Search Results - "Kozhushko, Ya. N."
Method for Calculating Radiation Characteristics of Dual-Reflector Antennas with Resonance Size Reflectors of Finite Thickness and Conductivity
Published in Radioelectronics and communications systems (01-07-2020)“…The paper presents a method for calculating the radiation patterns (RP) of dual-reflector antenna systems taking into account the electrodynamic interaction…”
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Journal Article -
Scanning Radiometry Measuring Complex with Programmed Numerical Control
Published in 2007 International Kharkov Symposium Physics and Engrg. of Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Waves (MSMW) (01-06-2007)“…The radiometry measuring complex equipped by the improved circuit of numerical control by support-rotating mechanism forms the radiometry images of the…”
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Conference Proceeding -
The estimation of influence of radome aerodynamic heating on position finding reliability of radiometric navigation systems
Published in 2005 5th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (2005)“…The design procedure of noise temperature of antenna - non-uniformly heated radome system, taking into account multiple reflections inside a radome wall is…”
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Conference Proceeding