Search Results - "Kuplich, Nádia"

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    The indoor air as a potential determinant of the frequency of invasive aspergillosis in the intensive care by Boff, Cristiane, Zoppas, Barbara C. D. A., Aquino, Valério R., Kuplich, Nádia M., Miron, Diogo, Pasqualotto, Alessandro C.

    Published in Mycoses (01-09-2013)
    “…Summary Invasive aspergillosis (IA) seems to be an emerging condition in intensive care units (ICUs). However, little attention has been given to the role of…”
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    A perspectiva interprofissional na residência integrada multiprofissional em saúde hospitalar by Lewgoy, Alzira Maria Baptista, Machado, Raquel Nunes, Faber, Thaís, Fagundes, Marlise Iara, Kuplich, Nadia Mora

    Published in Clinical and Biomedical Research (01-06-2019)
    “…Objetivo: Descrever a experiência em educação Interprofissional de um dos programas da Residência Integrada Multiprofissional em Saúde Hospitalar na…”
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    Clinical failure of vancomycin treatment of Staphylococcus aureus infection in a tertiary care hospital in southern Brazil by Lutz, Larissa, Machado, Adão, Kuplich, Nadia, Barth, Afonso Luís

    “…We describe a case of clinical failure of vancomycin treatment of Staphylococcus aureus infection and the laboratory characteristics of the organism in a…”
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    Central vascular catheter infection in adult patients from a center of intensive therapy by Netto, Shana Marques, Echer, Isabel Cristina, Kuplich, Nádia Mora, Kuchenbecker, Ricardo, Kessler, Flavia

    Published in Revista gaúcha de enfermagem (01-09-2009)
    “…This is a Retrospective Descriptive study that describes the profile of adult patients, down in an intensive therapy center of a University hospital in Porto…”
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    Infecção relacionada a cateter venoso central após a implementação de um conjunto de medidas preventivas (bundle) no centro de terapia intensiva (CTI) by Jessica Dallé, Nádia Mora Kuplich, Rodrigo Pires dos Santos, Denise Tolfo Silveira

    Published in Clinical and Biomedical Research (01-04-2012)
    “…Introdução: As infecções de cateter venoso central (CVC) são um importante problema de saúde. Objetivo: Verificar a redução das taxas de infecção relacionadas…”
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    Avaliação do uso de cefazolina como profilaxia antibiótica em procedimentos cirúrgicos by Marcia Rosane Pires, Sandra Ludwig Gastal, Cristófer Farias da Silva, Jessica Dallé, Caroline Deutschendorf, Nádia Mora Kuplich, Carem Gormiak Lovatto, Loriane Rita Konkewicz, Rodrigo Pires dos Santos

    Published in Clinical and Biomedical Research (01-04-2012)
    “…Introdução: Infecções cirúrgicas são o segundo tipo mais freqüente de infecção relacionada à assistência de saúde e tem sua incidência reduzida com a…”
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    Política de Antimicrobianos do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre – 2010 by Rodrigo Pires dos Santos, Fabiano Nagel, Sandra Ludwig Gastal, Guilherme Becker Sander, Thalita Silva Jacobi, Loriane Rita Konkewicz, Nádia Mora Kuplich, Carem Gorniak Lovatto, Márcia Rosane Pires, Maria Luisa Aronis, Sérgio Pinto Ribeiro

    Published in Clinical and Biomedical Research (01-03-2010)
    “…Programas de controle de antimicrobianos (PCAs) têm o objetivo de promover o uso racional de antibióticos. O uso racional de antimicrobianos melhora a eficácia…”
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    High endemic levels of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii among hospitals in southern Brazil by Martins, Andreza F., MSc, PhD, Kuchenbecker, Ricardo S., MSc, PhD, MD, Pilger, Kátia O., MSc, Pagano, Mariana, Barth, Afonso L., MSc, PhD

    Published in American journal of infection control (01-03-2012)
    “…Background Most published data on multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumanii (MDR Ab) are derived from outbreaks. We report incidence trends on health…”
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