Search Results - "Larsen, K.S"
Synthesis on the carbon budget and cycling in a Danish, temperate deciduous forest
Published in Agricultural and forest meteorology (01-11-2013)“…•Full uncertainty analysis of carbon fluxes and stock changes in a forest.•Novel empirical analysis of site heterogeneity effects on turbulent CO2 flux.•New…”
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Biosphere–atmosphere exchange of reactive nitrogen and greenhouse gases at the NitroEurope core flux measurement sites: Measurement strategy and first data sets
Published in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (01-10-2009)“…The NitroEurope project aims to improve understanding of the nitrogen (N) cycle at the continental scale and quantify the major fluxes of reactive N by a…”
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Optimizing the closure period for improved accuracy of chamber-based greenhouse gas flux estimates
Published in Agricultural and forest meteorology (15-12-2024)“…•The chamber closure period length can substantially impact GHG flux estimates.•The concentration development becomes measurably non-linear within 90 sec.•A…”
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Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming
Published in Nature (London) (01-12-2016)“…A compilation of global soil carbon data from field experiments provides empirical evidence that warming-induced net losses of soil carbon could accelerate…”
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Oppression and resistance: the powerless and the future
Published in Futures : the journal of policy, planning and futures studies (01-03-2003)“…Relations between rich and poor (across and within countries) appeared in some questions in Images; there were clear differences between what the powerful and…”
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Analysis of Lactosylated β-Lactoglobulin by Capillary Electrophoresis
Published in International dairy journal (01-01-1998)“…Variously lactosylated species of β-lactoglobulin AB were analysed by capillary electrophoresis at low pH and high pH with and without buffer additives. By…”
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Use of cultivation-dependent and -independent techniques to assess contamination of central venous catheters: a pilot study
Published in BMC clinical pathology (28-10-2008)“…Catheters are the most common cause of nosocomial infections and are associated with increased risk of mortality, length of hospital stay and cost. Prevention…”
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Experimental design of multifactor climate change experiments with elevated CO₂, warming and drought: the CLIMAITE project
Published in Functional ecology (01-02-2008)“…1. Recent findings indicate that the interactions among CO₂, temperature and water can be substantial, and that the combined effects on the biological systems…”
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Published in Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis (01-07-2007)Get full text
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Host location, survival and fecundity of the Oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) in relation to black rat Rattus rattus (Rodentia: Muridae) host age and sex
Published in Bulletin of entomological research (01-10-2002)“…Host choice and fecundity are two factors that may contribute to the variation in flea counts observed when assessing the potential risk of flea-borne…”
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AVL trees with relaxed balance
Published in Proceedings of 8th International Parallel Processing Symposium (1994)“…AVL trees with relaxed balance (G.M. Adel'son-Vel'skii et al., 1962) were introduced with the aim of improving runtime performance by allowing a greater degree…”
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Conference Proceeding -
B-trees with relaxed balance
Published in Proceedings of 9th International Parallel Processing Symposium (1995)“…B-trees with relaxed balance have been defined to facilitate first updating on shared-memory asynchronous parallel architectures. To obtain this, rebalancing…”
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Conference Proceeding