Search Results - "Korulmaz, Ali"

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  1. 1

    A Case with Multiple Systemic Inflammatory Syndrome Presenting with Acute Appendicitis Symptoms by Korulmaz, Ali, Kaya, Sadık

    Published in Çocuk acil ve yoğun bakım (01-12-2023)
    “…Coronavirus disease-2019-associated pediatric multisystem inflammatory disease has been defined as a severe disease that causes fever, abdominal pain,…”
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    Severe Amitriptillin Intoxication Treated with Intravenous Lipid Emulsion by Ünlü, Ayyüce, Alakaya, Mehmet, Kaya, Sadık, Arslankoylu, Ali Ertuğ, Korulmaz, Ali

    Published in Çocuk acil ve yoğun bakım (01-12-2021)
    “…Intoxication with tricyclic antidepressant drugs causes serious toxic findings even at low doses. Despite common use of the antidepressant drugs, there are no…”
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    Effect of Maternal Depression and Environmental Factors on Infantile Colic by Güngör, Şükrü, Kırık, Serkan, Özkars, Mehmet Yaşar, Korulmaz, Ali

    Published in Erciyes Medical Journal (01-03-2019)
    “…Objective: Infantile colic, a condition with unclear etiology that typically occurs in the evening in the first 3 months of life among healthy infants, occurs…”
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    A Case with Multiple Systemic Inflammatory Syndrome Presenting with Acute Appendicitis Symptoms/Akut Apandisit Semptomlari ile Basvuran Coklu Sistemik Enflamatuvar Sendromlu Bir Olgu by Korulmaz, Ali, Kaya, Sadik

    “…Coronavirus disease-2019-associated pediatric multisystem inflammatory disease has been defined as a severe disease that causes fever, abdominal pain,…”
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    Sedation - analgesia - muscle relaxant - withdrawal and delirium practices in pediatric intensive care units in Türkiye by Koçkuzu, Esra, Korulmaz, Ali, Altuğ, Ümit, Bozan, Gürkan, Yıldızdaş, Dinçer

    Published in Turkish journal of pediatrics (16-11-2024)
    “…Background. Pain and sedation management is an integral part of pediatric intensive care practice. Sedoanalgesia management must be balanced in order to…”
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    Deliryuma yol açan nadir bir intoksikasyon: Datura stramonium by KURT, Duygu Deniz, KORULMAZ, Ali, ALAKAYA, Mehmet, ARSLANKÖYLÜ, Ali Ertuğ

    “…Datura stramonium belladona alkaloid ailesinin bir üyesi olan halüsinojenik bir bitkidir. Fazla miktarda alındığında halüsinasyon, ajitasyon ve deliryuma neden…”
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    A Boy with Sandestig-Stefanova Syndrome and Genital Abnormalities by Korulmaz, Ali, Başer, Burak, Alakaya, Mehmet, Arslanköylü, Ali Ertuğ

    Published in Molecular syndromology (01-07-2022)
    “…Introduction: Sandestig-Stefanova syndrome is an autosomal recessive developmental syndrome characterized by microcephaly, trigonocephaly, congenital…”
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    Distribution of candida species and risk factors for invasive candidiasis by KORULMAZ, Ali, ALAKAYA, Mehmet, ARSLANKOYLU, Ali Ertug, KAYA, Sadik, ERDOGAN, Semra, OZGUR, Didem, OTAG, Zehra Feza

    Published in Ege tıp dergisi (12-12-2022)
    “…Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the Candida species isolated from the clinical samples of patients in the pediatric intensive care unit and to…”
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    Arteriovenöz malformasyona bağlı spontan intraventriküler kanama by KORULMAZ, Ali, ALAKAYA, Mehmet, ARSLANKÖYLÜ, Ali Ertuğ, ESEN, Kaan, KAYA, Sadık

    “…Arteriovenöz malformasyonlar intrakraniyal vasküler yapıların gelişimsel anomalileridir. Bunlar çoğu hastada intrakranial kanama ve epilepsiye neden olma…”
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    Intravenöz Lipid Emülsiyonu ile Tedavi Edilen Agir Amitriptilin Zehirlenmesi/Severe Amitriptillin Intoxication Treated with Intravenous Lipid Emulsion by Ünlü, Ayyüce, Alakaya, Mehmet, Kaya, Sadik, Arslankoylu, Ali Ertug, Korulmaz, Ali

    “…Trisiklik antidepresan ilaçlar ile zehirlenmeler düsük dozlarda bile ciddi toksik bulgulara neden olurlar. Trisiklik antidepresanlar sik kullanilmalarina…”
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    Turner Sendromlu hastada serebral venöz tromboz by KAYA, Sadık, ALAKAYA, Mehmet, KORULMAZ, Ali, ARSLANKÖYLÜ, Ali Ertuğ, ESİN, Kaan, ÜNAL, Selma

    “…Turner sendromu X kromozomunun kismi veya tam yokluğu ile karakterize bir anoploidi tipidir.  Hastalık kısa ve yele boyun, düşük saç çizgisi, kubitus valgus,…”
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    A Boy with Sandestig-Stefanova Syndrome and Genital Abnormalities by Korulmaz, Ali, Başer, Burak, Alakaya, Mehmet, Arslanköylü, Ali Ertuğ

    Published in Molecular syndromology (01-07-2022)
    “…IntroductionSandestig-Stefanova syndrome is an autosomal recessive developmental syndrome characterized by microcephaly, trigonocephaly, congenital cataracts,…”
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