Search Results - "Kroeger, R.S"

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  1. 1

    First measurement of the double-inclusive [formula omitted] hadron energy distribution in e+e− annihilations, and of angle-dependent moments of the B and [formula omitted] energies by Abe, Koya, Abe, Kenji, Abe, T, Adam, I, Akimoto, H, Aston, D, Baird, K.G, Baltay, C, Band, H.R, Barklow, T.L, Bauer, J.M, Bellodi, G, Blaylock, G, Bower, G.R, Brau, J.E, Breidenbach, M, Bugg, W.M, Burke, D, Burrows, P.N, Calcaterra, A, Cohn, H.O, Damerell, C.J.S, de Groot, N, de Sangro, R, Doser, M, Dubois, R, Eschenburg, V, Etzion, E, Fahey, S, Falciai, D, Fernandez, J.P, Flood, K, Frey, R, Hart, E.L, Hertzbach, S.S, Huffer, M.E, Jackson, D.J, Jacques, P, Jaros, J.A, Jiang, Z.Y, Johnson, A.S, Johnson, J.R, Kajikawa, R, Kalelkar, M, Kang, H.J, Kofler, R.R, Kroeger, R.S, Langston, M, Leith, D.W.G, Mancinelli, G, Manly, S, Markiewicz, T.W, Maruyama, T, McKemey, A.K, Messner, R, Moffeit, K.C, Moore, T.B, Morii, M, Muller, D, Narita, S, Neal, H, Nesom, G, Oishi, N, Onoprienko, D, Osborne, L.S, Panvini, R.S, Park, C.H, Piccolo, M, Piemontese, L, Plano, R.J, Prescott, C.Y, Ratcliff, B.N, Reidy, J, Rowson, P.C, Russell, J.J, Saxton, O.H, Schalk, T, Schwiening, J, Serbo, V.V, Shapiro, G, Snyder, J.A, Stahl, A, Stamer, P, Steiner, H, Suekane, F, Suzuki, A, Usher, T, Va'vra, J, Verdier, R, Wagner, D.L, Walston, S, Weidemann, A.W, Whitaker, J.S, Williams, S.H, Wisniewski, W.J, Woods, M, Wright, T.R, Yellin, S.J, Young, C.C, Yuta, H

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-01-2004)
    “…We have made the first measurement of the double-inclusive B/B energy distribution in e+e− annihilations, using a sample of 400000 hadronic Z0-decay events…”
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    Measurement of the charged multiplicities in b, c and light quark events from Z0 decays by Abe, K., Ash, W.W., Aston, D., Baird, K.G., Baltay, C., Band, H.R., Bazarko, A.O., Benvenuti, A.C., Bilei, G.M., Bolen, B., Bolton, T., Breidenbach, M., Bugg, W.M., Burnett, T.H., Calcaterra, A., Camanzi, B., Carpinelli, M., Cohn, H.O., Coller, J.A., Cowan, R.F., D'Oliveira, A., Damerell, C.J.S., De Sangro, R., Dima, M., Dubois, R., Elia, R., Falciai, D., Fan, C., Fero, M.J., Frey, R., Furuno, K., Gillman, T., Gladding, G., Gonzalez, S., Hallewell, G.D., Hart, E.L., Hedges, S.J., Jackson, D.J., Kalelkar, M., Kendall, H.W., Kroeger, R.S., Labs, J.F., Lath, A., Lauber, J.A., Leith, D.W.G.S., Loreti, M., Lynch, H.L., Mancinelli, G., Manly, S., Mantovan, G., Moffeit, K.C., Nagamine, T., Neal, H., Ohnishi, Y., Osborne, L.S., Panvini, R.S., Pavel, T.J., Peruzzi, I., Piccolo, M., Plano, R.J., Prescott, C.Y., Quigley, J., Ratcliff, B.N., Reeves, T.W., Rowson, P.C., Schalk, T., Schindler, R.H., Schumm, B.A., Sen, S., Serbo, V.V., Shank, J.T., Shapiro, G., Sherden, D.J., Simopoulos, C., Steiner, R., Strauss, M.G., Su, D., Sugiyama, A., Suzuki, S., Swartz, M., Turk, J.D., Venuti, J.P., Verdier, R., Wagner, S.R., Waite, A.P., Weiss, E.R., White, S.L., Wickens, F.J., Williams, D.C., Wilson, R.J., Wyss, J., Yamamoto, R.K., Yamartino, J.M., Yang, X., Yellin, S.J., Young, C.C., Yuta, H., Zapalac, G., Zeitlin, C., Zhou, J.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-10-1996)
    “…Average charged multiplicities have been measured separately in b, c and light quark ( u, d, s) events from Z 0 decays measured in the SLD experiment. Impact…”
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    Factorial and cumulant moments in e +e − → hadrons at the Z 0 resonance by Abe, K., Ahn, C.J., Ash, W.W., Aston, D., Baird, K.G., Baltay, C., Band, H.R., Bazarko, A.O., Benvenuti, A.C., Bilei, G.M., Bower, G.R., Bugg, W.M., Burke, D., Burnett, T.H., Caldwell, D.O., Carpinelli, M., Cassell, R., Castro, A., Cohn, H.O., Cook, V., D'Oliveira, A., Damerell, C.J.S., Dima, M., Dubois, R., Eisenstein, B.I., Elia, R., Fan, C., Fero, M.J., Gillman, T., Gonzalez, S., Hallewell, G.D., Hart, E.L., Hughes, E.W., Jackson, D.J., Johnson, R.A., Karliner, I., Kim, Y., King, R., Kofler, R.R., Langston, M., Lath, A., Lauber, J.A., Liu, M.X., Liu, X., Lynch, H.L., Mancinelli, G., Manly, S., Markiewicz, T.W., Mockett, P.M., Muller, D., Narita, S., Neal, H., Osborne, L.S., Panvini, R.S., Park, H., Pavel, T.J., Peruzzi, I., Piemontese, L., Pieroni, E., Pitts, K.T., Plano, R.J., Prepost, R., Punkar, G.D., Quigley, J., Ratcliff, B.N., Reidy, J., Rochester, L.S., Schaffner, S.F., Schalk, T., Schindler, R.H., Schumm, B.A., Sen, S., Shaevitz, M.H., Shank, J.T., Sherden, D.J., Simopoulos, C., Snyder, J.A., Steiner, H., Steiner, R., Su, D., Szumilo, A., Takahashi, T., Torrence, E., Trandafir, A.I., Usher, T., Vannini, C., Verdier, R., Waite, A.P., Watts, S.J., White, S.L., Wickens, F.J., Williams, D.C., Williams, S.H., Willocq, S., Wilson, R.J., Woods, M., Yamartino, J.M., Young, C.C., Yuta, H., Zeitlin, C.

    Published in Physics letters. B (1996)
    “…We present the first experimental study of the ratio of cumulant to factorial moments of the charged-particle multiplicity distribution in high-energy particle…”
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    The small angle electromagnetic calorimeter at SLD: a 2m/sup 2/ application of silicon detector diodes by Berridge, S.C., Berridge, P.K., Brau, J.E., Bugg, W.M., Chen, Y., Du, Y.C., Kroeger, R.S., Pitts, K.T., Weidemann, A.W., White, S.L.

    Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-02-1989)
    “…The SLD (Stanford Linear Collider Large Detector) collaboration is preparing a solenoidal detector at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) to measure the…”
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    First results from the SLD silicon calorimeters by Berridge, S.C., Brau, J.E., Bugg, W.M., Frey, R., Furuno, K., Gioumousis, A., Haller, G., Huber, J., Hwang, H., Kroeger, R.S., Park, H., Pitts, K.T., Seward, P., Weidemann, A.W., White, S.L., Zeitlin, C.J.

    “…The small-angle calorimeters of the SLAC large detector (SLD) were successfully operated during the recent SLAC linear collider (SLC) engineering run. The…”
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    Beam test of the SLD silicon-tungsten luminosity monitor by Berridge, S.C., Brau, J.E., Bugg, W.M., Du, P., Furuno, K., Hargis, H.J., Kroeger, R.S., Pitts, K.T., Weidemann, A., White, S.L., Zeitlin, C.J.

    Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-06-1990)
    “…A set of calorimeters using silicon diode sampling has been constructed to provide the small angle electromagnetic calorimetry for SLD (Stanford Linear…”
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    Beam test of the SLD silicon-tungsten liminosity monitor by Brau, J.E., Furuno, K., Titts, K.T., White, S.L., Zeitlin, C.J., Berridge, S.C., Bugg, W.M., Du, P., Hargis, H.J., Kroeger, R.S., Weidemann, A.

    “…A set of calorimeters employing silicon diode sampling has been constructed to provide the small angle electromagnetic calorimetry for SLD at SLAC. The…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  10. 10

    First results from the SLD silicon calorimeters by Berridge, S.C., Brau, J.E., Bugg, W.M., Frey, R., Furuno, K., Gioumousis, A., Haller, G., Hwang, H., Kroeger, R.S., Park, H., Pitts, K.T., Seward, P., Weidemann, A.W., White, S.L., Zeitlin, C.J.

    “…The small-angle calorimeters of the SLAC Large Detector (SLD) were successfully operated during the recent SLAC Linear Collider (SLC) engineering run. The…”
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    Conference Proceeding