Search Results - "Kudriavtsev, E. M."
Experimental study of acoustic properties and microhardness of 09Mn2Si steel
Published in High temperature (01-11-2017)“…We present experimental study results of the ultrasound velocity, the relative thermal expansion (within 20–1000°C) and the microhardness (within 20–500°C) of…”
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Dislocation migration activation energies for HTSC ceramics from temperature dependence of the solitonic wave of change in reflection and conduction
Published in Physica. C, Superconductivity (2000)“…The dislocation migration activation energies, E dm , were estimated based on the comparison of a model and experimental results for velocity temperature…”
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Temperature dependence of the velocity of the wave of reflection and conduction in NdCeCuO, YBaCuO and LaSrCuO
Published in Physica. C, Superconductivity (01-08-1997)“…The data on temperature (T) dependence of the velocity (U), U(T), of the wave of reflection and conduction (WRC) [1] were first obtained for HTSC ceramic…”
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Saturation parameter and small-signal gain of cw CO2 and/or N2O mixing gasdynamic lasers
Published in Applied physics letters (15-12-1978)“…The small-signal gain of cw CO2 and/or N2O mixing gasdynamic lasers has been measured by varying the cavity losses with the aid of two rotating coupled NaCl…”
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Low-stagnation-temperature characteristics of cw N2O and CO2 gasdynamic mixing lasers pumped by nitrogen or air
Published in Applied physics letters (15-05-1978)“…Experimental data collected from a N2O/N2(air) thermally excited and selectively pumped cw gasdynamic mixing laser are reported for a range of low stagnation…”
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Experiment with a cw N2O gasdynamic laser and its qualitative comparison with a CO2 laser
Published in Applied physics letters (01-04-1977)“…Preliminary experimental data concerning an N2O/N2 thermally excited and selectively pumped mixing cw gasdynamic laser are reported and compared with those…”
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An EPR study of the joint action of sodium nitrite and whole-body irradiation on animal tissues
Published in Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia (01-07-1996)“…Changes in metabolic paramagnetic centers of the liver, kidney, spleen, brain and heart tissues, and blood after sodium nitrite intraperitoneal administration…”
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Markers of the metabolic changes arising as a result of ionizing radiation exposure
Published in Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia (01-11-1995)“…Time-related changes have been studied in the content of extracellular DNA, Fe(3+)-transferrin (TF), and Cu(2+)-ceruloplasmin (CP) in the blood plasma and the…”
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Shock-tube CO2 gas-dynamic laser operating on the (0310)⇄(10°0) transition at 18.4 μm
Published in Applied physics letters (15-02-1981)“…Laser action at 18.4 μm has been obtained between the (0310) and (1000) levels in a shock-tube-driven CO2/Ar gas-dynamic laser. The pulse duration was equal to…”
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Effect of metronidazole and local irradiation of the tumor on paramagnetic metal complexes of the liver and tumor tissues
Published in Radiobiologiia (01-05-1987)“…A study was made of changes in the intensity of the ESR signals in tissues of sarcoma-37 and liver of mice after radiation of the tumor, administration of…”
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Ribonucleotide reductase--a "target" of the action of nitrosomethylurea
Published in Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriia biologicheskaia (01-07-1991)“…The antitumor and toxic effects of methylnitrosourea (MNU) are determined through its metabolic pathways. In organism MNU is subject to hydrolytic…”
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Guided waves and IR lasers
Published in Applied Physics B Photophysics and Laser Chemistry (01-06-1982)Get full text
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