Search Results - "Krotov, Dmitry"
Unsupervised learning by competing hidden units
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (16-04-2019)“…It is widely believed that end-to-end training with the backpropagation algorithm is essential for learning good feature detectors in early layers of…”
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Morphogenesis at criticality
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (11-03-2014)“…Spatial patterns in the early fruit fly embryo emerge from a network of interactions among transcription factors, the gap genes, driven by maternal inputs…”
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Modern Hopfield Networks for graph embedding
Published in Frontiers in big data (17-11-2022)“…The network embedding task is to represent a node in a network as a low-dimensional vector while incorporating the topological and structural information. Most…”
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Dense Associative Memory Is Robust to Adversarial Inputs
Published in Neural computation (01-12-2018)“…Deep neural networks (DNNs) trained in a supervised way suffer from two known problems. First, the minima of the objective function used in learning correspond…”
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A new frontier for Hopfield networks
Published in Nature reviews physics (01-07-2023)“…Over the past few years there has been a resurgence of interest in Hopfield networks of associative memory. Dmitry Krotov discusses recent theoretical advances…”
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Infrared sensitivity of unstable vacua
Published in Nuclear physics. B (11-08-2011)“…We discover that some unstable vacua have long memory. By that we mean that even in the theories containing only massive particles, there are correllators and…”
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Building transformers from neurons and astrocytes
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (22-08-2023)“…Glial cells account for between 50% and 90% of all human brain cells, and serve a variety of important developmental, structural, and metabolic functions…”
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Hierarchical Associative Memory
Published 13-07-2021“…Dense Associative Memories or Modern Hopfield Networks have many appealing properties of associative memory. They can do pattern completion, store a large…”
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Quantum field theory as effective BV theory from Chern–Simons
Published in Nuclear physics. B (11-01-2009)“…The general procedure for obtaining explicit expressions for all cohomologies of Berkovits' operator is suggested. It is demonstrated that calculation of BV…”
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Strong correlations in gravity and biophysics
Published 01-01-2014“…The unifying theme of this dissertation is the use of correlations. In the first part (chapter 2), we investigate correlations in quantum field theories in de…”
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Neuron-Astrocyte Associative Memory
Published 14-11-2023“…Astrocytes, the most abundant type of glial cell, play a fundamental role in memory. Despite most hippocampal synapses being contacted by an astrocyte, there…”
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Large Associative Memory Problem in Neurobiology and Machine Learning
Published 16-08-2020“…Dense Associative Memories or modern Hopfield networks permit storage and reliable retrieval of an exponentially large (in the dimension of feature space)…”
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Unsupervised Learning by Competing Hidden Units
Published 29-08-2019“…Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 116 (16) 7723-7731 (2019) It is widely believed that the backpropagation algorithm is essential for…”
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Associative Learning for Network Embedding
Published 30-08-2022“…The network embedding task is to represent the node in the network as a low-dimensional vector while incorporating the topological and structural information…”
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End-to-end Differentiable Clustering with Associative Memories
Published 05-06-2023“…Clustering is a widely used unsupervised learning technique involving an intensive discrete optimization problem. Associative Memory models or AMs are…”
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Sparse Distributed Memory is a Continual Learner
Published 20-03-2023“…ICLR 2023 Continual learning is a problem for artificial neural networks that their biological counterparts are adept at solving. Building on work using Sparse…”
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Dense Associative Memory Through the Lens of Random Features
Published 31-10-2024“…Dense Associative Memories are high storage capacity variants of the Hopfield networks that are capable of storing a large number of memory patterns in the…”
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Losing dimensions: Geometric memorization in generative diffusion
Published 11-10-2024“…Generative diffusion processes are state-of-the-art machine learning models deeply connected with fundamental concepts in statistical physics. Depending on the…”
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CAMELoT: Towards Large Language Models with Training-Free Consolidated Associative Memory
Published 20-02-2024“…Large Language Models (LLMs) struggle to handle long input sequences due to high memory and runtime costs. Memory-augmented models have emerged as a promising…”
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Memory in Plain Sight: Surveying the Uncanny Resemblances of Associative Memories and Diffusion Models
Published 28-09-2023“…The generative process of Diffusion Models (DMs) has recently set state-of-the-art on many AI generation benchmarks. Though the generative process is…”
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