Search Results - "Lackey, C."
Evolution of reproductive isolation in stickleback fish
Published in Evolution (01-02-2017)“…To understand how new species form and what causes their collapse, we examined how reproductive isolation evolves during the speciation process, considering…”
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Heavily treatment-experienced people living with HIV in the OPERA® cohort: population characteristics and clinical outcomes
Published in BMC infectious diseases (13-02-2023)“…Multi-class resistance, intolerance, and drug-drug interactions can result in unique antiretroviral (ART) combinations for heavily treatment-experienced (HTE)…”
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On the role of male competition in speciation: a review and research agenda
Published in Behavioral ecology (03-07-2018)“…Little attention has been given to how males competing for mates can facilitate the evolution and persistence of new species. We expand the current framework…”
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Shifting perceptions of risk and reward: Dynamic selection for human development by black bears in the western United States
Published in Biological conservation (01-07-2015)“…•Black bear behavior was examined around three developed areas in the western U.S.•Bear selection for human development was highly dynamic across time and…”
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Divergent sexual selection via male competition: ecology is key
Published in Journal of evolutionary biology (01-08-2013)“…Sexual selection and ecological differences are important drivers of speciation. Much research has focused on female choice, yet the role of male competition…”
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Expanding the Landscape of Opportunity: Professional Societies Support Early-Career Researchers Through Community Programming and Peer Coaching
Published in Journal of comparative psychology (1983) (01-11-2021)“…Weaving the future of the field of comparative psychology is dependent on the career advancement of early-career scientists. Despite concerted efforts to…”
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Male competition and speciation: expanding our framework for speciation by sexual selection
Published in Current zoology (01-02-2018)“…Introduction Sexual selection is a powerful source of rapid evolutionary change, and there is a long-standing hypothesis that it can cause reproductive…”
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Virologic Outcomes Among ART-Naïve Individuals Initiating Dolutegravir, Elvitegravir, Raltegravir or Darunavir: An Observational Study
Published in Infectious diseases and therapy (01-03-2020)“…Introduction Dolutegravir (DTG), Elvitegravir (EVG), Raltegravir (RAL) and Darunavir (DRV) are commonly prescribed core agents for antiretroviral therapy…”
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Sequential mate choice and sexual isolation in threespine stickleback species
Published in Journal of evolutionary biology (01-01-2013)“…Sequential mate choice strategies predict how females should alter their choosiness based on the availability of attractive males. There are many studies on…”
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Experimental warming reduces body mass but not reproductive investment
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-11-2022)“…Climate change has already had wide‐ranging effects on populations, including shifts in species' ranges, phenology, and body size. Whereas some common patterns…”
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Loss of sexual isolation in a hybridizing stickleback species pair
Published in Current zoology (01-10-2013)“…One approach to understand the importance of reproductive barriers to the speciation process is to study the break- down of barriers between formerly distinct…”
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Climate mediates the trade‐offs associated with phenotypic plasticity in an amphibian polyphenism
Published in The Journal of animal ecology (01-11-2024)“…Polyphenisms occur when phenotypic plasticity produces morphologically distinct phenotypes from the same genotype. Plasticity is maintained through fitness…”
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The role of mate competition in speciation and divergence: a systematic review
Published in Journal of evolutionary biology (02-11-2024)“…Competition for mates can play a critical role in determining reproductive success, shaping phenotypic variation within populations, and influencing…”
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Polyphenism predicts actuarial senescence and lifespan in tiger salamanders
Published in The Journal of animal ecology (01-03-2024)“…Actuarial senescence (called ‘senescence’ hereafter) often shows broad variation at the intraspecific level. Phenotypic plasticity likely plays a central role…”
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The role of environmental variation in mediating fitness trade-offs for an amphibian polyphenism
Published in The Journal of animal ecology (01-09-2023)“…Fitness trade-offs are a foundation of ecological and evolutionary theory because trade-offs can explain life history variation, phenotypic plasticity, and the…”
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The role of sexual isolation during rapid ecological divergence: Evidence for a new dimension of isolation in Rhagoletis pomonella
Published in Journal of evolutionary biology (01-06-2023)“…The pace of divergence and likelihood of speciation often depends on how and when different types of reproductive barriers evolve. Questions remain about how…”
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Simulated climate warming causes asymmetric responses in insect life‐history timing potentially disrupting a classic ecological speciation system
Published in Ecology letters (01-08-2023)“…Climate change may alter phenology within populations with cascading consequences for community interactions and on‐going evolutionary processes. Here, we…”
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The ecological stage changes benefits of mate choice and drives preference divergence
Published in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological sciences (31-08-2020)“…Preference divergence is thought to contribute to reproductive isolation. Ecology can alter the way selection acts on female preferences, making them most…”
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Lifetime Fitness, Sex-Specific Life History, and the Maintenance of a Polyphenism
Published in The American naturalist (01-08-2019)“…Polyphenisms-alternative morphs produced through plasticity-can reveal the evolutionary and ecological processes that initiate and maintain diversity within…”
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Adaptation of a risk‐based framework for evaluating indirect effects of dredging on sensitive habitats near federal navigation channels: An application of the framework to coral reefs at Honolulu Harbor, Hawai'i
Published in Integrated environmental assessment and management (01-03-2024)“…In major harbors and ports in the United States and its territories, the US Army Corps of Engineers maintains federal navigation channels in proximity to coral…”
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