Search Results - "Kollewe, M."

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    Operation of a free-electron laser from the extreme ultraviolet to the water window by Yurkov, M. V, Ackermann, W, Asova, G, Ayvazyan, V, Azima, A, Bähr, J, Balandin, V, Beutner, B, Bolzmann, A, Castro, P, Chiadroni, E, Choroba, S, Cianchi, A, Costello, J. T, Cubaynes, D, Dardis, J, Decking, W, Delsim-Hashemi, H, Di Pirro, G, Düsterer, S, Flöttmann, K, Frisch, J, Gerth, Ch, Görler, M, Golubeva, N, Grecki, M, Hacker, K, Han, J. H, Honkavaara, K, Hüning, M, Jalmuzna, W, Jezynski, T, Kammering, R, Katalev, V, Kennedy, E. T, Khodyachykh, S, Klose, K, Körfer, M, Kollewe, M, Korepanov, S, Kostin, D, Krassilnikov, M, Kube, G, Kuhlmann, M, Lilje, L, Lipka, D, Löhl, F, Luna, H, Luong, M, Martins, M, Michelato, P, Möller, W. D, Müller, W. F. O, Napieralski, O, Nölle, D, Nuñez, T, Oppelt, A, Paparella, R, Pedregosa-Gutierrez, J, Plönjes, E, Prat, E, Proch, D, Pucyk, P, Rehlich, K, Richter, M, Roensch, J, Romaniuk, R, Rybnikov, V, Sachwitz, M, Saldin, E. L, Sandner, W, Schlarb, H, Schmidt, B, Schmüser, P, Schneider, J. R, Schneidmiller, E. A, Schreiber, S, Sertore, D, Shabunov, A. V, Simon, C, Sombrowski, E, Spanknebel, P, Spesyvtsev, R, Staykov, L, Thom, H, Tiedtke, K, Tischer, M, Trines, D, Tsakov, I, Vogel, E, Weiland, T, Weise, H, Wellhöfer, M, Wendt, M, Winter, A, Wittenburg, K, Wurth, W, Yeates, P, Zagorodnov, I, Zapfe, K

    Published in Nature photonics (01-06-2007)
    “…We report results on the performance of a free-electron laser operating at a wavelength of 13.7 nm where unprecedented peak and average powers for a coherent…”
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    First operation of a free-electron laser generating GW power radiation at 32 nm wavelength by Ayvazyan, V., Baboi, N., Bähr, J., Balandin, V., Beutner, B., Brandt, A., Bohnet, I., Bolzmann, A., Brinkmann, R., Brovko, O. I., Carneiro, J. P., Casalbuoni, S., Castellano, M., Castro, P., Catani, L., Chiadroni, E., Choroba, S., Cianchi, A., Delsim-Hashemi, H., Di Pirro, G., Dohlus, M., Düsterer, S., Edwards, H. T., Faatz, B., Fateev, A. A., Feldhaus, J., Flöttmann, K., Frisch, J., Fröhlich, L., Garvey, T., Gensch, U., Golubeva, N., Grabosch, H.-J., Grigoryan, B., Grimm, O., Hahn, U., Han, J. H., Hartrott, M. V., Honkavaara, K., Hüning, M., Ischebeck, R., Jaeschke, E., Jablonka, M., Kammering, R., Katalev, V., Keitel, B., Khodyachykh, S., Kim, Y., Kocharyan, V., Körfer, M., Kollewe, M., Kostin, D., Krämer, D., Krassilnikov, M., Kube, G., Lilje, L., Limberg, T., Lipka, D., Löhl, F., Luong, M., Magne, C., Menzel, J., Michelato, P., Miltchev, V., Minty, M., Möller, W. D., Monaco, L., Müller, W., Nagl, M., Napoly, O., Nicolosi, P., Nölle, D., Nuñez, T., Oppelt, A., Pagani, C., Paparella, R., Petersen, B., Petrosyan, B., Pflüger, J., Piot, P., Plönjes, E., Poletto, L., Proch, D., Pugachov, D., Rehlich, K., Richter, D., Riemann, S., Ross, M., Rossbach, J., Sachwitz, M., Saldin, E. L., Sandner, W., Schlarb, H., Schmidt, B., Schmitz, M., Schmüser, P., Schneider, J. R., Schneidmiller, E. A., Schreiber, H.-J., Schreiber, S.

    “…Many scientific disciplines ranging from physics, chemistry and biology to material sciences, geophysics and medical diagnostics need a powerful X-ray source…”
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    Change detection with 1 m resolution satellite and aerial images by Spitzer, H., Franck, R., Kollewe, M., Rega, N., Rothkirch, A., Wiemker, R.

    “…We propose an optimization of a computer based change detection technique based on Iterative Principal Component Analysis (IPCA). We determine and evaluate the…”
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    Conference Proceeding
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    A link between multispectral remote sensing, image processing and ecological analysis of landscape elements by Kollewe, M., Spitzer, H.

    “…For the purpose of combining the concepts of multispectral remote sensing, image processing and landscape ecology overflights over an area near the city of…”
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