Search Results - "Kohn, A E"
A naturalistic open-label study of mirtazapine in autistic and other pervasive developmental disorders
Published in Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology (01-09-2001)“…The aim of this study was to conduct a naturalistic, open-label examination of the efficacy and tolerability of mirtazapine (a medication with both…”
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Abrogation of the S Phase DNA Damage Checkpoint Results in S Phase Progression or Premature Mitosis Depending on the Concentration of 7-Hydroxystaurosporine and the Kinetics of Cdc25C Activation
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (19-07-2002)“…DNA damage causes cell cycle arrest in G1, S, or G2 to prevent replication on damaged DNA or to prevent aberrant mitosis. The G1 arrest requires the p53 tumor…”
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When the cannons roar, comics panels fall silent: on silent representations of traumatic events in Israeli comics and graphic novels
Published in Visual studies (Abingdon, England) (20-10-2022)“…The present study examines silent panels in five Israeli graphic novels and comics that deal - directly or indirectly - with traumatic events, whether…”
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Distinct roles for p53 transactivation and repression in preventing UCN-01-mediated abrogation of DNA damage-induced arrest at S and G sub(2) cell cycle checkpoints
Published in Oncogene (26-05-2005)“…The topoisomerase I inhibitor SN38 arrests cell cycle progression primarily in S or G sub(2) phases of the cell cycle in a p53-independent manner. The Chkl…”
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The Protein Kinase C Inhibitor Goe6976 Is a Potent Inhibitor of DNA Damage-induced S and G sub(2) Cell Cycle Checkpoints
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (01-01-2003)“…In response to DNA damage, cells arrest progression through the cell cycle at either G sub(1), S, or G sub(2). We have reported that UCN-01…”
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Parent-defined target symptoms respond to risperidone in RUPP autism study: customer approach to clinical trials
Published in Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (01-12-2003)“…A consumer-oriented efficacy assessment in clinical trials should measure changes in chief complaint and consumer request (symptoms of most concern to…”
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A novel indolocarbazole, ICP-1, abrogates DNA damage-induced cell cycle arrest and enhances cytotoxicity: similarities and differences to the cell cycle checkpoint abrogator UCN-01
Published in Molecular cancer therapeutics (01-10-2002)“…DNA damaging agents such as cisplatin arrest cell cycle progression at either G1, S, or G2 phase, although the G1 arrest is only seen in cells expressing the…”
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