Search Results - "Lamouche, P"
Massive rupture-disinsertion of the right lobe of the liver following aspiration in a turbo-reactor. (Pathogenic reflections)
Published in Bordeaux chirurgical (01-07-1961)Get more information
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Contribution of ultrasonography in the pathology of the scrotum and its contents
Published in Dakar medical (1990)“…Echography must, henceforth, be considered a method of investigation in Scrotum pathology. It is certainly of interest for diagnosis and close supervision of…”
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Gastric volvulus in the infant. Clinical and radiological diagnosis
Published in Dakar medical (1997)“…The authors reported two cases of gastric volvulus in female and male babies respectively 5 and 3 months old. Patients presented functional symptoms as…”
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Amoebic liver abscess: echographic aspects
Published in Dakar medical (1994)“…Amoebic liver abscess is the most frequent location of the extra-intestine amibiasis with an epidemio-endemic repartition in our areas. We are reporting in…”
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Sacro-ilial tuberculosis (sacrococcygeal). Apropos of 1 case
Published in Dakar medical (1992)“…In a single case review the authors recapitulate the different methods for the presentation of sacro-ilial infectious and underscore imagery techniques which…”
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Systemic scleroderma (apropos of a case with dominant pulmonary manifestations)
Published in Dakar medical (1990)“…A case of systemic sclerodermy mainly affecting the lungs is presented. For a long time the diagnostic was incorrect. The case is all the more interesting…”
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Radiological bone age in medico-legal identification
Published in Dakar medical (1990)“…Sauvegrain-Nahum and Bronstein's grading methods was used to study the relationship between bone age and chronological age in a sample of 88 Senegalese…”
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Echography in a neuro-pediatric milieu in Senegal. Apropos of 75 cases in Dakar
Published in Dakar medical (1990)“…In neuro-paediatry, echography is one of the easiest examinations to conduct. It is one of the most bearable, least traumatic and most informative…”
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Hydranencephaly: report of a case
Published in Dakar medical (1989)“…The authors report the first Senegalese observation of hydranencephaly in a three-week-old baby to underline the unusualness of this deformity and the…”
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14 cases of constrictive endocardial fibrosis (or endomyocardial fibrosis
Published in Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux (01-06-1975)“…Constrictive endocardial fibrosis (CEF) or endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF) was studied on 14 files of this rather frequent disease in Ivory Coast. On the basis…”
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Tuberculous pneumothorax (apropos of 70 cases)
Published in Dakar medical (1990)Get more information
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Echo-anatomo-radiological correlations apropos of 10 primary cancers of the gallbladder in Dakar
Published in Dakar medical (1988)Get more information
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Radiologic diagnosis of fibromuscular dysplasia of the carotid system in the African black (apropos of 8 cases)
Published in Dakar medical (1988)Get more information
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Juvenile calcifying chronic pancreatitis of ischemic origin (author's transl)
Published in Archives francaises des maladies de l'appareil digestif (01-12-1974)Get more information
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Suprahepatic phlebography during hepato-portal diseases
Published in Journal de chirurgie (01-11-1973)Get more information
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Lymphographic study of filarial chyluria. Review of the literature apropos of 8 cases
Published in Journal de radiologie, d'electrologie, et de medecine nucleaire (01-03-1973)Get more information
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