Search Results - "Kono, Tatsuhito"
Regional differences in cognitive dissonance in evacuation behavior at the time of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami
Published in Natural hazards (Dordrecht) (01-03-2022)“…This paper constructs an evacuation decision-making model that takes cognitive dissonance into consideration. The purpose of this construction is to clarify…”
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The long-run effects of congestion tolls, carbon tax, and land use regulations on urban CO2 emissions
Published in Regional science and urban economics (01-01-2022)“…CO2 emissions caused by urban residents' energy consumption arise from 1) transportation and 2) housing energy consumption. This energy consumption depends on…”
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Spatial externalities and land use regulation: an integrated set of multiple density regulations
Published in Journal of economic geography (01-05-2018)“…In a continuous city with three distinct land use zones consisting of business, condominiums and detached houses, we derive the formulae which simultaneously…”
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Cordon Pricing and Land-Use Regulation
Published in The Scandinavian journal of economics (01-04-2017)“…This study explores the simultaneous imposition of cordon pricing and land-use regulations in a continuous and closed monocentric city with homogeneous…”
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Spatially-variable property tax and optimal tax composition in congested monocentric cities: George, Pigou, Ramsey and Strotz unified
Published in Journal of urban economics (01-07-2019)“…We explore the optimal spatial structure of the property tax in a monocentric city with transportation congestion. To show how the availablity of revenue…”
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How should river embankments be spatially developed, from the upstream section or the downstream section?
Published in Journal of flood risk management (01-03-2023)“…Using an economic model of how river embankments affect local residents, we explore the efficiency of embankment construction from two viewpoints: (1) which…”
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What is an appropriate welfare measure for efficiency of local public policies inducing migration?
Published in Mathematical social sciences (01-01-2018)“…We demonstrate what welfare measure should be used for local public policies inducing migration. We show that the two conventional definitions of welfare…”
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FAR regulations and unpriced transport congestion
Published in Regional science and urban economics (01-11-2012)“…Using a fully closed monocentric urban setup with unpriced transport congestion, this paper discusses a second best allocation implemented by…”
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Self-organization of hexagonal agglomeration patterns in new economic geography models
Published in Journal of economic behavior & organization (01-03-2014)“…•We use core–periphery models in which workers migrate among multiple places.•Self-organization of 2D agglomeration patterns from the uniformly distributed…”
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Optimization of floor area ratio regulation in a growing city
Published in Regional science and urban economics (01-07-2009)“…Maximum floor area ratio (FAR) regulation is widely imposed in cities to mitigate negative population externalities (e.g. congestion). This paper presents…”
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Optimal regulation on building size and city boundary: An effective second-best remedy for traffic congestion externality
Published in Regional science and urban economics (01-07-2012)“…This paper numerically evaluates the efficiency of regulations on building size and city size in a congested closed city by comparing welfare gain with that…”
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Necessity of minimum floor area ratio regulation: a second-best policy
Published in The Annals of regional science (01-06-2010)“…This article examines where and how to impose floor area ratio (FAR) regulations in the presence of negative externalities engendered in population density,…”
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A new interpretation on the optimal density regulations: Closed and open city
Published in Journal of housing economics (01-09-2012)“…► We model a monocentric city with transport congestion. ► We show how to control floor area ratio (FAR) to mitigate traffic congestion. ► A closed city…”
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Evaluation of flood control and inundation conservation in Cambodia using flood and economic growth models
Published in Hydrological processes (15-02-2009)“…This paper evaluates the optimal spatial flood protection for people living with the threat of floods in the lower Mekong River region with respect to…”
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Cities and biodiversity: Spatial efficiency of land use
Published in Journal of economic behavior & organization (01-05-2022)“…While there is an increased focus on promoting eco-friendly cities, biologically important but dangerous wildlife creatures encroach into cities, which can…”
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Published in Pacific economic review (Oxford, England) (01-12-2010)“…This paper analyses how the composition of public expenditure should be adjusted to maximize the economic growth rate in developing countries. We first apply a…”
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Land use policies considering a natural ecosystem
Published in Regional science and urban economics (01-07-2020)“…Some wildlife creatures, such as carnivores, disease-carrying mosquitoes, and virus, encroach into a city and harm human lives, but they are important in terms…”
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Measuring gendered values of time for married couples by life stage based on an intertemporal household utility-maximization model
Published in Transportation research. Part B: methodological (01-10-2024)“…•An intertemporal household model to investigate time values by life stage is developed.•Values of time as a resource (VOTRs) for married couples with children…”
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Congestion deterioration and transportation project evaluation
Published in The Annals of regional science (01-03-2007)“…Transportation projects may lead to deterioration in the average travel time of the urban area because projects reduce travel cost and thus stimulate…”
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Quantitative analysis of dynamic inconsistencies in infrastructure planning: an example of coastal levee improvement
Published in Environment and planning. B, Planning & design. (01-03-2016)“…Cost–benefit analysis is considered as an effective means for the government to avoid failures in public projects. However, once cost–benefit analysis becomes…”
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