Search Results - "L. Luiselli"

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  1. 1

    Are snake populations in widespread decline? by Reading, C. J., Luiselli, L. M., Akani, G. C., Bonnet, X., Amori, G., Ballouard, J. M., Filippi, E., Naulleau, G., Pearson, D., Rugiero, L.

    Published in Biology letters (2005) (23-12-2010)
    “…Long-term studies have revealed population declines in fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. In birds, and particularly amphibians, these declines…”
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    Generalist, selective or ‘mixed’ foragers? Feeding strategies of two tropical toads across suburban habitats by Petrozzi, F., Akani, G. C., Eniang, E. A., Ajong, S. N., Funk, S. M., Fa, J. E., Amadi, N., Dendi, D., Luiselli, L.

    Published in Journal of zoology (1987) (01-12-2021)
    “…Suitable habitats for anurans can be found in the ever‐growing tropical urban environments but anurans' adaptations to urban conditions, including their…”
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    Long-term density fluctuations and microhabitat use of sympatric Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus in central Italy by Amori, G, V. Castigliani, O. Locasciulli, L. Luiselli

    Published in Community ecology (01-12-2015)
    “…The role and importance of interspecific competition for rodent communities have been much debated issues, with some early authors suggesting that these are…”
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    Contributions to biodiversity theory: the importance of formal rigor by Contoli, L, Luiselli, L

    Published in Web ecology (01-01-2015)
    “…In this short paper, some consideration is given to the term biodiversity. We stress the need for a strong formal rigor in using this term in order to maintain…”
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    Better in the dark: two Mediterranean amphibians synchronize reproduction with moonlit nights by Vignoli, L, Luiselli, L

    Published in Web ecology (04-01-2013)
    “…In Amphibians, both positive and negative correlations between activity and full moon phase have been observed. In this study, we present data for two anuran…”
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    Relative Impacts of Habitat and Geography on Raccoon Diets by Rulison, E.L, Luiselli, L, Burke, R.L

    Published in The American midland naturalist (01-10-2012)
    “…We compared relative impacts of habitat type vs. location in the diet of a generalist omnivore, the raccoon (Procyon lotor). Raccoon diets were analyzed from…”
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    Ecological correlates of Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos breeding occurrence in Sardinia by Di Vittorio, M., Medda, M., Sirigu, G., Luiselli, L., Manca, G., Nissardi, S., Zucca, C., Ruiu, D., Brau, A., Sanna, M., Grussu, M., Campus, A., Spina, F., Serra, L., Raganella Pelliccioni, E., Marcon, A., Asuni, V., Fadda, A., Secci, A., Corda, M., Lai, A., López-López, P.

    Published in Bird study (01-10-2020)
    “…Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Sardinia are clustered across the main mountain ranges of the island, with a preference for undisturbed and homogeneous…”
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    Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, dibenzofurans, and biphenyls in fresh water fish from Campania Region, southern Italy by Pacini, N., Abate, V., Brambilla, G., De Felip, E., De Filippis, S.P., De Luca, S., di Domenico, A., D’Orsi, A., Forte, T., Fulgenzi, A.R., Iacovella, N., Luiselli, L., Miniero, R., Iamiceli, A.L.

    Published in Chemosphere (Oxford) (01-01-2013)
    “…► Freshwater fish from Campania Region were analyzed as bioindicators of dioxins/PCBs. ► Results of benthic and pelagic species were subject to hybrid cluster…”
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    Can a large metropolis sustain complex herpetofauna communities? An analysis of the suitability of green space fragments in Rome by Vignoli, L, Mocaer, I, Luiselli, L, Bologna, M.A

    Published in Animal conservation (01-10-2009)
    “…Urban areas are primary causes of species' range fragmentation and reduction. However, relatively few studies have attempted to describe the habitat variables…”
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    Threatening levels and extinction risks based on distributional, ecological and life-history datasets (DELH) versus IUCN criteria: example of Serbian reptiles by Tomović, L., Urošević, A., Vukov, T., Ajtić, R., Ljubisavljević, K., Krizmanić, I., Jović, D., Labus, N., Đorđević, S., Kalezić, M. L., Džukić, G., Luiselli, L.

    Published in Biodiversity and conservation (01-11-2015)
    “…Recent studies on the world reptiles’ extinction risks pointed out that about 20 % of species are threatened, with another 20 % are data-deficient following…”
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    Positive demographic effects of nest surveillance campaigns to counter illegal harvest of the Bonelli's eagle in Sicily (Italy) by Di Vittorio, M., Rannisi, G., Di Trapani, E., Falci, A., Ciaccio, A., Rocco, M., Giacalone, G., Zafarana, M., Grenci, S., La Grua, G., Scuderi, A., Palazzolo, F., Cacopardi, S., Luiselli, L., Merlino, S., Lo Valvo, M., López‐López, P.

    Published in Animal conservation (01-04-2018)
    “…Illegal trade in wildlife has been identified as one of the main challenges to wildlife conservation. In 2010, an illegal trade‐ring trafficking in birds of…”
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    Population size and breeding performance of the Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus in Sicily: conservation implications by Di Vittorio, M., Di Trapani, E., Cacopardi, S., Rannisi, G., Falci, A., Ciaccio, A., Sarto, A., Merlino, S., Zafarana, M., Grenci, S., Salvo, G., Lo Valvo, M., Scuderi, A., Murabito, L., La Grua, G., Cortone, G., Patti, N., Luiselli, L., López-López, P.

    Published in Bird study (03-07-2017)
    “…Capsule: We report a significant reduction in population size and breeding success for the Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus in Sicily, its biggest stronghold in…”
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    Broad geographic, taxonomic and ecological patterns of interpopulation variation in the dietary habits of snakes by Luiselli, L.

    Published in Web ecology (06-06-2006)
    “…Because of their unique morphological and ecological characteristics (i.e. being obligate carnivorous, solitary, and ingesting their prey whole), snakes are…”
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    Reproductive Output, Costs of Reproduction, and Ecology of the Smooth Snake, Coronella austriaca, in the Eastern Italian Alps by L. Luiselli, M. Capula, Shine, R.

    Published in Oecologia (01-04-1996)
    “…A 5-year mark-recapture study of smooth snakes (Coronella austriaca) in the Carnic Alps (1100 m above sea level) of north-eastern Italy provided extensive…”
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    Seed selection and coexistence in two sympatric Messor harvester ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) by Solida, L, Luiselli, L, D’Angeli, D, Testi, A, Fanfani, A

    Published in The Italian journal of zoology (03-04-2015)
    “…Selective seed consumption by harvester ants may be affected by several seed attributes, amongst which seed size and environmental availability play a…”
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    Resource partitioning patterns between two sympatric lizard species from Algeria by Rouag, R., Djilali, H., Gueraiche, H., Luiselli, L.

    Published in Journal of arid environments (01-04-2007)
    “…Food habits and daily activity patterns were studied in sympatric populations of the lizards Psammodromus algirus and Acanthodactylus erythrurus (Lacertidae)…”
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    Dispersal of Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus: the first case of long-distance relocation of an individual from France to Sicily by Di Vittorio, M., Henriquet, S., Kobierzycki, E., Luiselli, L., Hema, E.M., Murabito, L., Rannisi, G., López-López, P.

    Published in Ringing & migration (01-12-2016)
    “…Knowledge of juvenile dispersal is important for understanding population dynamics and for effective conservation, particularly of geographically isolated…”
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    Should fragment area reduction be considered a stress for forest bird assemblages? Evidence from diversity/dominance diagrams by Battisti, C, L. Luiselli, B. Frank, E. Lorenzetti

    Published in Community ecology (01-12-2009)
    “…Breeding bird assemblages and species present in two ‘archipelagos” of wood fragments, included in fragmented landscape of Central Italy, were studied in…”
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    The ghost of a recent invasion in the reduced feeding rates of spitting cobras during the dry season in a rainforest region of tropical Africa? by Luiselli, Luca

    Published in Acta oecologica (Montrouge) (2001)
    “…Two species of cobras ( Naja melanoleuca and Naja nigricollis) are known to occur in south eastern Nigeria, where much of the pristine rainforest surface has…”
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