for the importance of zinc in metabolism has been offset by the considerable uncertainty regarding the proteins that store…”
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Characterization of an inhibitory metal binding site in carboxypeptidase A
Published in Biochemistry (Easton) (12-03-1991)“…The specificity of metal ion inhibition of bovine carboxypeptidase A ([(CPD)Zn]) catalysis is examined under stopped-flow conditions with use of the…”
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Carboxypeptidase A: mechanism of zinc inhibition
Published in Biochemistry (Easton) (12-12-1989)“…Zinc ions competitively inhibit carboxypeptidase A from bovine pancreas. The state(s) of hydroxylation of zinc and their possible site(s) of interaction with…”
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X-ray absorption fine structure study of the active site of zinc and cobalt carboxypeptidase A in their solution and crystalline forms
Published in Biochemistry (Easton) (01-02-1992)“…A comparative study on the metal environment of Zn(II)-carboxypeptidase A (ZnCPD) and Co(II)-carboxypeptidase A (CoCPD) in their solution and crystalline forms…”
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Coordination Dynamics of Biological Zinc ``Clusters" in Metallothioneins and in the DNA-Binding Domain of the Transcription Factor Ga14
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (18-03-1997)“…The almost universal appreciation for the importance of zinc in metabolism has been offset by the considerable uncertainty regarding the proteins that store…”
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Catalytic and conformational changes induced by limited subtilisin cleavage of bovine carboxypeptidase A
Published in Biochemistry (Easton) (07-08-1990)“…Limited proteolysis of carboxypeptidase A from bovine pancreas with subtilisin Carlsberg generates a stable intermediate, carboxypeptidase S, whose esterase…”
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D-Phe complexes of zinc and cobalt carboxypeptidase A
Published in Journal of inorganic biochemistry (15-11-1996)“…The binding of D-phenylalanine, D-Phe, to both zinc and cobalt carboxypeptidase A, ZnCPD and CoCPD, has been investigated by a combination of kinetic and…”
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