Search Results - "Kulmer, Josef"
Harmonic Phase Estimation in Single-Channel Speech Enhancement Using Phase Decomposition and SNR Information
Published in IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing (01-09-2015)“…In conventional single-channel speech enhancement, typically the noisy spectral amplitude is modified while the noisy phase is used to reconstruct the enhanced…”
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Phase Estimation in Single-Channel Speech Enhancement: Limits-Potential
Published in IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing (01-08-2015)“…In this paper, we present an overview on the previous and recent methods proposed to estimate a clean spectral phase from a noisy observation in the context of…”
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Phase Estimation in Single Channel Speech Enhancement Using Phase Decomposition
Published in IEEE signal processing letters (01-05-2015)“…Conventional speech enhancement methods typically utilize the noisy phase spectrum for signal reconstruction. This letter presents a novel method to estimate…”
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Single-Anchor Positioning: Multipath Processing With Non-Coherent Directional Measurements
Published in IEEE access (2020)“…High-accuracy indoor radio positioning can be achieved by using (ultra) wideband (UWB) radio signals. Multiple fixed anchor nodes are needed to compute the…”
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Iterative joint MAP single-channel speech enhancement given non-uniform phase prior
Published in Speech communication (01-02-2017)“…Within the last three decades research in single-channel speech enhancement has been mainly focused on filtering the noisy spectral amplitude without that much…”
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Harmonic phase estimation in single-channel speech enhancement using von mises distribution and prior SNR
Published in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (01-04-2015)“…In single-channel speech enhancement the spectral amplitude of the noisy signal is often modified while the noisy spectral phase is directly employed for…”
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A probabilistic approach for phase estimation in single-channel speech enhancement using von mises phase priors
Published in 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) (01-09-2014)“…In many artificial intelligence systems human voice is considered as the medium for information transmission. Human-machine communication by voice becomes…”
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5G Positioning and Mapping With Diffuse Multipath
Published in IEEE transactions on wireless communications (01-02-2021)“…5G mmWave communication is useful for positioning due to the geometric connection between the propagation channel and the propagation environment. Channel…”
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Anchorless Cooperative Tracking Using Multipath Channel Information
Published in IEEE transactions on wireless communications (01-04-2018)“…Highly accurate location information is a key facilitator to stimulate future services for the commercial and public sectors. Positioning and tracking of…”
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Delay Estimation in Presence of Dense Multipath
Published in IEEE wireless communications letters (01-10-2019)“…Exploiting single-shot channel measurements for estimating radio frequency channel parameters remains an active research topic. In presence of dense multipath,…”
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On the unimportance of phase-coherent measurements for beampattern-assisted positioning
Published in 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (01-04-2018)“…Accurate indoor radio positioning requires high-resolution measurements to either utilize or mitigate the impact of multipath propagation. This high resolution…”
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Range Estimation and Performance Limits for UHF-RFID Backscatter Channels
Published in IEEE journal of radio frequency identification (Online) (01-03-2017)“…The accuracy of time-of-flight-based ranging over ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) backscatter channels is fundamentally…”
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Tensor Decomposition Based Beamspace ESPRIT for Millimeter Wave MIMO Channel Estimation
Published in 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (01-12-2018)“…We propose a search-free beamspace tensor-ESPRIT algorithm for millimeter wave MIMO channel estimation. It is a multidimensional generalization of…”
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High-accuracy positioning for indoor applications: RFID, UWB, 5G, and beyond
Published in 2016 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID) (01-05-2016)“…Highly accurate and reliable indoor positioning - at accuracy levels in the 10 cm range - will enable a large a number of innovative location-based…”
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Impact of Rough Surface Scattering on Stochastic Multipath Component Models
Published in 2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (01-09-2018)“…Multipath-assisted positioning makes use of specular multipath components (MPCs), whose parameters are geometrically related to the positions of the…”
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5G Positioning and Mapping with Diffuse Multipath
Published 18-12-2019“…5G mmWave communication is useful for positioning due to the geometric connection between the propagation channel and the propagation environment. Channel…”
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Using DecaWave UWB transceivers for high-accuracy multipath-assisted indoor positioning
Published in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) (01-05-2017)“…Robust indoor positioning and location awareness at a sub-meter accuracy typically require highly accurate radio channel measurements to extract precise…”
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Phase-processing for voice activity detection: A statistical approach
Published in 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (01-08-2016)“…Conventional voice activity detectors (VAD) mostly rely on the magnitude of the complex valued DFT spectral coefficients. In this paper, the circular variance…”
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Bandwidth dependence of the ranging error variance in dense multipath
Published in 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (01-08-2016)“…It is well known that the time-of-flight ranging performance is heavy influenced by multipath propagation within a radio environment. This holds in particular…”
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Cooperative localization and tracking using multipath channel information
Published in 2016 International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS) (01-06-2016)“…Indoor environments are characterized by harsh multipath conditions. Multipath-assisted indoor navigation and tracking (MINT) exploits position-related…”
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