Search Results - "LaFollette, Megan R"
Professional quality of life in animal research personnel is linked to retention & job satisfaction: A mixed-methods cross-sectional survey on compassion fatigue in the USA
Published in PloS one (16-04-2024)“…Working with research animals can be both rewarding and challenging. The rewarding part of the work is associated with understanding the necessity for animal…”
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Rat tickling: A systematic review of applications, outcomes, and moderators
Published in PloS one (06-04-2017)“…Rats initially fear humans which can increase stress and impact study results. Additionally, studying positive affective states in rats has proved challenging…”
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Laboratory animal welfare and human attitudes: A cross-sectional survey on heterospecific play or "rat tickling"
Published in PloS one (14-08-2019)“…Laboratory rat welfare is critically influenced by laboratory animal personnel through their implementation, or lack of implementation, of various enrichment…”
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Using refined methods to pick up mice: A survey benchmarking prevalence & beliefs about tunnel and cup handling
Published in PloS one (07-09-2023)“…Refined handling improves laboratory mouse welfare and research outcomes when compared to traditional tail handling, yet implementation does not seem to be…”
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Tickling, a Technique for Inducing Positive Affect When Handling Rats
Published in Journal of visualized experiments (08-05-2018)“…Handling small animals such as rats can lead to several adverse effects. These include the fear of humans, resistance to handling, increased injury risk for…”
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Laboratory Animal Welfare Meets Human Welfare: A Cross-Sectional Study of Professional Quality of Life, Including Compassion Fatigue in Laboratory Animal Personnel
Published in Frontiers in veterinary science (05-03-2020)“…Laboratory animal personnel may experience significant stress from working with animals in scientific research. Workplace stress can be assessed by evaluating…”
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Emerging Role of Translational Digital Biomarkers Within Home Cage Monitoring Technologies in Preclinical Drug Discovery and Development
Published in Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience (14-02-2022)“…In drug discovery and development, traditional assessment of human patients and preclinical subjects occurs at limited time points in potentially stressful…”
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Defining the PTSD Service Dog Intervention: Perceived Importance, Usage, and Symptom Specificity of Psychiatric Service Dogs for Military Veterans
Published in Frontiers in psychology (21-07-2020)“…Research suggests that psychiatric service dogs may be an effective complementary treatment option for military veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder…”
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Military Veterans and Their PTSD Service Dogs: Associations Between Training Methods, PTSD Severity, Dog Behavior, and the Human-Animal Bond
Published in Frontiers in veterinary science (11-02-2019)“…Psychiatric service dogs are increasingly being sought out by military veterans as a complementary intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After…”
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Changing Human Behavior to Improve Animal Welfare: A Longitudinal Investigation of Training Laboratory Animal Personnel about Heterospecific Play or “Rat Tickling”
Published in Animals (Basel) (01-08-2020)“…Despite evidence for rat tickling’s animal welfare benefits, the technique is rarely implemented in part because of a lack of training. This study’s purpose…”
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Stage 1 Registered Report: Refinement of tickling protocols to improve positive animal welfare in laboratory rats [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]
Published in F1000 research (2022)“…Rat tickling is a heterospecific interaction for experimenters to mimic the interactions of rat play, where they produce 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalisations (USV),…”
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Practical rat tickling: Determining an efficient and effective dosage of heterospecific play
Published in Applied animal behaviour science (01-11-2018)“…•Rats were tickled for 3 frequencies (1, 3, 5 days) & 3 durations (15, 30, 60 s).•Across all measures, tickling duration did not affect any results.•Rats…”
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Benchmarking Enrichment Efforts in the US & Canada Across Species and Enrichment Categories
Published in Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (05-07-2023)“…Enrichment is important for animal welfare and data quality. Provision of enrichment opportunities varies between species and enrichment category. However,…”
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A happier rat pack: The impacts of tickling pet store rats on human-animal interactions and rat welfare
Published in Applied animal behaviour science (01-06-2018)“…•Pet store rats were treated normally or tickled & divided into high- & low-callers.•Tickling pet store rats improves ease of restraint by an unfamiliar…”
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A Cross-sectional Survey on Rodent Environmental Health Monitoring Practices: Benchmarking, Associations, and Barriers
Published in Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (01-01-2023)“…Tens of thousands of rodents are used each year in Rodent Health Monitoring programs. However, Environment Health Monitoring (EHM) could replace sentinel…”
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Tickling, a Technique for Inducing Positive Affect When Handling Rats
Published in Journal of visualized experiments (08-05-2018)Get full text
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Stage 1 Registered Report: Refinement of tickling protocols to improve positive animal welfare in laboratory rats [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
Published in F1000 research (2022)“…Rat tickling is a heterospecific interaction for experimenters to mimic the interactions of rat play, where they produce 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalisations (USV),…”
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Benchmarking Enrichment Efforts in the US & Canada Across Species and Enrichment Categories
Published in Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (05-07-2023)“…Enrichment is important for animal welfare and data quality. Provision of enrichment opportunities varies between species and enrichment category. However,…”
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The effects of cage color and light intensity on rat affect during heterospecific play
Published in Applied animal behaviour science (01-10-2019)“…•Rats were raised in high or low light intensity (200 vs 25 lx) & red or clear cages.•Rat affect was assessed with heterospecific rough-and-tumble play or…”
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A Cross-sectional Survey on Rodent Environmental Health Monitoring Practices: Benchmarking, Associations, and Barriers
Published in Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (01-01-2023)“…Tens of thousands of rodents are used each year in Rodent Health Monitoring programs. However, Environment Health Monitoring (EHM) could replace sentinel…”
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