Search Results - "Koçyiğit, Çağıl"
Robust multidimensional pricing: separation without regret
Published in Mathematical programming (01-11-2022)“…We study a robust monopoly pricing problem with a minimax regret objective, where a seller endeavors to sell multiple goods to a single buyer, only knowing…”
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Robust auction design under multiple priors by linear and integer programming
Published in Annals of operations research (2018)“…It is commonly assumed in the optimal auction design literature that valuations of buyers are independently drawn from a unique distribution. In this paper we…”
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Distributionally Robust Mechanism Design
Published in Management science (01-01-2020)“…We study a mechanism design problem in which an indivisible good is auctioned to multiple bidders for each of whom it has a private value that is unknown to…”
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Journal Article -
Robust Auction Design Under Multiple Priors
Published 01-01-2015“…In optimal auction design literature, it is a common assumption that valuations of buyers are independently drawn from a unique distribution. In this thesis,…”
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Dissertation -
Learning Optimal and Fair Policies for Online Allocation of Scarce Societal Resources from Data Collected in Deployment
Published 22-11-2023“…We study the problem of allocating scarce societal resources of different types (e.g., permanent housing, deceased donor kidneys for transplantation,…”
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Journal Article -
Distributionally Robust Linear Quadratic Control
Published 26-05-2023“…Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control is a fundamental control paradigm that is studied in various fields such as engineering, computer science, economics,…”
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Distributionally Robust Optimal Allocation with Costly Verification
Published 28-11-2022“…We consider the mechanism design problem of a principal allocating a single good to one of several agents without monetary transfers. Each agent desires the…”
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Journal Article -
Flight-Scheduling Optimization and Automation for AnadoluJet
Published in Interfaces (Providence) (01-07-2016)“…AnadoluJet, a leading Turkish domestic airline carrier provides high-service, low-price flights to 28 locations within Turkey. Each winter and summer,…”
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