Search Results - "LOPEZ PISON, J"
Face recognition impairment in small for gestational age and preterm children
Published in Research in developmental disabilities (01-03-2017)“…•Children born small for gestational age present worse immediate face recognition and delayed face memory compared with children born with an appropriate…”
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Functional progression of patients with neurological diseases in a tertiary paediatric intensive care unit: Our experience
Published in Neurologia (Barcelona, Spain) (01-07-2020)“…Neurological diseases explain a considerable proportion of admissions to paediatric intensive care units (PICU), and are a significant cause of morbidity and…”
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Congenital endplate acetylcholinesterase deficiency responsive to ephedrine
Published in Neurology (12-07-2005)Get full text
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Melanosis neurocutánea
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (01-09-2011)Get full text
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Telematic attention in a neuropediatrics consultation during the COVID-19 alarm state. Cross-sectional study and satisfaction survey
Published in Journal of healthcare quality research (01-01-2023)“…Crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus limit face-to-face consultation to the minimum necessary, this was a change toward telephone activity. To analyze the…”
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Changes in the demand for paediatric neurology care in a spanish tertiary care hospital over a 20-year period
Published in Neurologia (Barcelona, Spain) (01-01-2014)“…The purpose of this study is to determine the profile of the demand for paediatric neurology care in a Spanish tertiary hospital over the past 20 years. We…”
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Descriptive study of symptomatic epilepsy by age of onset in patients with a 3-year follow-up at the Neuropaediatric Department of a reference centre
Published in Neurologia (Barcelona, Spain) (01-09-2017)“…We conducted a descriptive study of symptomatic epilepsy by age at onset in a cohort of patients who were followed up at a neuropaediatric department of a…”
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Congenital endplate acetylcholinesterase deficiency responsive to ephedrine
Published in Neurology (12-07-2005)“…The authors describe two patients with congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS) with end plate acetylcholinesterase (AChE) deficiency caused by mutations in the…”
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Disfunción autonómica paroxística desde el periodo neonatal y meduloblastoma
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (01-09-2011)Get full text
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Our experience with the aetiological diagnosis of global developmental delay and intellectual disability: 2006-2010
Published in Neurologia (Barcelona, Spain) (01-09-2014)“…Global developmental delay (GDD) and intellectual disability (ID) are common reasons for consultation in paediatric neurology. Results from aetiological…”
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Monitorización continua de un protocolo: parálisis facial a frigore
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (01-03-2011)“…Resumen Introducción La elaboración y revisión de protocolos de actuación neuropediátrica permite reducir la variabilidad de nuestra práctica médica, mejorando…”
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Angiomatosis leptomeníngea sin nevus facial y disminución del nivel de consciencia
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (2011)Get full text
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Distrofia miotónica. Nuestra experiencia de 18 años en consulta de Neuropediatría
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (01-02-2010)“…Resumen Introducción La distrofia miotónica es una enfermedad multisistémica autosómica dominante de expresividad variable. Se revisa nuestra experiencia de 18…”
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Hipertensión intracraneal benigna. Experiencia en 18 años
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (2009)“…Resumen Introducción Hay casos de hipertensión intracraneal (HTIC) transitoria, identificables en lactantes por abombamiento de fontanela y en niños mayores…”
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Síndrome de apnea central del sueño como primera manifestación de malformación de Chiari tipo I
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (01-03-2008)“…Introducción La malformación de Chiari tipo I consiste en el descenso de las amígdalas cerebelosas a través del foramen magno. Con frecuencia es asintomática,…”
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Déficit de cobalamina hereditario juvenil causado por mutaciones en el gen GIF
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (01-07-2008)“…Los errores congénitos del metabolismo de la cobalamina afectan a su absorción, transporte o metabolismo intracelular. La anemia megaloblástica hereditaria…”
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Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes: 21 years of experience
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (01-09-2012)“…Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) were the first syndromes in humans that were known to originate from the phenomenon of the genomic…”
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Prenatal encephalopathies of unknown origin. Our 19-years experience. To what extent must genetic and biochemical studies be carried out?
Published in Neurologia (Barcelona, Spain) (01-10-2011)“…We examine those prenatal encephalopathies with clinical or neuroimaging data of encephalopathy before the birth. They affect a significant number of children…”
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Epilepsy with onset between the ages of 3 and 12 months. Our experience gained over a 10-year period
Published in Revista de neurologiá (01-12-2008)“…The prognosis of epilepsy is essentially determined by its aetiology and a poorer prognosis is generally associated with an early onset of the seizures. In…”
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Myotonic dystrophy. 18 years experience in a neuropaediatric clinic
Published in Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003) (01-02-2010)“…Myotonic dystrophy is a highly variable autosomic dominant inherited multisystemic disease. We review our 18 years experience with patients suffering from this…”
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