Search Results - "Kono, Yoshihiro"
Effect of Electrooculography on Electroencephalography Classifying Accuracy in Deep Learning and Reducing Number of Channels in Motor-Imagery Brain-Computer Interface
Published in 2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC) (07-11-2022)“…Recently, brain-computer interface (BCI) control using deep learning has been investigated. The BCI control is realized by analyzing brain activity through a…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Efficacy of Disulfiram for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence Assessed with a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Published in Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research (01-02-2014)“…Background The efficacy of disulfiram in preventing an alcoholic relapse has been controversial. The aim of our study was to assess the efficacy of supervised…”
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Journal Article -
Positive association between a DNA sequence variant in the serotonin 2A receptor gene and schizophrenia
Published in American journal of medical genetics (16-02-1996)“…Sixty‐two patients with schizophrenia and 96 normal controls were investigated for genetic association with restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs)…”
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High-density lipoprotein binding rate differs greatly between genotypes 1b and 2a/2b of hepatitis C virus
Published in Journal of medical virology (01-05-2003)“…The hepatitis C virus (HCV) virion is associated with lipoproteins and immunoglobulins in the sera of patients with chronic hepatitis C; however, an accurate…”
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Effect of electrode shape on discharge current and performance with barrier discharge type electrostatic precipitator
Published in Journal of electrostatics (01-03-2003)“…In general corona discharge is used as precharger in electrostatic precipitator (ESP). The corona discharge type electrostatic precipitator can remove diesel…”
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Association between early-onset alcoholism and the dopamine D2 receptor gene
Published in American journal of medical genetics (18-04-1997)“…We examined the allelic association between the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene and alcoholism in 100 biologically unrelated Japanese alcoholics and 93…”
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Journal Article -
An Association Study Between Alcoholism and the Serotonergic Receptor Genes
Published in Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research (01-03-2000)“…Background: Linkage and association studies of alcoholism using DNA makers have been conducted without conclusive results. The comorbidity of alcoholism with…”
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A Study on the Torque Capacity of Belt CVTs for 2.0-Liter and 3.5-Liter Front-Drive Cars
Published in SAE transactions (01-01-2004)“…An actual-size belt box tester was used to measure the slip characteristics of 2.0-liter and 3.5-liter class CVTs under a condition of their lowest pulley…”
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An association between manic-depressive illness and a pseudoautosomal DNA marker
Published in American journal of human genetics (01-11-1992)“…This article reports on the association between manic-depressive illness and a polymorphic DNA marker in the pseudoautosomal region (Xp22.32; Yp11.3). The…”
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Journal Article -
Lack of association between bipolar affective disorder and tyrosine hydroxylase DNA marker
Published in American journal of medical genetics (15-07-1993)“…Sixty-eight patients with bipolar affective disorder and 88 controls were investigated for genetic association of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) restriction…”
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Pseudoautosomal region in schizophrenia: sex concordance of the affected sibpairs and the association study with DNA markers
Published in American journal of medical genetics (15-10-1993)“…To test a hypothesis that the pseudoautosomal region of the sex chromosomes contributes to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, we carried out the following…”
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