Search Results - "Kubešová, Marie"
Synthetic routes contaminate graphene materials with a whole spectrum of unanticipated metallic elements
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (23-09-2014)“…The synthesis of graphene materials is typically carried out by oxidizing graphite to graphite oxide followed by a reduction process. Numerous methods exist…”
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Elemental Characterization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Certified Reference Material by Neutron and Prompt γ Activation Analysis
Published in Analytical chemistry (Washington) (07-04-2015)“…Instrumental neutron activation analysis with both relative and k 0 standardization was used in four experienced laboratories to determine element mass…”
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Instrumental neutron activation analysis of plant tissues and soils for biomonitoring in urban areas in Istanbul
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-07-2016)“…The aim of this study was to determine the elemental concentrations of plant tissues and soils collected in Istanbul to evaluate the possible use of selected…”
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Comparison of Kayzero for Windows and k0-IAEA software packages for k 0 standardization in neutron activation analysis
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21-10-2011)“…For many years the well-established Kayzero for Windows software for neutron activation analysis (NAA) using k 0 standardization was the only commercial…”
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Validation of k0 standardization method in neutron activation analysis—The use of Kayzero for Windows programme at the nuclear physics institute, Řež
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11-10-2010)Get full text
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Improvement of the Ca determination accuracy with k 0-INAA using an HPGe coaxial detector with extended energy range efficiency calibration
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-03-2018)“…We show that use of the radionuclide 56Co for calibration of the full energy peak efficiency, ε, of a coaxial HPGe detector, in addition to the commonly…”
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Improvement of the Ca determination accuracy with k0-INAA using an HPGe coaxial detector with extended energy range efficiency calibration
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (2018)“…We show that use of the radionuclide 56 Co for calibration of the full energy peak efficiency, ε, of a coaxial HPGe detector, in addition to the commonly…”
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Inconsistencies of neutron flux parameters for k0 standardization in neutron activation analysis determined with the use of Au+Zr and Au+Mo+Cr monitor sets at the LVR-15 reactor in Řež
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-08-2012)“…Multipurpose research reactors require monitoring of neutron flux parameters ( α , f , F c or Φ th ) during every irradiation of samples when k 0…”
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A new monitor set for the determination of neutron flux parameters in short-time k0-NAA
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11-11-2011)“…Multipurpose research reactors such as LVR-15 in Řež require monitoring of the neutron flux parameters (f, α) in each batch of samples analyzed when k0…”
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How to calculate uncertainties of neutron flux parameters and uncertainties of analysis results in k0-NAA?
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-07-2012)“…A novel method is presented for the calculation of uncertainties of neutron flux parameters and element mass fractions and their uncertainties in k 0 -neutron…”
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Validation of k 0 standardization method in neutron activation analysis—The use of Kayzero for Windows programme at the nuclear physics institute, Řež
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (2010)“…The goal of this work was to validate the method of the k 0 standardization in neutron activation analysis at the laboratory of neutron activation analysis in…”
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Verification of k0-NAA results at the LVR-15 reactor in Řež with the use of Au+Mo+Rb(+Zn) monitor set
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (2014)“…Long-time experience in neutron flux monitoring on irradiation in the LVR-15 research reactor in Řež proved that Au+Mn+Rb and Au+Mo+Rb(+Zn) monitor sets for…”
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Determination of elemental impurities in polymer materials of electrical cables of safety systems of nuclear power plants by k0-INAA
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (2014)“…Instrumental neutron activation analysis with k 0 standardization ( k 0 -INAA) was employed for elemental characterization of individual components of…”
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Verification of k 0-NAA results at the LVR-15 reactor in Řež with the use of Au+Mo+Rb(+Zn) monitor set
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-05-2014)Get full text
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Elemental characterization of lignite from Afşin-Elbistan in Turkey by k 0-NAA
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-06-2016)Get full text
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Feasibility study of k 0-INAA at the ITU TRIGA Mark II research reactor, Turkey
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (01-07-2016)Get full text
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Elemental characterization of lignite from Afşin-Elbistan in Turkey by k0-NAA
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (2016)“…Twelve samples of lignite from several places and depths of the Kışlaköy open cast mine in the south eastern Turkey were characterized by k 0 -NAA with…”
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Feasibility study of k0-INAA at the ITU TRIGA Mark II research reactor, Turkey
Published in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (2016)“…This work is focused on testing the implementation of k 0 -INAA using Kayzero for Windows and k0-IAEA software packages at the ITU TRIGA Mark II research…”
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